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Jalil Bhai's departure is a reminder to those of remaining that we will also have to go some day.

Despite our differences, we must not hold personal hate for each other. 

We can argue and fight politically and leave it at just that.

I always felt that he was a PPP man who was wronged or felt that the PPP was hijacked and moving in the wrong direction and he never failed to express the way he felt. 

I pray that Jalil goes back the the abode of the almighty.

RIP Jalil Bhai.

Last edited by Former Member
Kari posted:

Chief, I spoke to Vishnu Mahadeo this morning about Aleem. He's still in Guyana and should be back next weekend. Vish is saddened by Aleem's passing.

I am indeed saddened by Aleem's departure

He was a true friend

He was a very conscious person

He was instrumental with the opening of the Cheddi Jagan Medical Center on Liberty Ave,  late 90s

He set the standard for Guyana News and community engagement 

He always pick the right 'fights'

Never afraid to support the underdog even if it is not popular 

He was a Guyanese not blinded by religion

He was also a personal person who took the time to connect with my family

He brought out the best of Kari He made Kari a newscaster and TV host  

He was a friend

i will miss him


Vish M

Glad you brought up the Cheddi Jagan Medical Center on Liberty Ave, Vish. Indeed with Janet Jagan involved Aleem and yourself worked tirelessly to make this a success. You were indeed a big part of that.

Regarding the TV gig I told Aleem that I'm not a journalist and I still am not, but he cajoled me into doing it, as well as writing for the Chronicle and participating in some radio shows.

Bristol and Ritchie Singh who both passed away recently were partners in several projects that Aleem was in the middle of.

Kari posted:

Glad you brought up the Cheddi Jagan Medical Center on Liberty Ave, Vish. Indeed with Janet Jagan involved Aleem and yourself worked tirelessly to make this a success. You were indeed a big part of that.

Regarding the TV gig I told Aleem that I'm not a journalist and I still am not, but he cajoled me into doing it, as well as writing for the Chronicle and participating in some radio shows.

Bristol and Ritchie Singh who both passed away recently were partners in several projects that Aleem was in the middle of.

Imagine Ritchie, Aleem and Bristol catching up there and asking for you and Vishnu to join them.

Chief posted:
Kari posted:

Glad you brought up the Cheddi Jagan Medical Center on Liberty Ave, Vish. Indeed with Janet Jagan involved Aleem and yourself worked tirelessly to make this a success. You were indeed a big part of that.

Regarding the TV gig I told Aleem that I'm not a journalist and I still am not, but he cajoled me into doing it, as well as writing for the Chronicle and participating in some radio shows.

Bristol and Ritchie Singh who both passed away recently were partners in several projects that Aleem was in the middle of.

Imagine Ritchie, Aleem and Bristol catching up there and asking for you and Vishnu to join them.

There is a time and place for each individual to join the others; as time permits.

As a note, in times of sorrow and reflections, there are always moments for levity, jokes and colourful conversations.


I wish to join with the many sympathizers in expressing my heartfelt sympathy at the passing of Jalil ( Aleem Ally ) a comrade in the struggle for a better Guyana. Aleem's family and myself go back many years when we became bonded together in the struggle for fair and free elections . Aleem was one of the many  forgotten heroes of that struggle. I wish his family comfort especially his daughter , his siblings , and his many friends and relatives.

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