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Over 200 more Region 6 youths and single parents complete BIT programmes

Georgetown, GINA, October 12, 2011
Source - GINA

Senior Project Manager of the One Laptop Per Family (OLPF) Sesh Sukhdeo presents certificate to a beneficiary of Board of Industrial Training (BIT) programme at a graduation ceremony, New Amsterdam Town Hall

One of the fundamental principles of the People’s Progressive Party Civic (PPP/C) administration is equitable access to education and thousands of youths over the last decade have been benefiting from life skills training through the Ministry of Labour, Human Services and Social Security under the Board of Industrial Training (BIT) and National Training Programme for Youth Empowerment (NTPYE). More recently a Training Programme for Single parents has been added.

Another facet of this reality was today furthered when yet another batch of over 200 youths and single parents from the ancient county, Berbice gradated after completing more than 240 hours of training is several skills areas, including heavy-duty equipment, mechanic, care for elderly and catering.

Senior Project Manager of the One Laptop Per Family (OLPF) Sesh Sukhdeo and Chairman of the Board of Industrial Training Dr. Dale Bisnauth present certificate to the only male single parent

Senior Project Manager of the One Laptop Per Family (OLPF), Sesh Sukhdeo in his address on behalf of Minister of Labour Manzoor Nadir, told graduants that government continues to work tirelessly to ensure that the lives of its vulnerable are significantly enhanced through social programmes.

“Over 16,000 people have benefited from skill improvement over the last years through the Ministry of Labour…and the Government of Guyana should be credited for such advancement in the labour sector,” Sukhdeo said.

He said that skills acquired by the graduants are meeting the needs of today and “will even be in greater demand in the future as the country continues to develop”.

Project Manager of the One Laptop Per Family (OLPF) Sesh Sukhdeo addressing the graduants

“The training is delivered at the level of which everyone what the Government is doing is providing the opportunity, it’s now up to you take that skill and apply it ,” Sukhdeo said.

He also used the opportunity to inform the graduants of other services being offered by the Ministry of Labour, including the Central Recruitment and Manpower Agency (CRMA) that has been providing jobs for thousands of Guyanese.

Sukhdeo also encouraged them to be aware of the technological development taking place in Guyana.

In this regard, he informed the graduants of the OLPF programme that will see 90,000 families benefiting over a two-year period.

With this in mind, Sukhdeo urged them to further advance their skills in Information Technology.

A section of graduants

Sukhdeo used the occasion to urge single parents who have benefited from the programme to take advantage of the Women of Worth Programme (WOW), an initiative between the Ministry of Human Services and Social Security and the Guyana Bank for Trade and Industry (GBTI) that affords single parent women the opportunity to access loans ranging from $100,000 to $250,000 to establish and expand small businesses.

Since 2006, over 800 single parents across the country were positively touched by the programmes and initiatives of the PPP/C administration.

BIT has moved from a budget of $12M to $120M in 2011.

Chairman of BIT, Dr. Dale Bisnauth who was also present at the graduation urged graduants to use the skills acquired to better their lives and thus work to develop their respective community.

Replies sorted oldest to newest

oh yes oh yes absolutely I mean the PNC with taps senior used to say the same thing in 92 errrr that didnt seem to work then, but hey it might wuk now after all Bloody joe is on hand.

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