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Former Member


the ill-focused prattle of under-intelligent, under-informed 'reporting' by simple-minded, fellow-traveling 'independent' media is a monument to self harm . . . or worse

unaware that the heavy noise here by the PPP/Jagdeo, the 'civil society' corruptocrats (GCCI take a bow) and their smartman acolytes (Tarron and Roberto P. that means you) is purposed to shift attention from outright THEFT of two vast oilfields (CANJE block/KAIETEUR block) and resultant, ongoing, criminal transfer of literally billions of dollars from the Guyanese people into the pockets of local PPP middlemen and their overseas frontmen

the media technique applied is to shift focus and ask all the WRONG questions . . . listen to KN here taking lead-up from Jagdeo Media:

"Harmon Fails to Address Questions about Controversial Exxon Agreement"

this kind of shyte is why the Guyanese people continue to slumber . . . their pitchfork and torches summoned forth from time to time by savvy manipulators for distracting petty larceny 'events'

seriously, it's as if this disgusting handover (for free) of this massive oil acreage to a couple of PPP people whose "oil companies" literally exist on a business card, a rolodex, and a laptop computer is permanently parked in the 'afterthought' bin

look, lets measure the 'scandals' properly and with common sense paramount

there can and will likely be renegotiation of PSA and other arrangements with Exxon that will favor Guyana . . . our position can only get stronger . . . precedents all over the place for this

meanwhile, Jagdeo/Ravi dem stockpiling the stolen wealth of the people to make permanent the oligarchic control of Guyana by the same folks who brought you death squads and Roger Khan


Replies sorted oldest to newest

ronan posted:


the ill-focused prattle of under-intelligent, under-informed 'reporting' by simple-minded, fellow-traveling 'independent' media is a monument to self harm . . . or worse

unaware that the heavy noise here by the PPP/Jagdeo, the 'civil society' corruptocrats (GCCI take a bow) and their smartman acolytes (Tarron and Roberto P. that means you) is purposed to shift attention from outright THEFT of two vast oilfields (CANJE block/KAIETEUR block) and resultant, ongoing, criminal transfer of literally billions of dollars from the Guyanese people into the pockets of local PPP middlemen and their overseas frontmen

the media technique applied is to shift focus and ask all the WRONG questions . . . listen to KN here taking lead-up from Jagdeo Media:

"Harmon Fails to Address Questions about Controversial Exxon Agreement"

this kind of shyte is why the Guyanese people continue to slumber . . . their pitchfork and torches summoned forth from time to time by savvy manipulators for distracting petty larceny 'events'

seriously, it's as if this disgusting handover (for free) of this massive oil acreage to a couple of PPP people whose "oil companies" literally exist on a business card, a rolodex, and a laptop computer is permanently parked in the 'afterthought' bin

look, lets measure the 'scandals' properly and with common sense paramount

there can and will likely be renegotiation of PSA and other arrangements with Exxon that will favor Guyana . . . our position can only get stronger . . . precedents all over the place for this

meanwhile, Jagdeo/Ravi dem stockpiling the stolen wealth of the people to make permanent the oligarchic control of Guyana by the same folks who brought you death squads and Roger Khan


You seem to know a little too much bai!!

Baseman posted:
ronan posted:


the ill-focused prattle of under-intelligent, under-informed 'reporting' by simple-minded, fellow-traveling 'independent' media is a monument to self harm . . . or worse

unaware that the heavy noise here by the PPP/Jagdeo, the 'civil society' corruptocrats (GCCI take a bow) and their smartman acolytes (Tarron and Roberto P. that means you) is purposed to shift attention from outright THEFT of two vast oilfields (CANJE block/KAIETEUR block) and resultant, ongoing, criminal transfer of literally billions of dollars from the Guyanese people into the pockets of local PPP middlemen and their overseas frontmen

the media technique applied is to shift focus and ask all the WRONG questions . . . listen to KN here taking lead-up from Jagdeo Media:

"Harmon Fails to Address Questions about Controversial Exxon Agreement"

this kind of shyte is why the Guyanese people continue to slumber . . . their pitchfork and torches summoned forth from time to time by savvy manipulators for distracting petty larceny 'events'

seriously, it's as if this disgusting handover (for free) of this massive oil acreage to a couple of PPP people whose "oil companies" literally exist on a business card, a rolodex, and a laptop computer is permanently parked in the 'afterthought' bin

look, lets measure the 'scandals' properly and with common sense paramount

there can and will likely be renegotiation of PSA and other arrangements with Exxon that will favor Guyana . . . our position can only get stronger . . . precedents all over the place for this

meanwhile, Jagdeo/Ravi dem stockpiling the stolen wealth of the people to make permanent the oligarchic control of Guyana by the same folks who brought you death squads and Roger Khan


You seem to know a little too much bai!!

As much as I do not like his trolling theron who is against this give away, he is right. The PPP did give away to their croneys ( quid pro quo implied) potential billions of Guyanese assets.  Beharry, Dookie, Narine et all do not have the capacity to develop a well. They got this because of who they know and have used the potential to lure investors. The government could have done that it self with a management team if it wanted to independently develop oil wells

Stormborn posted:
Baseman posted:
ronan posted:


the ill-focused prattle of under-intelligent, under-informed 'reporting' by simple-minded, fellow-traveling 'independent' media is a monument to self harm . . . or worse

unaware that the heavy noise here by the PPP/Jagdeo, the 'civil society' corruptocrats (GCCI take a bow) and their smartman acolytes (Tarron and Roberto P. that means you) is purposed to shift attention from outright THEFT of two vast oilfields (CANJE block/KAIETEUR block) and resultant, ongoing, criminal transfer of literally billi

You seem to know a little too much bai!!

As much as I do not like his trolling theron who is against this give away, he is right. The PPP did give away to their croneys ( quid pro quo implied) potential billions of Guyanese assets.  Beharry, Dookie, Narine et all do not have the capacity to develop a well. They got this because of who they know and have used the potential to lure investors. The government could have done that it self with a management team if it wanted to independently develop oil wells

Bai, Ayuh really don’t know what going on, eh!   Don’t fool yourself, nothing will come of anything.  Them PNC can’t wait to hop on the gravy train!

Baseman posted:
Stormborn posted:
Baseman posted:
ronan posted:


the ill-focused prattle of under-intelligent, under-informed 'reporting' by simple-minded, fellow-traveling 'independent' media is a monument to self harm . . . or worse

unaware that the heavy noise here by the PPP/Jagdeo, the 'civil society' corruptocrats (GCCI take a bow) and their smartman acolytes (Tarron and Roberto P. that means you) is purposed to shift attention from outright THEFT of two vast oilfields (CANJE block/KAIETEUR block) and resultant, ongoing, criminal transfer of literally billi

You seem to know a little too much bai!!

As much as I do not like his trolling theron who is against this give away, he is right. The PPP did give away to their croneys ( quid pro quo implied) potential billions of Guyanese assets.  Beharry, Dookie, Narine et all do not have the capacity to develop a well. They got this because of who they know and have used the potential to lure investors. The government could have done that it self with a management team if it wanted to independently develop oil wells

Bai, Ayuh really don’t know what going on, eh!   Don’t fool yourself, nothing will come of anything.  Them PNC can’t wait to hop on the gravy train!

I do have and inkling of what is to come given the world is full of examples of what happens in the presence of autocratic regimes controlling a lucrative assets. We already had the PetroCarbide deal and instead of rice farmers getting rich only PPPite got rich. Farmers became poorer.


These bannas don't know squat, they are throwing feeders to see who will bite. If, just if the present government has a drop of evidence after three plus years that anyone of the PPP had colluded in any form of corruption in the Oil fields give away, they would have been in jail by now.  But, they know that election is on the horizon and they need to feed the hate hungers.

The White man will pump oil and leave enough to grease the PNC long mouths, unfortunately  they can't try that shit with the PPP, too smart to chase them out. Priya told them off, she was labelled Bad. This time nah lang Time.


kp posted:

These bannas don't know squat, they are throwing feeders to see who will bite. If, just if the present government has a drop of evidence after three plus years that anyone of the PPP had colluded in any form of corruption in the Oil fields give away, they would have been in jail by now.  But, they know that election is on the horizon and they need to feed the hate hungers.

The White man will pump oil and leave enough to grease the PNC long mouths, unfortunately  they can't try that shit with the PPP, too smart to chase them out. Priya told them off, she was labelled Bad. This time nah lang Time.


did Suharto, Amin,  Marcos, Pinochet or even burnham ever gone to jail? Yet it is pellucid they were villains. The standard you ask for is not t he one you would parallel for any of the PNCites past or present yet you conclude they are crooks! According to the news the 18 mil was accounted for...i do not doubt they intended to take bites at it. No reason for them to hide it in the first place. But the PPP did the same all the time. Do you know how much was in the PetroCarbide fund and how it was allocated even some 3 years since the PPP left office?

Last edited by Former Member
ronan posted:
kp posted:


it's in the Consolidated Fund

try to keep up fool

More than $780M spent on legal fees in 2018 – Greenidge


Border controversy case

Foreign Affairs Minister Carl Greenidge has disclosed that in excess of $780 million has been spent to cover legal fees for the team of lawyers that were recruited to represent Guyana’s interest in the border controversy case with Venezuela that is currently before the International Court of Justice (ICJ).
Speaking at his Ministry’s year end press conference on Thursday, Greenidge explained that the money spent is part of the US$15 million that was set aside to cover legal fees from the controversial US$18 million signing bonus that Guyana received from US oil giant, ExxonMobil.
“It was used to fund all the legal fees in 2018 and it will fund the fees in 2019 until it is exhaustedâ€Ķ The figures for 2018, I believe is in excess of 780 million Guyana dollars,” the Minister stated.
Back in May, Government went to the National Assembly and got a supplementary 

 provision of $788,049,000 to offset the expenses incurred from its case at the ICJ.

Leading Guyana’s team at the World Court is Sir Shridath Ramphal. The team also includes experienced overseas-based and local legal minds, some of whom were part of the team that won a border case for Guyana against Suriname. While Government has been tight-lipped about the identity of its legal team, it has been reported that three international law firms are working along with Sir Shridath.
One of these firms is United Kingdom-based Matrix and Minister Greenidge had previously stated that a professor of law, who lectures at two prominent UK universities, is attached to the firm.
However, even with this current core team of lawyers in place, the Foreign Affairs Minister recognised this issue of the border controversy is an “expensive and complicated” one. As such, he did not rule out a possible need to expand the team in future.
This, he noted, will be dependent on Venezuela’s memorial in response to Guyana, whether it decides to participate in the legal proceedings or not, and the needs of the court in determining the validity of 1899 Arbitral Tribunal Award, which sets out the land boundary with the neighbouring Spanish-speaking nation. The Spanish-speaking country was given until April 18 next year to submit its memorial in response to Guyana’s memorial which was filed back in June. “Even if Venezuela doesn’t participate, the Judges are at liberty to satisfy themselves that question A or B needs to answered. And in many ways, I think one has to be careful in these circumstances because if the Judge finds that he’s only hearing from one side, he wants to appear to be fair and may even ask you harder questions that the other side ‘cause he knows what he wants to satisfy himself and he or they may have lots of difficult questions to ask. So other teams may be required or the team may need to be supplemented by additional individual lawyers or firms of lawyers,” he asserted.
While he noting that he could not say how many more lawyers would be needed, the foreign Affairs Minister went on to explain that the practice in these cases is for additional lawyers to be supplemented on a particular topic or angle to build on existing capacity within the legal teams.
Nevertheless, he defend Guyana’s spending on the matter, saying that it was a small price to pay, especially given what is at stake. He emphasised the need for Guyana to have the resources available to make a strong case as possible, whether or not Venezuela participates.
“[This] is a once and for all investment in protecting your rightâ€Ķ You can’t fix it afterwards, you have to be sure that you have the best from the very beginning and then you can worry afterwards. If you look at the resources at risk, you will see that this is a very, very important issue and it really doesn’t behoove us to be spending too much time arguing about 10 cents extra in order to get the legal skills we need,” the Minister contended.
Venezuela had renewed its claim to most, if not all, of Guyana’s territorial waters off of the Essequibo Coast in 2015, shortly after ExxonMobil had announced its first find of oil in commercial quantities.
Since then, the US oil giant has made nine more oil finds making Guyana home to the world’s biggest new deepwater oil discovery. The company is set to commence production in 2020 at Exxon’s Liza 1 well in 2020 at an expected 120,000 barrels per day and it has been reported that the country will earn some US$300 million annually.
Back in January, Secretary General of the United Nations (UN) AntÃģnio Guterres had announced he was referring the decades-old controversy to the ICJ. This move followed unsuccessful attempts to resolve the matter through the various mechanisms outlined in the Geneva Agreement signed between Guyana and Venezuela in 1966. As such, Guyana filed formal proceedings back in March, asking the World Court to confirm the legal validity and binding effect of the 1899 Award.


Speaking at his Ministry’s year end press conference on Thursday, Greenidge explained that the money spent is part of the US$15 million that was set aside to cover legal fees from the controversial US$18 million signing bonus that Guyana received from US oil giant, ExxonMobil.
“It was used to fund all the legal fees in 2018 and it will fund the fees in 2019 until it is exhaustedâ€Ķ The figures for 2018, I believe is in excess of 780 million Guyana dollars,” the Minister stated.
Back in May, Government went to the National Assembly and got a supplementary 


Ramotar, Persaud confirm conclusion that Guyana’s oil blocks were stolen –Dr. Mangal

Jun 16, 2019 | News

Former President Donald Ramotar and former Minster of Natural Resources and the Environment, Robert Persaud, are said to be two of the key players in the 2015 award of the Kaieteur and Canje oil blocks to three inexperienced firms– Ratio Energy, Ratio Guyana and Mid-Atlantic Oil and Gas Inc.

Oil Consultant, Dr. Jan Mangal

Those oil blocks are strategically located next to the Stabroek Block which holds over 5.5 billion barrels of oil equivalent reserves. Stabroek is operated by ExxonMobil.
The State Asset Recovery Agency (SARA) is investigating award of the Canje and Kaieteur blocks as it has reasonable grounds to believe that it occurred under suspicious circumstances.It is believed that Ramotar knew ExxonMobil had discovered oil before the May 2015 general elections and hurriedly signed away the blocks contiguous to the Stabroek Block to the three inexperienced firms.
The companies which received the blocks never existed before 2013 and never independently explored for oil in any corner of the earth.

Former Minster of Natural Resources and the Environment, Robert Persaud

SARA wants to know why the former President would act in such a manner. It is hoping to learn, among other things, if there is any connection between the key players involved in the giveaway and the beneficial owners of the three industry unknowns.
Both Persaud and Ramotar have maintained their innocence. Ramotar claimed he acted on the advice of his former Minister who made several appeals on the grounds that the persons behind Mid-Atlantic and Ratio are patriots and have the ability to bring in the relevant industry experts.
Persaud, on the other hand, is claiming that SARA’s probe is an election gimmick but still fails to say what made three industry unknowns qualify to have two blocks which together, are almost as large as the Stabroek Block.
In light of the duo’s responses in the media, Oil and Gas Consultant, Dr. Jan Mangal, said it solidifies his conclusion that there was a blatant theft of Guyana’s resources.

Former President, Donald Ramotar

The former Presidential Advisor said, “If you can prove that you maximized value for the country with how you operated with these blocks then fine. But if you can’t, then you have deviated from your role.
“The excuses that Persaud and Ramotar have been in negotiations with these people for a long time, that the people behind Mid-Atlantic are good people and they have experience in the industry and so forth are all irrelevantâ€ĶThe theft is blatant. There can be no justification for giving away our wealth for peanuts.”
Dr. Mangal on his Facebook page noted that when it comes to SARA’s probe of the oil blocks, there are a few questions all Guyanese should want answered.
How much was paid for the acreage? To whom was it paid? When was it paid? Who are the beneficial individual equity owners of all of the involved entities, and from award till now? And how were they chosen to receive the property which was previously the property of all Guyanese citizens?
Dr. Mangal said, “These are not the most important but they are some key questions. The main question remains how can the decision to award these blocks to companies with no experience be the best decision for Guyana? It is obviously not and the officials at the time knew it was notâ€Ķ”
Dr. Mangal insists that Guyanese need to wake up and the government needs to rescind these blocks now.
The company to which former President Donald Ramotar signed away the Canje Block was Mid-Atlantic Oil and Gas. Then JHI Associates Inc. farmed in (or bought in) right after. The block was awarded on March 4, 2015 to Mid-Atlantic.
JHI was only registered in Guyana on May 4, and it bought into the block on May 15. It seems JHI was created from nothing, as its archived website only started working and listing managers, including John Cullen, on June 10. The general election was on May 11, 2015.
According to documents held by the Extractive Industries Transparency Initiative (EITI) Secretariat, JHI was only incorporated on June 17, 2015, in the British Virgin Islands. This nation is under no obligation to provide countries like Guyana with tax information of companies registered there.
And even though Mid-Atlantic Oil and Gas was incorporated here on April 8, 2013, both companies were in one-on-one negotiations with the PPP government for the oil block one month before, that is, March 2013.
This means that the individuals behind the companies were asking for oil blocks without having a company being formed as yet.
What is also significant to note, is that the Canje block is the only asset that these two companies have to date. Additionally, JHI and Mid-Atlantic, which participated in Guyana’s EITI reporting process, failed to submit their audited financial statements for review.
JHI also failed to submit information on its beneficial owners. The EITI report lists Kamal Dookie as the beneficial owner of Mid-Atlantic.
Ramotar awarded the Kaieteur Block to Ratio Energy Limited and Ratio Guyana on April 28, 2015. Both companies are registered at the same offices in Prashad Nagar and Gibraltar, Israel.
Ratio Guyana does not have a website, but on the Kaieteur Block’s Production Sharing Agreement (PSA), a Ryan Pereira is signed on as the Company Secretary, Director and General Partner of the company.
It also should be noted that Mr. Ryan Pereira is a long-time miner in Guyana with no track record in oil. Yet, the last government awarded him (Cataleya Energy) 50% of the block.
He recently funded a project in the Rupununi for the Ministry of Natural Resources. He seems to have a close working relationship with past and present Ministry officials.
The Ratio duo’s only asset remains the Kaieteur Block. Not a trace of evidence can be found to prove that it has years of experience in the exploration of oil and gas. (See link for PSA:
Ratio Energy, which also calls itself Ratio Petroleum is chaired by Ligad Rotlevy. With the Kaieteur Block in hand in 2015, this Israeli company was able to capture three other blocks.
In 2017, it was able to acquire rights in Suriname’s basin, specifically for Block 47. In June 2016, Ratio Petroleum was granted a licence to operate in the Exclusive Economic Zone of Ireland.
In October 2018, the Government of the Republic of the Philippines and Ratio entered into a Production Sharing Agreement, for oil exploration in an offshore section of Philippines continental shelf, known as SC 76.
But Ratio does not have a track record of producing any oil in deep water or anywhere, nor does it have the required assets to do so.
Of its four assets, Guyana’s Kaieteur Block is its largest. (See website link for more information:
This newspaper understands that the Kaieteur Block operators did not submit their audited financial statements and documents regarding beneficial ownership for Guyana’s EITI report. The dates of incorporation for the two Kaieteur Block operators were also not provided to EITI. (See link for full report:

ronan posted:
Dave posted:
ronan posted:
kp posted:


it's in the Consolidated Fund


anything else fool?

you working off of Freedom House talking points that were taken off the shelf more than a month ago

try to keep up

This 18M dollar is recycling nah .. 

it must be a b!tch to be handed your head on a platter . . . no?

I see I have your head screwed on the right place when I Provide the truth.. eh 


Greenidge defends spending big on settling Guyana’s border rows; says US$10 million on boundary dispute gave Guyana lucrative Liza 1 well

December 20, 2018

Guyana has spent GYD$780 million (US$3.7 million) from the US$18 million signing bonus from ExxonMobil on legal fees for the settlement of the border controversy with Venezuela, expenditure Foreign Affairs Minister Carl Greenidge is a huge value for money.

“The 15 million is what is funding the legal feesâ€Ķ  and it will fund the fees in 2019 until it is exhausted,” he told a news conference held at ‘Takuba Lodge’ where the Foreign Ministry is housed.

Asked to justify the spending of the signing bonus on resolving the controversy that was earlier this year transferred by the United Nations Secretary General, Antonio Guttieres to the International Court of Justice, Greenidge queried:  “What is it that we are fretting about?”

Greenidge said  production of the the more than 5 billion barrels of oil equivalent discovered so far offshore would start off in 2020 with about US$350 million annually.

He highlighted that Guyana, under the People’s Progressive Party Civic (PPPC), had spent US$10 million on settling the Guyana-Suriname maritime boundary dispute at the United Nations Tribunal on the Law of the Sea. The Foreign Minister pointed out that if Guyana had lost that legal battle and the line had been drawn slightly west, the Liza 1 well where commercial oil reserves were discovered in 2015 would have been in Suriname’s territory.

“If the line running from the mouth of the Corentyne river was more towards Venezuelan side, all of Liza One would have been Suriname’s property so unlike the Guyanese, Suriname woud have been celebrating now and not trying to commit suicide,” Greenidge said.

The Liza well has 800 to 1.2 billion barrels of recoverable oil.

The Foreign Minister noted that Liza One is 86 kilometres from the Guyana-Suriname border, representing excellent cost-benefit ratio when compared to the US$10 millions spent.

A Tribunal of the United Nations Convention on the Law of the Sea (UNCLOS) in September 2007 settled the maritime boundary between the two countries more than three years after Guyana took the matter to that body- a move that had stemmed from Surinamese gun boats in June 2000 chasing out an oil exploration rig from a concession that had been awarded to a Canadian company.


Here is better reporting Dave, not the tripe posted from the mouth piece of the opposition.


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