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The president cried because Chief is a traitor of his country of birth. He's appeasing the enemies against America. He praised the Taliban and support sharia laws to kill women and children. He's praying for people like Osama-Bin-Laden to get to heaven to receive his gift of 72 patakake. Any president would cry for these reasons. Chief, you have something to say?

Originally Posted by Kari:

To have a thread like this is GNI reaching for the bottom. Chief....this is not a topic worth of your authorship. The rest of you....well, you're just being yourselves.

What is wrong with this thread Kari?

All of us are crying including the President but he had 4 years to stand up to the NRA AND HE DID NADA!!

Originally Posted by Kari:

To have a thread like this is GNI reaching for the bottom. Chief....this is not a topic worth of your authorship. The rest of you....well, you're just being yourselves.

I concur Kari, no further comment on the author in respect to the victims, apart from bottom-feeders will always be bottom-feeders.

Originally Posted by Chief:
Originally Posted by Nehru:

Why the emphasis on a crying President and NOT the young, innocent lives.

The emphasis has to be a President who is now crying but failed to stand up the bully, the NRA.

I dont think you have an understanding of American Govt and Politics. The President tried many times but was SHOT DOWN by CONGRESS. This is not your Idol Burnham style of Govt.

Originally Posted by Nehru:
Originally Posted by Chief:



I do understand how the American government system work.  Congress is like A Prostitute they go for the person with the biggest wallet. NRA,INSURANCE AND JEWSIH LOBBYIST!!


 Our great President has to lead and for now when it comes to the NRA IT'S ALL TALK AND NO ACTION.


Gotta hand credit here to Nehru. He answered the question posed by Chief to me. Simply put it is misplaced to focus on the President's crying (he exhibited the right emotion as a father) to the exclusion of the issues society as a whole, including out elected representatives art all levels. It appears to be a shot to Obama, not for trying to do something about gun violence, but for doing Nada, as Chief so succinctly put it. Nehru is also right about how much the President can do about gun violence and the efforts to thwart him. The Justice Dept had some recommendations about some banning of some weapons, making it tougher to geta gun license and to track gun ownership in a more responsible way. Then came te Republicans' "Fast and Furious" - remember Chief. Then came the elections attacks - remember Chief. Remember what was done to Susan Rice Chief? Obama can do somethings by Executive order, but the greater thing is for society to kick out the fools in congress who toe the gun lobbyists' line. You're fighting the wrong war Chief. And thanks to Nehru for his efforts to educate you - some may find this blasphemous, but remember the line in Desiderata about listening to the dull and ignorant (not that Nehru is ignorant and dull), they too have their story.

Originally Posted by Henry:
Originally Posted by Chief:

All of us are crying including the President but he had 4 years to stand up to the NRA AND HE DID NADA!!

The fool in Connecticut only killed 20 children. Meanwhile, Obama killed 174 children in Pakistan with drones.

Henry, That is BULLSHIT!!!! Let us not call apples oranges.

Originally Posted by Nehru:
Originally Posted by Henry:
Originally Posted by Chief:

All of us are crying including the President but he had 4 years to stand up to the NRA AND HE DID NADA!!

The fool in Connecticut only killed 20 children. Meanwhile, Obama killed 174 children in Pakistan with drones.

Henry, That is BULLSHIT!!!! Let us not call apples oranges.

Why, are Pakistani kids less human than the ones in the USA? Of course, in one sense the comparison is inexact, because the American citizenry does not share responsibility for the crimes committed by the Connecticut shooter. We didn't elect that guy.

Originally Posted by Kari:

Gotta hand credit here to Nehru. He answered the question posed by Chief to me. Simply put it is misplaced to focus on the President's crying (he exhibited the right emotion as a father) to the exclusion of the issues society as a whole, including out elected representatives art all levels. It appears to be a shot to Obama, not for trying to do something about gun violence, but for doing Nada, as Chief so succinctly put it. Nehru is also right about how much the President can do about gun violence and the efforts to thwart him. The Justice Dept had some recommendations about some banning of some weapons, making it tougher to geta gun license and to track gun ownership in a more responsible way. Then came te Republicans' "Fast and Furious" - remember Chief. Then came the elections attacks - remember Chief. Remember what was done to Susan Rice Chief? Obama can do somethings by Executive order, but the greater thing is for society to kick out the fools in congress who toe the gun lobbyists' line. You're fighting the wrong war Chief. And thanks to Nehru for his efforts to educate you - some may find this blasphemous, but remember the line in Desiderata about listening to the dull and ignorant (not that Nehru is ignorant and dull), they too have their story.

Your lengthy rant makes little or no sense.Obama himself admitted that a serious conversation is needed for too many of our citizens are dying  because  of guns.

Obama has done nothing and I repeat nothing to addresses gun control.  His tears is genuine like every parent in America, but please Mr President  grow some balls and as leader of our nation do something about guns.


 Your initial  point about something is wrong with this thread  is rubbish!!

Originally Posted by Henry:
Originally Posted by Nehru:
Originally Posted by Henry:
Originally Posted by Chief:

All of us are crying including the President but he had 4 years to stand up to the NRA AND HE DID NADA!!

The fool in Connecticut only killed 20 children. Meanwhile, Obama killed 174 children in Pakistan with drones.

Henry, That is BULLSHIT!!!! Let us not call apples oranges.

Why, are Pakistani kids less human than the ones in the USA? Of course, in one sense the comparison is inexact, because the American citizenry does not share responsibility for the crimes committed by the Connecticut shooter. We didn't elect that guy.

Your statement  is taboo in America!!!


Chiefsta......Obama campaigned in his 2008 Presidential bid for an assault weapons ban. His intentions are the right ones but he has not led and instead signed into law the Congressional Bill to allow concealed weapons in a bar. So Ii grant you that. I believed that a thread that focused on the President crying and not doing anything was not worthy of a topic because of the focus. There are other threads on this topic and you will see that I posted on one of them as well. This thread went into patax and Islamic terrorists. And it was easy to see why. I believed that the topic invited this basest of GNI's instincts. I have no argument with you that Obama needs to act and not just say things. He's going into his 2nd term soon and he has an opportunity to drag Congress on this. But look what this thread spawned in the earlier comments.


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