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Outrage grows over salary increase

…TIGI boss and Gaskin denounce “excessive”, “premature” raises

The A Partnership for National Unity/Alliance for Change (APNU/AFC) Administration continues to come under fire for

President of TIGI Calvin Bernard

President of TIGI Calvin Bernard

its decision to increase its Ministers’ salaries by a whopping 50 per cent.  Several independent commentators have added their assessment that the raise is way too “excessive” given the fact that public servants were given a miniscule five per cent increase. During last week Minister of State Joseph Harmon confirmed and vigorously defended his Government’s decision to raise the salaries of Ministers, Junior Ministers, including three Vice Presidents. Since then, an increasing number of key stakeholders in society have indicated their disappointment and even outrage in the Coalition Administration.

TIGI Speaking with Guyana Times on Saturday, President of the Transparency Institute Guyana Inc (TIGI) Calvin Bernard has also condemned the move by Government, saying it is too soon for a raise and more so such a “very excessive” one. According to Bernard, the issue goes back to early August when the salary increases was first published by this newspaper and Government’s reaction was to merely say they were just “considering it” and were looking at setting up some structure for salary scales. He noted that the impression given by the Administration was that it was not to be implemented anytime soon. He was referring to a statement by Minister of Governance Raphael Trotman who signalled strongly that the projected salary increase would be rescinded. The TIGI President noted that while in opposition, both the APNU and AFC were quick to point out that the salaries of the former People’s Progressive Party/Civic Administration was too high. “This increase, like the modification at the level of ministries, was not part of the party manifesto for the elections so it begs the question:

Ramon Gaskin 

Ramon Gaskin

how did it become such a priority? The way in which they were done suggest that there was hope that they would go unnoticed. One of the first things we learned from the new Government was that the treasury was near broke when they took office. If we are near broke how do we afford these increases? We should therefore be given a clear explanation on how they will be funded,” Bernard demanded. Moreover, he went on to outline that meagre salaries paid to public servants are “shameful” and is likely to drives some towards corrupting the systems, not necessarily as greed but to earn a little extra in order to survive. The TIGI President opined that the general public service has received no increases that are of real consequence in giving them a decent living and allowing them to stop corrupt activities. “The corruption in the public service is felt directly by the ordinary man who must choose between: going before the court to waste time because the Officers never show up to give witness; and paying the officer a ‘small piece’ or buying them a ‘Chiney’ fried rice; or choose between enduring long lines to access basic services because those who give the persons at the desk/counter a ‘small piece’ have to be served before, and just simply paying the ‘small piece’ for faster service,” Bernard highlighted. One of the justifications given by Minister Harmon for the increases was that it would prevent Ministers from “thiefing” like those under the PPP/C regime, however the TIGI President explained that Ministers never steal for need but for greed. “No matter what you pay a greedy thief, they will still steal. Better to make sure you got no thieves in the system. Additionally, the theft at the high level is indirectly felt by the ordinary man. Minister Harmon says that the ministers deserve the increases, but how could they objectively determine this when they have not been evaluated,” Bernard added.

Gaskin On the other hand, political commentator Ramon Gaskin is also of the view that the salary increase Government has given themselves is way too excessive when compared with the meagre five per cent hike given to Public Servants. Gaskin pointed out that in addition to a salary, Ministers also get a host of other benefits that would rack up to over a million dollars per month each. He mentioned duty free on vehicles, electricity subventions, insurance, free travel allowance, among others. “When you add all of these benefits up, the cost for them is way too much along with their salaries,” he stated. Furthermore he stated, there are too many Ministers in this Government – 27 of them: “It is a lot of money and the country cannot afford to pay such a huge increase to so many Ministers.” Gaskin further opined that it is too early in the game for anybody to get any increases. He noted that before an increase can be given, a certain amount of time needs to pass and an evaluation undertaken. This, he noted, should be done by an independent Committee and not by Cabinet. “It’s like you are setting and giving yourself a salary… You need an independent committee of professional persons to determine this… Ministers should be paid properly but should not be allowed to set their salaries themselves,” Gaskin underlined.

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QUOTE"He was referring to a statement by Minister of Governance Raphael Trotman who signalled strongly that the projected salary increase would be rescinded. The TIGI President noted that while in opposition, both the APNU and AFC were quick to point out that the salaries of the former People’s Progressive Party/Civic Administration was too high. “


 On the other hand, political commentator Ramon Gaskin is also of the view that the salary increase Government has given themselves is way too excessive when compared with the meagre five per cent hike given to Public Servants.
Gaskin pointed out that in addition to a salary, Ministers also get a host of other benefits that would rack up to over a million dollars per month each. He mentioned duty free on vehicles, electricity subventions, insurance, free travel allowance, among others.
“When you add all of these benefits up, the cost for them is way too much along with their salaries,” he stated. Furthermore he stated, there are too many Ministers in this Government – 27 of them: “It is a lot of money and the country cannot afford to pay such a huge increase to so many Ministers.”


I went to the Business meeting in Toronto yesterday. The Ministers and GOINVEST Officers-so much negativity from those people. I wonder why they bother to come and present the possibilities of doing business in Guyana. Judging from those misfits, THE COUNTRY IS F<U>C>K>E>D. Yes, I know it is Sunday morning, but no other word can best describe the government's performance.


What a sick affair. Ten minutes to explain Business Proposal with an azzhole sitting beside the presented interjecting on whether the proposal was worthy enough and gauging the minutes that went by. Many of those minute went by just telling the azzhole not to interrupt.


Imagine 10 hours of 10 minutes meetings. Those government people eventually became zombies. If u were a black presenter, time constraints was not a factor. Obviously, a glaring prejudice.


Not a racist comment. There were four Blacks, one Mixed and a Beautiful young woman(couldn't tell what she was). NOT ONE FREAKING COOOLIE PERSON. Out of the whole group, only the Beautiful young woman grasped my presentation. The rest of the gang were pure skonts. Which proves the Colonial thinking that Fair Skin people are brilliant.


Ramjattan truly hates Corentyne people. His remarks were demeaning to Indian-like dey backward.


Nagamoottoo, well, he is finally is rewarded. He gat the job. And that is it.


It was sad day. Guyana is truly a fooked up place. The people of Guyana have no representation.


Last edited by seignet
Originally Posted by seignet:

I went to the Business meeting in Toronto yesterday. The Ministers and GOINVEST Officers-so much negativity from those people. I wonder why they bother to come and present the possibilities of doing business in Guyana. Judging from those misfits, THE COUNTRY IS F<U>C>K>E>D. Yes, I know it is Sunday morning, but no other word can best describe the government's performance.


What a sick affair. Ten minutes to explain Business Proposal with an azzhole sitting beside the presented interjecting on whether the proposal was worthy enough and gauging the minutes that went by. Many of those minute went by just telling the azzhole not to interrupt.


Imagine 10 hours of 10 minutes meetings. Those government people eventually became zombies. If u were a black presenter, time constraints was not a factor. Obviously, a glaring prejudice.


Not a racist comment. There were four Blacks, one Mixed and a Beautiful young woman(couldn't tell what she was). NOT ONE FREAKING COOOLIE PERSON. Out of the whole group, only the Beautiful young woman grasped my presentation. The rest of the gang were pure skonts. Which proves the Colonial thinking that Fair Skin people are brilliant.


Ramjattan truly hates Corentyne people. His remarks were demeaning to Indian-like dey backward.


Nagamoottoo, well, he is finally is rewarded. He gat the job. And that is it.


It was sad day. Guyana is truly a fooked up place. The people of Guyana have no representation.


Hmmmmm!  Thanks for sharing.  And glad you went.

Bibi Haniffa
Originally Posted by Mars:
Originally Posted by seignet:

 Which proves the Colonial thinking that Fair Skin people are brilliant.



The world will be a better place when you racist old fools die out.

And white people will enslave u azz for just being backward.

Originally Posted by seignet:
Originally Posted by Mars:
Originally Posted by seignet:

 Which proves the Colonial thinking that Fair Skin people are brilliant.



The world will be a better place when you racist old fools die out.

And white people will enslave u azz for just being backward.

Why would the white man want to enslave me? A bloody moron like you talking about being backward. You would be shitting on the streets today if the white man didn't bring your ancestors to BG. You should be in Church today asking for forgiveness for your wickedness before you kick the bucket. Somehow I think you'll go to your grave as a racist bastard. People like you cannot change your evil ways no matter how much you become a turncoat and tek up de white man religion.

Last edited by Mars

Seigy, I hope more people come out tonight at the dinner and air their view. I am against this increase and I did let them know. I find their explanation absurd. For me 2 years is reasonable time to assess their performance.

Originally Posted by Mars:
Originally Posted by seignet:
Originally Posted by Mars:
Originally Posted by seignet:

 Which proves the Colonial thinking that Fair Skin people are brilliant.



The world will be a better place when you racist old fools die out.

And white people will enslave u azz for just being backward.

Why would the white man want to enslave me? A bloody moron like you talking about being backward. You would be shitting on the streets today if the white man didn't bring your ancestors to BG. You should be in Church today asking for forgiveness for your wickedness before you kick the bucket. Somehow I think you'll go to your grave as a racist bastard. People like you cannot change your evil ways no matter how much you become a turncoat and tek up de white man religion.

Good fuh you. How many handles u have. U sound familiar.

Originally Posted by Mitwah:

Seigy, I hope more people come out tonight at the dinner and air their view. I am against this increase and I did let them know. I find their explanation absurd. For me 2 years is reasonable time to assess their performance.

It is a clan. If a person is not a clan member, they are not bothered with.


I hope the Trade unions down tools and force them out of government. And create a Peoples Government. These remnants of PPP and PNC are bad for the country.

Originally Posted by Mars:
Originally Posted by seignet:
Originally Posted by Mars:
Originally Posted by seignet:

 Which proves the Colonial thinking that Fair Skin people are brilliant.



The world will be a better place when you racist old fools die out.

And white people will enslave u azz for just being backward.

Why would the white man want to enslave me? A bloody moron like you talking about being backward. You would be shitting on the streets today if the white man didn't bring your ancestors to BG. You should be in Church today asking for forgiveness for your wickedness before you kick the bucket. Somehow I think you'll go to your grave as a racist bastard. People like you cannot change your evil ways no matter how much you become a turncoat and tek up de white man religion.

Just re-read ur post. And I suppose you will not die. Perhaps u will before me. I am old and living. Are u sure u will make it to my age.


For my Indo brethens who made to the Whiteman's colonies eat ur heart out about our progress. We do better than running snackettes. WINHD shows our progress.  

Originally Posted by seignet:
Originally Posted by Mars:
Originally Posted by seignet:
Originally Posted by Mars:
Originally Posted by seignet:

 Which proves the Colonial thinking that Fair Skin people are brilliant.



The world will be a better place when you racist old fools die out.

And white people will enslave u azz for just being backward.

Why would the white man want to enslave me? A bloody moron like you talking about being backward. You would be shitting on the streets today if the white man didn't bring your ancestors to BG. You should be in Church today asking for forgiveness for your wickedness before you kick the bucket. Somehow I think you'll go to your grave as a racist bastard. People like you cannot change your evil ways no matter how much you become a turncoat and tek up de white man religion.

Just re-read ur post. And I suppose you will not die. Perhaps u will before me. I am old and living. Are u sure u will make it to my age.


For my Indo brethens who made to the Whiteman's colonies eat ur heart out about our progress. We do better than running snackettes. WINHD shows our progress.  

Listen you old jackass. All this talk about the white man making me a slave and running snackettes only goes to show how much of a moron you are. You racist fools believe that if someone does not swallow the PPP swill then they must be black or belong to the PNC. Even if I were black, I would not be insulted by someone suggesting that I should be enslaved because I'm fully aware that it's not possible.

I will die eventually and it may be tomorrow or later but I'll die knowing that I'm not a racist old coot like you. I'll die a happy man unlike you running to the church every Sunday to beg for forgiveness for your wicked ways. Well dropping your religion and picking up the white man's does not make you a better person. It takes a hell of a lot more than that. I don't give a shit about anyone else's progress. If you have a few jills, then good for you. The problem is that your mind has not progressed beyond Bihar two centuries ago. You can take you a racist old mudhead out of the mud but you can't take the mud out of his head.

Last edited by Mars
Originally Posted by Mars:
Originally Posted by seignet:
Originally Posted by Mars:
Originally Posted by seignet:
Originally Posted by Mars:
Originally Posted by seignet:

 Which proves the Colonial thinking that Fair Skin people are brilliant.



The world will be a better place when you racist old fools die out.

And white people will enslave u azz for just being backward.

Why would the white man want to enslave me? A bloody moron like you talking about being backward. You would be shitting on the streets today if the white man didn't bring your ancestors to BG. You should be in Church today asking for forgiveness for your wickedness before you kick the bucket. Somehow I think you'll go to your grave as a racist bastard. People like you cannot change your evil ways no matter how much you become a turncoat and tek up de white man religion.

Just re-read ur post. And I suppose you will not die. Perhaps u will before me. I am old and living. Are u sure u will make it to my age.


For my Indo brethens who made to the Whiteman's colonies eat ur heart out about our progress. We do better than running snackettes. WINHD shows our progress.  

Listen you old jackass. All this talk about the white man making me a slave and running snackettes only goes to show how much of a moron you are. You racist fools believe that if someone does not swallow the PPP swill then they must be black or belong to the PNC. Even if I were black, I would not be insulted by someone suggesting that I should be enslaved because I'm fully aware that it's not possible.

I will die eventually and it may be tomorrow or later but I'll die knowing that I'm not a racist old coot like you. I'll die a happy man unlike you running to the church every Sunday to beg for forgiveness for your wicked ways. Well dropping your religion and picking up the white man's does not make you a better person. It takes a hell of a lot more than that. I don't give a shit about anyone else's progress. If you have a few jills, then good for you. The problem is that your mind has not progressed beyond Bihar two centuries ago. You can take you a racist old mudhead out of the mud but you can't take the mud out of his head.

Then post like an intelligent person. Do not go off on a tirade and start off on my racist tendencies. They are not racist. As an Indian I am offended by things demeaning. The truth is my people are not shitting on the street of Bihar. My people in Guyana. Suh stop ur racist rants.

Originally Posted by seignet:
Originally Posted by Mars:
Originally Posted by seignet:
Originally Posted by Mars:
Originally Posted by seignet:
Originally Posted by Mars:
Originally Posted by seignet:

 Which proves the Colonial thinking that Fair Skin people are brilliant.



The world will be a better place when you racist old fools die out.

And white people will enslave u azz for just being backward.

Why would the white man want to enslave me? A bloody moron like you talking about being backward. You would be shitting on the streets today if the white man didn't bring your ancestors to BG. You should be in Church today asking for forgiveness for your wickedness before you kick the bucket. Somehow I think you'll go to your grave as a racist bastard. People like you cannot change your evil ways no matter how much you become a turncoat and tek up de white man religion.

Just re-read ur post. And I suppose you will not die. Perhaps u will before me. I am old and living. Are u sure u will make it to my age.


For my Indo brethens who made to the Whiteman's colonies eat ur heart out about our progress. We do better than running snackettes. WINHD shows our progress.  

Listen you old jackass. All this talk about the white man making me a slave and running snackettes only goes to show how much of a moron you are. You racist fools believe that if someone does not swallow the PPP swill then they must be black or belong to the PNC. Even if I were black, I would not be insulted by someone suggesting that I should be enslaved because I'm fully aware that it's not possible.

I will die eventually and it may be tomorrow or later but I'll die knowing that I'm not a racist old coot like you. I'll die a happy man unlike you running to the church every Sunday to beg for forgiveness for your wicked ways. Well dropping your religion and picking up the white man's does not make you a better person. It takes a hell of a lot more than that. I don't give a shit about anyone else's progress. If you have a few jills, then good for you. The problem is that your mind has not progressed beyond Bihar two centuries ago. You can take you a racist old mudhead out of the mud but you can't take the mud out of his head.

Then post like an intelligent person. Do not go off on a tirade and start off on my racist tendencies. They are not racist. As an Indian I am offended by things demeaning. The truth is my people are not shitting on the street of Bihar. My people in Guyana. Suh stop ur racist rants.

Oh Please! My posts on this forum are way beyond yours when it comes to the level of intelligence. The only thing I see you talking about is some mythical being coming down in the Middle East and your usual racist bullshit. Isn't it a fact that a large population of Indians still shit on the streets? I call you out for being a racist when you make posts like this among all your other nonsense -


Which proves the Colonial thinking that Fair Skin people are brilliant.


Last edited by Mars
Originally Posted by Mars:
Originally Posted by seignet:
Originally Posted by Mars:
Originally Posted by seignet:
Originally Posted by Mars:
Originally Posted by seignet:
Originally Posted by Mars:
Originally Posted by seignet:

 Which proves the Colonial thinking that Fair Skin people are brilliant.



The world will be a better place when you racist old fools die out.

And white people will enslave u azz for just being backward.

Why would the white man want to enslave me? A bloody moron like you talking about being backward. You would be shitting on the streets today if the white man didn't bring your ancestors to BG. You should be in Church today asking for forgiveness for your wickedness before you kick the bucket. Somehow I think you'll go to your grave as a racist bastard. People like you cannot change your evil ways no matter how much you become a turncoat and tek up de white man religion.

Just re-read ur post. And I suppose you will not die. Perhaps u will before me. I am old and living. Are u sure u will make it to my age.


For my Indo brethens who made to the Whiteman's colonies eat ur heart out about our progress. We do better than running snackettes. WINHD shows our progress.  

Listen you old jackass. All this talk about the white man making me a slave and running snackettes only goes to show how much of a moron you are. You racist fools believe that if someone does not swallow the PPP swill then they must be black or belong to the PNC. Even if I were black, I would not be insulted by someone suggesting that I should be enslaved because I'm fully aware that it's not possible.

I will die eventually and it may be tomorrow or later but I'll die knowing that I'm not a racist old coot like you. I'll die a happy man unlike you running to the church every Sunday to beg for forgiveness for your wicked ways. Well dropping your religion and picking up the white man's does not make you a better person. It takes a hell of a lot more than that. I don't give a shit about anyone else's progress. If you have a few jills, then good for you. The problem is that your mind has not progressed beyond Bihar two centuries ago. You can take you a racist old mudhead out of the mud but you can't take the mud out of his head.

Then post like an intelligent person. Do not go off on a tirade and start off on my racist tendencies. They are not racist. As an Indian I am offended by things demeaning. The truth is my people are not shitting on the street of Bihar. My people in Guyana. Suh stop ur racist rants.

Oh Please! My posts on this forum are way beyond yours when it comes to the level of intelligence. The only thing I see you talking about is some mythical being coming down in the Middle East and your usual racist bullshit. Isn't it a fact that a large population of Indians still shit on the streets? I call you out for being a racist when you make posts like this among all your other nonsense -


Which proves the Colonial thinking that Fair Skin people are brilliant.


I drew that on our colonial past. Their employments standards were tailored on skin colour.


It is true I post on mythical things.


And we Indians in Guyana do not shit on streets. We may look like Indians, Culturally close to India. But evolved into a different group of people-distinct. 


A difference of opinions does not imply nonsense.


Originally Posted by seignet:
Originally Posted by Mars:
Originally Posted by seignet:
Originally Posted by Mars:
Originally Posted by seignet:
Originally Posted by Mars:
Originally Posted by seignet:
Originally Posted by Mars:
Originally Posted by seignet:

 Which proves the Colonial thinking that Fair Skin people are brilliant.



The world will be a better place when you racist old fools die out.

And white people will enslave u azz for just being backward.

Why would the white man want to enslave me? A bloody moron like you talking about being backward. You would be shitting on the streets today if the white man didn't bring your ancestors to BG. You should be in Church today asking for forgiveness for your wickedness before you kick the bucket. Somehow I think you'll go to your grave as a racist bastard. People like you cannot change your evil ways no matter how much you become a turncoat and tek up de white man religion.

Just re-read ur post. And I suppose you will not die. Perhaps u will before me. I am old and living. Are u sure u will make it to my age.


For my Indo brethens who made to the Whiteman's colonies eat ur heart out about our progress. We do better than running snackettes. WINHD shows our progress.  

Listen you old jackass. All this talk about the white man making me a slave and running snackettes only goes to show how much of a moron you are. You racist fools believe that if someone does not swallow the PPP swill then they must be black or belong to the PNC. Even if I were black, I would not be insulted by someone suggesting that I should be enslaved because I'm fully aware that it's not possible.

I will die eventually and it may be tomorrow or later but I'll die knowing that I'm not a racist old coot like you. I'll die a happy man unlike you running to the church every Sunday to beg for forgiveness for your wicked ways. Well dropping your religion and picking up the white man's does not make you a better person. It takes a hell of a lot more than that. I don't give a shit about anyone else's progress. If you have a few jills, then good for you. The problem is that your mind has not progressed beyond Bihar two centuries ago. You can take you a racist old mudhead out of the mud but you can't take the mud out of his head.

Then post like an intelligent person. Do not go off on a tirade and start off on my racist tendencies. They are not racist. As an Indian I am offended by things demeaning. The truth is my people are not shitting on the street of Bihar. My people in Guyana. Suh stop ur racist rants.

Oh Please! My posts on this forum are way beyond yours when it comes to the level of intelligence. The only thing I see you talking about is some mythical being coming down in the Middle East and your usual racist bullshit. Isn't it a fact that a large population of Indians still shit on the streets? I call you out for being a racist when you make posts like this among all your other nonsense -


Which proves the Colonial thinking that Fair Skin people are brilliant.


I drew that on our colonial past. Their employments standards were tailored on skin colour.


It is true I post on mythical things.


And we Indians in Guyana do not shit on streets. We may look like Indians, Culturally close to India. But evolved into a different group of people-distinct. 


A difference of opinions does not imply nonsense.


You don't even understand what you wrote. You are saying that there is proof that the color of someone's skin makes them brilliant.


English is a bit tough for you. I said that you would be shitting on the streets today if the white man did not bring your ancestors to BG. I did not say that Indians in Guyana are shitting on the streets today. You do understand that there is a difference, eh?


A difference of opinion does no imply nonsense. However, when you post something that makes no sense, we call that nonsense in English. Start posting something worthwhile and maybe I'll see that there is a bit of intelligence somewhere in your empty skull.

Originally Posted by Mars:
Originally Posted by seignet:
Originally Posted by Mars:
Originally Posted by seignet:
Originally Posted by Mars:
Originally Posted by seignet:
Originally Posted by Mars:
Originally Posted by seignet:
Originally Posted by Mars:
Originally Posted by seignet:

 Which proves the Colonial thinking that Fair Skin people are brilliant.



The world will be a better place when you racist old fools die out.

And white people will enslave u azz for just being backward.

Why would the white man want to enslave me? A bloody moron like you talking about being backward. You would be shitting on the streets today if the white man didn't bring your ancestors to BG. You should be in Church today asking for forgiveness for your wickedness before you kick the bucket. Somehow I think you'll go to your grave as a racist bastard. People like you cannot change your evil ways no matter how much you become a turncoat and tek up de white man religion.

Just re-read ur post. And I suppose you will not die. Perhaps u will before me. I am old and living. Are u sure u will make it to my age.


For my Indo brethens who made to the Whiteman's colonies eat ur heart out about our progress. We do better than running snackettes. WINHD shows our progress.  

Listen you old jackass. All this talk about the white man making me a slave and running snackettes only goes to show how much of a moron you are. You racist fools believe that if someone does not swallow the PPP swill then they must be black or belong to the PNC. Even if I were black, I would not be insulted by someone suggesting that I should be enslaved because I'm fully aware that it's not possible.

I will die eventually and it may be tomorrow or later but I'll die knowing that I'm not a racist old coot like you. I'll die a happy man unlike you running to the church every Sunday to beg for forgiveness for your wicked ways. Well dropping your religion and picking up the white man's does not make you a better person. It takes a hell of a lot more than that. I don't give a shit about anyone else's progress. If you have a few jills, then good for you. The problem is that your mind has not progressed beyond Bihar two centuries ago. You can take you a racist old mudhead out of the mud but you can't take the mud out of his head.

Then post like an intelligent person. Do not go off on a tirade and start off on my racist tendencies. They are not racist. As an Indian I am offended by things demeaning. The truth is my people are not shitting on the street of Bihar. My people in Guyana. Suh stop ur racist rants.

Oh Please! My posts on this forum are way beyond yours when it comes to the level of intelligence. The only thing I see you talking about is some mythical being coming down in the Middle East and your usual racist bullshit. Isn't it a fact that a large population of Indians still shit on the streets? I call you out for being a racist when you make posts like this among all your other nonsense -


Which proves the Colonial thinking that Fair Skin people are brilliant.


I drew that on our colonial past. Their employments standards were tailored on skin colour.


It is true I post on mythical things.


And we Indians in Guyana do not shit on streets. We may look like Indians, Culturally close to India. But evolved into a different group of people-distinct. 


A difference of opinions does not imply nonsense.


You don't even understand what you wrote. You are saying that there is proof that the color of someone's skin makes them brilliant.


English is a bit tough for you. I said that you would be shitting on the streets today if the white man did not bring your ancestors to BG. I did not say that Indians in Guyana are shitting on the streets today. You do understand that there is a difference, eh?


A difference of opinion does no imply nonsense. However, when you post something that makes no sense, we call that nonsense in English. Start posting something worthwhile and maybe I'll see that there is a bit of intelligence somewhere in your empty skull.

About half of India (600 mil) have functioning toilets, indoor plumbing, etc.  So depends which half he fell, maybe he would have had a marble sh1tter if he was there today.

Originally Posted by Mars:
Originally Posted by seignet:
Originally Posted by Mars:
Originally Posted by seignet:
Originally Posted by Mars:
Originally Posted by seignet:
Originally Posted by Mars:
Originally Posted by seignet:
Originally Posted by Mars:
Originally Posted by seignet:

 Which proves the Colonial thinking that Fair Skin people are brilliant.



The world will be a better place when you racist old fools die out.

And white people will enslave u azz for just being backward.

Why would the white man want to enslave me? A bloody moron like you talking about being backward. You would be shitting on the streets today if the white man didn't bring your ancestors to BG. You should be in Church today asking for forgiveness for your wickedness before you kick the bucket. Somehow I think you'll go to your grave as a racist bastard. People like you cannot change your evil ways no matter how much you become a turncoat and tek up de white man religion.

Just re-read ur post. And I suppose you will not die. Perhaps u will before me. I am old and living. Are u sure u will make it to my age.


For my Indo brethens who made to the Whiteman's colonies eat ur heart out about our progress. We do better than running snackettes. WINHD shows our progress.  

Listen you old jackass. All this talk about the white man making me a slave and running snackettes only goes to show how much of a moron you are. You racist fools believe that if someone does not swallow the PPP swill then they must be black or belong to the PNC. Even if I were black, I would not be insulted by someone suggesting that I should be enslaved because I'm fully aware that it's not possible.

I will die eventually and it may be tomorrow or later but I'll die knowing that I'm not a racist old coot like you. I'll die a happy man unlike you running to the church every Sunday to beg for forgiveness for your wicked ways. Well dropping your religion and picking up the white man's does not make you a better person. It takes a hell of a lot more than that. I don't give a shit about anyone else's progress. If you have a few jills, then good for you. The problem is that your mind has not progressed beyond Bihar two centuries ago. You can take you a racist old mudhead out of the mud but you can't take the mud out of his head.

Then post like an intelligent person. Do not go off on a tirade and start off on my racist tendencies. They are not racist. As an Indian I am offended by things demeaning. The truth is my people are not shitting on the street of Bihar. My people in Guyana. Suh stop ur racist rants.

Oh Please! My posts on this forum are way beyond yours when it comes to the level of intelligence. The only thing I see you talking about is some mythical being coming down in the Middle East and your usual racist bullshit. Isn't it a fact that a large population of Indians still shit on the streets? I call you out for being a racist when you make posts like this among all your other nonsense -


Which proves the Colonial thinking that Fair Skin people are brilliant.


I drew that on our colonial past. Their employments standards were tailored on skin colour.


It is true I post on mythical things.


And we Indians in Guyana do not shit on streets. We may look like Indians, Culturally close to India. But evolved into a different group of people-distinct. 


A difference of opinions does not imply nonsense.


You don't even understand what you wrote. You are saying that there is proof that the color of someone's skin makes them brilliant.


English is a bit tough for you. I said that you would be shitting on the streets today if the white man did not bring your ancestors to BG. I did not say that Indians in Guyana are shitting on the streets today. You do understand that there is a difference, eh?


A difference of opinion does no imply nonsense. However, when you post something that makes no sense, we call that nonsense in English. Start posting something worthwhile and maybe I'll see that there is a bit of intelligence somewhere in your empty skull.

Hmmmm. Intersecting. I leave it at that.

Originally Posted by seignet:

Then post like an intelligent person. Do not go off on a tirade and start off on my racist tendencies. They are not racist. As an Indian I am offended by things demeaning. The truth is my people are not shitting on the street of Bihar. My people in Guyana. Suh stop ur racist rants.

Oh so you can dish it out, but cannot take it.


Pity you weren't concerned about offending people when you painted Guyanese blacks as lazy savages who deserved to be cursed into permanent poverty by God.


BTW it is a known fact that India, and not just Bihar, has a HUGE problem with public defecation.  In fact WHO estimate that it is a big factor in explaining the ill health of many Indian kids, given the very unhygienic environment that they are exposed to.

Originally Posted by baseman:

About half of India (600 mil) have functioning toilets, indoor plumbing, etc.  So depends which half he fell, maybe he would have had a marble sh1tter if he was there today.

Before your ancestors boarded ships to BG their hands were inspected.  Unless rough and calloused, they were NOT permitted in board.


Clearly the vast majority of Caribbean Indians would have been in the 50% who use the bush, side streets, and open spaces to defecate, sometimes even hanging off the edge of the train to do this!


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