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Former Member

Former University of Guyana lecturer Freddie Kissoon says he is satisfied with the outcome of the five-week strike even though there was no immediate reemployment of the three lecturers terminated – of which he is one.


During a telephone interview yesterday with Stabroek News, Kissoon opined that better feedback from the government was not something he had expected, given “the attitude of the government”. “I don’t think you could have gotten any better results based on the attitude of the government. 


Freddie Kissoon


The higher authorities, specifically President Donald Ramotar, didn’t take interest for that five-week period. He had to consult with his people. I believe that he wanted me out. He gave no instructions for the matter to be resolved. The government allowed discussion on everything else except the termination of the three lecturers. That is the Guyana government’s position,” Kissoon stated.


Apart from that, Kissoon said he was very pleased with the support he received from the various unions that formed Operation Rescue UG and considered the results obtained a victory on their part. “I could not have asked for any more commitment from Operation Rescue UG. They provided a great framework for the rehabilitation of UG… I would have had to make a sacrifice for the other demands to be met. That was victory. I am pleased even if I am not reemployed. This conflict generated victory for us and that is irreversible in my mind,” he said.


Operation Rescue UG, consisting of the University of Guyana Senior Staff Association (UGSSA), the University of Guyana Workers Union (UGWU) and the University of Guyana Student Society (UGSS), was recently formed and has been protesting against the poor conditions of the Turkeyen Campus. After meeting with Minister of Labour, Dr Nanda Gopaul, on Saturday last, an agreement was reached, resulting in the cancellation of a three-day strike which was scheduled to begin on Monday last.


Infrastructural issues were addressed and agreed upon, however, the issue of the termination of lecturers is expected to be addressed only after a week of full resumption by lecturers and other staff members. Meanwhile, with regard to government officials sitting on the university council, Kissoon said he is not of the impression that such a scenario will ever be played out again. “I don’t think we will ever see again a council with nine government appointees including people with no education. That is the victory…that is what I have been fighting for since I became a member of council. That, for me, is a victory. I have to juxtapose that against not being reemployed. We have been struggling for our rights at UG. You win some, you lose some. If I don’t go back to UG, I am satisfied,” Kissoon stated.


He pointed out that quality leadership was provided by UGSSA President and Vice President, Dr Patsy Francis and Dr Melissa Ifill respectively, and also President of the UGSS, Duane Edwards. “Results were what we got, minus immediate reemployment of the three lecturers,” he reiterated. Kissoon stated that he has since been asked by UG economist, Dr Thomas Singh to submit his curriculum vitae and to provide completed research which he noted has already been prepared. Singh is expected to lead discussions on the contract termination matter. “I think their (Operation Rescue UG) position will be when you juxtapose my records with those of others who have been reemployed; they [administration] will have a problem justifying my dismissal,” he suggested.


He further indicated that senior labour officer, Charles Ogle, has been sent on leave. “I don’t think that bodes well because he has all the background. I think Operation Rescue UG will ask that his leave be suspended,” Kissoon said. He said he was not aware of when the discussions will begin. “I don’t think the government ever adheres to timelines so this situation may be no different.”


Specific areas to be addressed are the Agriculture, Natural Science Annex, Biodiversity, Health Science, Education Lecture Theatre, Technology, Stables- Arts and Social Sciences, George Walcott Lecture Theatre and the small lecture theatre. These buildings are all slated for repair. The roofs of the Senior Common Room, New Building Society Hall and Residence, Technology, Maintenance, Offices of Natural Science, Health Sciences Anatomy Labora-tory and the Stables- Social Sciences and Arts will all be replaced. There will be rehabilitation and flushing of all manholes and total restoration of tile work in washrooms.


It was noted that the perimeter canals are constantly cleared but clearing of the main distribution outlets leading to the Liliendaal Pump Station outside the campus will be addressed. In addition to this, the electrical wiring in 90% of the existing buildings will be replaced. Also, 70% of the campus will be fenced.

Replies sorted oldest to newest

Originally Posted by Conscience:

Freddie Days at the University are over......he was a grossly unperformed Lecturer...who should have been fired years ago....

And you are saying this in all good "conscience"?  What about Evan Radhe Persaud?

Originally Posted by Conscience:

Freddie and Lecturer Persaud are two different scenarios......

How so?  What research has Persaud done?  Why was the complaint against him handled with due process, and the same was not afforded to Freddie, who by the way was teaching for decades before Persaud?


Overloading the council with govt appointees is indeed wrong however Freddie is a disgrace and should not be infecting the young minds with his mindless thoughts. He does not belong in an institution of learning, his forte is gutter journalism. hahahahah

Originally Posted by BGurd_See:

Overloading the council with govt appointees is indeed wrong however Freddie is a disgrace and should not be infecting the young minds with his mindless thoughts. He does not belong in an institution of learning, his forte is gutter journalism. hahahahah

Even were that so, due process should be followed - yes or no, BGurd_See?

He is over 60 and is of ill repute, his place at UG is at the pleasure of the council rather than an entitlement.  He is preventing a younger brighter person from employment. Send this man out to pasture. Freddie is not before the courts on this matter so I don't see the reason for due process. 
Originally Posted by Gerhard Ramsaroop:
Originally Posted by BGurd_See:

Overloading the council with govt appointees is indeed wrong however Freddie is a disgrace and should not be infecting the young minds with his mindless thoughts. He does not belong in an institution of learning, his forte is gutter journalism. hahahahah

Even were that so, due process should be followed - yes or no, BGurd_See?

Originally Posted by BGurd_See:
He is over 60 and is of ill repute, his place at UG is at the pleasure of the council rather than an entitlement.  He is preventing a younger brighter person from employment. Send this man out to pasture. Freddie is not before the courts on this matter so I don't see the reason for due process. 
Originally Posted by Gerhard Ramsaroop:
Originally Posted by BGurd_See:

Overloading the council with govt appointees is indeed wrong however Freddie is a disgrace and should not be infecting the young minds with his mindless thoughts. He does not belong in an institution of learning, his forte is gutter journalism. hahahahah

Even were that so, due process should be followed - yes or no, BGurd_See?

BGurd_See, UG has its due process as it relates to dismissal of lecturers defined.  In the case of Freddie Kissoon it was not followed.  Whatever else you say is not the issue, and it is certainly not true that Kissoon was there at the pleasure of the council.  Come on stay focused, bro.  You are capable of being fair from time to time, one more time certainly won't kill you.


Freddy crossed the line with Donald.  Freddy is a good guy and he should not have been fired but he crossed the line with Donald.  He broke a cardinal rule in Guyanese politics.  Now why would Donald intervene to get him his job back. 

Originally Posted by Wally:

Freddy crossed the line with Donald.  Freddy is a good guy and he should not have been fired but he crossed the line with Donald.  He broke a cardinal rule in Guyanese politics.  Now why would Donald intervene to get him his job back. 

Regardless, Uncle Wally, Freddie is entitled to due process.  Isn't that what the fight against the PNC was all about?  Why should it be any different today?


Dear Editor,

This University of Guyana/Kissoon matter has reminded me once again of an exchange between a former Guyana Chronicle columnist and Moses Nagamootoo at a conference held at the NAAC1E building in Kingston some years ago. In response to Mr Nagamootoo rebuking him about his one-sided writing – “How could you bastardise yourself like that? – the columnist with a straight face casually said: “Moses, don’t worry with all dah talk about balance writing, conscience about right and wrong; when the table turn, you gon be doing just wha I doing now and I gon be saying all wha you saying now.“


Judging from what I’ve read and what many learned respected individuals in academia who are knowledgeable about the modus operandi of UG have said, and the explanation from the UG Council, it appears that they will have the devil’s job in convincing the majority of Guyanese that the dismissal of Freddie Kissoon is well grounded and not political in nature.


Given that Mr Kissoon is the author of relentless and caustic criticism of government, ministers and senior public functionaries for a host of improprieties and immorality over the years, and given how he is perceived by an overwhelming majority of our people, definitely both the UG Council and the government will be like a cow on ice trying to convince the nation that this popular columnist is not being sledged for being annoyingly critical.


All the defence arguments about the legitimacy of the contract and the age factor, from all the evidence, when placed against the arguments stated by the many contributors, do seem tangled and feeble. Really, though, to be practical, it surely becomes too large a pill to swallow by claiming that after 26 years of teaching at a university – except one has lost his/her mind – that a lecturer has all along been incompetent, performed below required expectations and has not been doing research. The retirement age factor we can leave out, since as Clarence Perry has noted, too many precedents exist at UG. Then how can you, having discovered all these shortcomings, never have summoned this individual to point them out? Why was there never a warning as Kissoon has stated, or ever a complaint against him from any student?


And this is what makes the stand taken by the UG Council a hard pill to swallow in their attempt to assert that  the dismissal of one of the foremost critics of the government was without malice. It is a tough job, like having a basket to fetch water.


Yours faithfully, 
Frank Fyffe


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