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Chief posted:
Stormborn posted:
Churchill posted:

I am sorry to learn of Jalil's passing. Our families have known each other for a very long time . His Dad was Haji Yacoob Ally an early PPP stalwart. I last spoke with Jalil in mid September . He was still optimistic about recovering fully. He will be missed by his many friends and relatives. 

Is he from Port Morant? Does he have a sister named Yasmin?

You are probably speaking about Sheer Alli who had the travel agency at Port Mourant. He had a daughter by the name Yasmin.

Allem father was the famous Yacoob Ally from the United Sadar Islamic Anjuman from Georgetown, also a right had to the l;ate President Cheddi Jagan. Aleem mother hailed from Corriverton,.

Ok...knew Yasmin from school. I hope she was able to go to a university. That was her abiding aim. She was very bright.


Mel, Chief, Vishnu are among those here on GNI who knew Aleem for years. A signature event was binging out thousands on Liberty Avenue in wintery cold February of 1998 on short notice following the Jan 12th mayhem in Georgetown. Aleem used his medium to connect to a Guyanese community (both Indians and Blacks) for such events in New York. He was very much involved in the Brooklyn and Bronx communities as well.

Pagwah reporting was a steady staple on his Spotlight TV program as was cricket news in the days before the Internet and ready news of interest to the immigranrt Guyanese community. From Six Heads and Braithwaite to movie producers to Guyanese politicians - Aleem had them all covered.


I just logged in now and am reading this. I was fortunate to be able to speak to Jalil a few times when he was in the hospital. We talked of various things and of GNI. He did get under the skin of some here and I had suspended him over and over again. I mentioned that to him and he laughed. My condolences are extended to his family and friends. He was a dedicated member on GNI and he made his points whether you like it or not. For that he will be missed.

When my mother passed away he wrote me a lengthy personal note expressing his grief and also telling me a bit of himself and about the passing of his father and the funeral. From that time onwards on I had a deeper respect for him and never bothered too much anymore with his rantings.

 Jalil you will be missed, you have joined the great group of elite GNI members who have passed on to the great beyond.

My Allah Bless your soul.

Last edited by Amral

Inna lillahi wa inna ilayhi raji'un.

Quote Bro Jalil
TODAYâ€Ķâ€Ķâ€ĶI stand with the People
Thanks.....We won.....Jagdeo Lost.

ASJ if you need to contact me.....
My cell is 305-746-2212.         e-mail  :  "Unquote

It is with sadness this news of the passing of brother Aleem Ally has reached me.
My condolences to his family and loved ones, I joined them in their grief, for brother Aleem was more than a friend.

"O Allah, forgive Brother Aleem. Make him among the guided ones, raise his status and be his deputy among the grieving. O Lord of the two worlds, forgive us and him and make his grave wide and full of light".


Guess I will share this from brother Aleem (Jalil) this was some time in 2013 almost three years:
My God there is like enough articles to write a book:
This is just a short one:


Asj there is certain things about Jagan that stands out,

He was Honest, Sincere, Just, Decent, Truthful and Kind.


One time when I was a Little Boy,

My father took him to Parika for a Public Meeting,

I was in Our Land Rover with him...

when we reached Parika....

everyone rushed the jeep

to see him .......touch him.... to talk to him

and to listen to him....


it felt that moment as if the whole

Essequibo river had flooded Parika.


A next time we were going to Essequibo Coast

and we got to the Same stelling....

but no one knew he was coming..


believe had to be there to see....

in no time the place was overcrowded again.


I saw Cheddi did something that no one would do

He loved Mangoes....

he went and Bought a Parcel of Mangoes.....


The man did not want to take his money,

Cheddi told him

"I will not take it unless you take the money"


The man reluctantly said ok....

but give him some extra mangoes....


But he give him back the Extra Mangoes

and pointing to a small pile on the side

he said what's wrong with those mangoes...

the Vendor said

"No Chief... dem touch and me gun throw or give dem away"

Cheddi said

" sell yuh good mangoes...I will take some of those"


Dr Jagan bend down and took 6 of those mangoes...

he asked me to go and wash them at the pipe....


when I brought them back....

he said we will have some here now....

and the rest later....


I can still Picture Cheddi,

my father and I eating these Delicious Mango...

with the Juice running down the side of our hands....

It was the Best mangoes I ever had. 


Jagdeo & Ramotar only concern themselves

with how much they can thief,

full their pocket,

trample on the rights of the poor-people and

hold on to power at all cost....

and by any means necessary.


A Lesson in Humbleness

Back to our Topic

if we continue the way we are doing

getting to 100 pages is simple

just make sure there is something of substance on top of every page exactly as you have been doing...


It is indeed sad to hear that a fellow GNIer has passed away.  I must confess I have absolutely no idea who Jalil was. With an exception of Kari and Vishnu M. I have no idea what the rest of you on this forum look like.  I paddle through this forum everyday to see what's cooking on the political scene in Guyana.  Jalil was always here with rocks in his hands ready throw and throw he did.  

May his soul rest in peace and his loved ones left behind find happiness in his memories. We are all here for a limited amount of time. Enjoy it and don't get caught up with things that matter little in life. 



Billy Ram Balgobin

Inna lillaahi wa inna ilihi raajiun.

I had dinner with Jalil about a year ago when he visited South Florida. We went to Tropics Sports Bar but did not have any alcohol. Hope he wasn't disappointed by that.  We talked about the political changes occurring in Guyana and he promised to set up a meeting with me and Moses. I really didn't care to meet Moses but since Jalil was my guest then, I just let it slide. We spoke a few times since about his family and mine. I am indeed to hear of his passing. May Allah grant him jannatul firdous.

Incidentally, my mother in law passed away Thursday morning. She was only 72 years old with her 73rd birthday coming up in October 16th. If everything works as planned, we will pour her ashes into the sea on October 16th essentially returning her to God on the anniversary of her birth. My mother in law was a wonderful woman who touched many people in a very special way. She will be surely missed by her family and friends. May her soul always rest in peace, always.

Bibi Haniffa posted:

I have known Aleem for almost twenty years.  I hope he finally realized who I really am, and he didn't die still thinking that I was Kwame.  We all must return from whence we came.

Jalil knew exactly who you are even from your early days on GNI. He was the person who told me your real name privately. Whenever he called you Kwame, it was in a metaphorical way. Jalil was having fun in GNI Political playing crazy deliberately. Some of his opponents mistakenly thought he was crazy for real.

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