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Opposition MP Jagan ill and overseas

Dr. Clive Jagan as he took the Oath as a parliamentarian last year.

Dr. Clive Jagan as he took the Oath as a parliamentarian last year.

Opposition People’s Progressive Party Civic (PPPC) legislator, Dr. Clive Jagan is ill and is overseas, according to Opposition Leader Bharrat Jagdeo.

“Dr. Jagan is abroad. He is seeking medical attention,”  Jagdeo told a news conference.

Jagdeo did not want to say whether his party would seek a replacement for Jagan, a nephew of late PPP co-founder, Dr. Cheddi Jagan.


Wishing you well Clive, you are good friend - Tola.

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Is this what politics has become in Guyana ? 

When an MP and prominent businessman is down  and struggling with life, he is ignored by some, even his own party supporters.

I guess he is no longer useful for their purpose and discarded.  

Shameful !! 


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