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Gilbakka posted:
Bibi Haniffa posted:
If you had a PhD in Finance and someone in another country hired you for a hefty six figure salary with references from top personnel from the IMF and the World Bank, would you go back to Guyana?

I would go back for vacation, to visit Stabroek Market and eat ripe Buxton spice mango and drink cane juice and loll-off in a rice-bag hammock under a breezy bottom house, and so on.

Fact is, Dr Ashni Singh has a history of running away from his wrongdoings. One Sunday afternoon, for example, he was drunk and drove his luxury SUV into a parked car at Campbell Avenue & Sheriff Street. The man and woman in the car suffered injuries. Dr Singh walked away from the scene without paying the least attention to them. That kind of action reflect's Dr Singh's character. 

You can read the news reports about that accident yourself through Google.

No doubt Dr Ashni Singh is an over-educated man with lots of street smarts; that's why as Finance Minister he misadvised President Donald Ramotar and put the PPP government in pukkaterry.

Pukkaterry????  I thought Ashni Singh left enough money in the Treasury for the PNC boys to give themselves 50% salary increase, loot away money on Durban Park, and Jubilee celebration, Build nice house for Nagamootoo, etc. 

Bibi Haniffa
Gilbakka posted:
Nehru posted:

How about the IDIOT we now have for Finance Minista???

Dr Singh was he teacha. Yes, he worked under Dr Singh.

So since Winston Jordan worked under Ashni Singh, shouldn't he have the goods to bring charges against him??  He would have been in the know.  It's two years since he is Finance Ministaaaaa!!!   What is he waiting for??

Bibi Haniffa

Bibi is correct, after 2 years you slop can carriers and your masters in the PNC should have long brought charges. You promised to jail PPP but lucky thing we didn't hold our breaths waiting. 

Last edited by Former Member
Drugb posted:

.....after 2 years the PNC should have long brought charges. You promised to jail PPP but lucky thing we didn't hold our breaths waiting. 

Unlucky for us I wish you did.

Last edited by cain
FC posted:

You argue like a two year old. Do you read what you write? 


They have no where to go. Ashni ran...His job was just that a job so he can rip off the country. Once it is over he ran. That he insist he is not coming back is reason enough he does not want to answer for his crookedness. I wonder how long he will stay in Dubai as an outsider. They do not care for indians and you never get citizenship. They have a whole army of native indians in slave labor



Drugs, Why you all squealing like a pig with this news?  Forensic audits take time to conduct especially when the crooks use off book tactics to hide the money trail. 

If it takes 5years and the desired outcome is achieved it would have been worth the effort.

Last edited by Former Member
Stormborn posted:
FC posted:

You argue like a two year old. Do you read what you write? 


They have no where to go. Ashni ran...His job was just that a job so he can rip off the country. Once it is over he ran. That he insist he is not coming back is reason enough he does not want to answer for his crookedness. I wonder how long he will stay in Dubai as an outsider. They do not care for indians and you never get citizenship. They have a whole army of native indians in slave labor


Again I ask you folks for evidence of this man committing a crime.  Let the PNC bring charges and give the man a chance to defend himself against the accusations. 

Drugb posted:

Bibi is correct, after 2 years you slop can carriers and your masters in the PNC should have long brought charges. You promised to jail PPP but lucky thing we didn't hold our breaths waiting. 

to bad barrat is begging to go to jail he want to be the cute bitch in jail 

FC posted:

Drugs, Why you all squealing like a pig with this news?  Forensic audits take time to conduct especially when the crooks use off book tactics to hide the money trail. 

If it takes 5years and the desired outcome is achieved it would have been worth the effort.

Dem guys say Porters have a right to abie time now

Last edited by cain
Drugb posted:
Stormborn posted:
FC posted:

You argue like a two year old. Do you read what you write? 


They have no where to go. Ashni ran...His job was just that a job so he can rip off the country. Once it is over he ran. That he insist he is not coming back is reason enough he does not want to answer for his crookedness. I wonder how long he will stay in Dubai as an outsider. They do not care for indians and you never get citizenship. They have a whole army of native indians in slave labor


Again I ask you folks for evidence of this man committing a crime.  Let the PNC bring charges and give the man a chance to defend himself against the accusations. 

the man is running faster that bolt and hiding more that your self respect 

Drugb posted:
Stormborn posted:
FC posted:

You argue like a two year old. Do you read what you write? 


They have no where to go. Ashni ran...His job was just that a job so he can rip off the country. Once it is over he ran. That he insist he is not coming back is reason enough he does not want to answer for his crookedness. I wonder how long he will stay in Dubai as an outsider. They do not care for indians and you never get citizenship. They have a whole army of native indians in slave labor


Again I ask you folks for evidence of this man committing a crime.  Let the PNC bring charges and give the man a chance to defend himself against the accusations. 

He does not want to do what you are suggesting. 

FC posted:

Drugs, Why you all squealing like a pig with this news?  Forensic audits take time to conduct especially when the crooks use off book tactics to hide the money trail. 

If it takes 5years and the desired outcome is achieved it would have been worth the effort.

Where did you get the 5 years from, you dragged it out of your anus? Can you cite a source where it shows 5 years is the norm for investigations of politicians?   Sara had all the records, what is the hold up? If they follow the money trail, it would only take 1 month to bring charges. By the time 5 years pass, all the evidence disappears as PNC boys burn books to cover their tracks of an unfruitful investigation and 5 years of milking the tax payers for kickbacks on witch hunt.  

Drugb posted:
Stormborn posted:
FC posted:

You argue like a two year old. Do you read what you write? 


They have no where to go. Ashni ran...His job was just that a job so he can rip off the country. Once it is over he ran. That he insist he is not coming back is reason enough he does not want to answer for his crookedness. I wonder how long he will stay in Dubai as an outsider. They do not care for indians and you never get citizenship. They have a whole army of native indians in slave labor


Again I ask you folks for evidence of this man committing a crime.  Let the PNC bring charges and give the man a chance to defend himself against the accusations. 

They want him in court...evidence only comes if the suspect faces the charges.

Drugb posted:
FC posted:

Drugs, Why you all squealing like a pig with this news?  Forensic audits take time to conduct especially when the crooks use off book tactics to hide the money trail. 

If it takes 5years and the desired outcome is achieved it would have been worth the effort.

Where did you get the 5 years from, you dragged it out of your anus? Can you cite a source where it shows 5 years is the norm for investigations of politicians?   Sara had all the records, what is the hold up? If they follow the money trail, it would only take 1 month to bring charges. By the time 5 years pass, all the evidence disappears as PNC boys burn books to cover their tracks of an unfruitful investigation and 5 years of milking the tax payers for kickbacks on witch hunt.  

Do you have difficulties reading?It looks like you are as dumb as Bibi. Re read what I wrote. How many forensic audits have you done? 

Last edited by Former Member
Bibi Haniffa posted: Pukkaterry????  

Pukkaterry, as in being removed from power with a slim chance of regaining power in 2020. Attention: FORWAARD MARCH! Leftright, leftright, left, left....


The names suggested of those accused of stealing are all abroad, I will bet that SOCU will find them guilty knowing that they are abroad and will not return. The PNC campaigned that they knew who steal and what and they had the evidence, now in office they are wasting time and money doing Witch Hunting. They have to be relevant and  be in the front pages, so if you are a successful Indian in Guyana the PNC first label you as thief and then wants to know your secret.In Burnham days I know of families and friends that had to contribute to the Kabaka annual Fund  and bigger your business larger the cheque.

kp posted:

The names suggested of those accused of stealing are all abroad, I will bet that SOCU will find them guilty knowing that they are abroad and will not return. The PNC campaigned that they knew who steal and what and they had the evidence, now in office they are wasting time and money doing Witch Hunting. They have to be relevant and  be in the front pages, so if you are a successful Indian in Guyana the PNC first label you as thief and then wants to know your secret.In Burnham days I know of families and friends that had to contribute to the Kabaka annual Fund  and bigger your business larger the cheque.

The Kabaka days are indeed back under the Snake Granger. This chap is worse than Burnham.



From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
U.S. anti-Communist propaganda of the 1950s, specifically addressing the entertainment industry

McCarthyism is the practice of making accusations of subversion or treason without proper regard for evidence.[1] The term refers to U.S. Senator Joseph McCarthy and has its origins in the period in the United States known as the Second Red Scare, lasting roughly from 1947 to 1956 and characterized by heightened political repression as well as a campaign spreading fear of influence on American institutions and of espionage by Soviet agents.

It originated with President Truman's Executive Order 9835 of March 21, 1947, which required that all federal civil service employees be screened for "loyalty." The order specified that one criterion to be used in determining that "reasonable grounds exist for belief that the person involved is disloyal" would be a finding of "membership in, affiliation with or sympathetic association" with any organization determined by the attorney general to be "totalitarian, Fascist, Communist or subversive" or advocating or approving the forceful denial of constitutional rights to other persons or seeking "to alter the form of Government of the United States by unconstitutional means."

— Robert J Goldstein [2]
Drugb posted:

You jackasses already tried and convicted Ashni in the court of public opinion.  What is the credible evidence against him and has he been convicted of a crime?

Please urge Ashni to return to Guyana to proclaim and plead his innocence. He will get a hearing.


Come on Gil,

Hearing is one thing a politically motivated hearing and access to a fair hearing is not possible under the new military dictatorship.

The AG case is a classic example when a Judge is asked to excuse himself and bows under political pressure.

You mek me hand fall.

Anyway, I just can't wait to see Glen Lall in shackles in 2020/2021.

Last edited by Former Member
Gilbakka posted:
Bibi Haniffa posted: Pukkaterry????  

Pukkaterry, as in being removed from power with a slim chance of regaining power in 2020. Attention: FORWAARD MARCH! Leftright, leftright, left, left....

He landed a job in the private sector that pays three times what he was making as a Minister in Guyana.  Why would he care about 2020?

Attention: Leftright, Leftright,  The Government Boots are Not Your Own!!!!!

Bibi Haniffa
Last edited by Bibi Haniffa
Stormborn posted:

They want him in court...evidence only comes if the suspect faces the charges.

Nonsense, he can be tried in absentia as long as the evidence is there. This was done many times in Guyana. Meanwhile you hide behind the veil of innuendos and guilt by association.  

Gilbakka posted:
Drugb posted:

You jackasses already tried and convicted Ashni in the court of public opinion.  What is the credible evidence against him and has he been convicted of a crime?

Please urge Ashni to return to Guyana to proclaim and plead his innocence. He will get a hearing.

He has not been charged with a crime, so what is there to plead? When you and the other jackasses charge him, beware of the lawsuit to follow. 

Bibi Haniffa posted: Attention: Leftright, Leftright,  The Government Boots are Not Your Own!!!!!

You're correct. But I can hear the sound of marching boots right up in my observation tower near the North Pole. It ain't sounding nice. Dat is why me ah remind allyuh repeatedly. Me want free and fair elections in 2020, whatever de outcome according to GECOM.

Gilbakka posted:
Bibi Haniffa posted: Attention: Leftright, Leftright,  The Government Boots are Not Your Own!!!!!

You're correct. But I can hear the sound of marching boots right up in my observation tower near the North Pole. It ain't sounding nice. Dat is why me ah remind allyuh repeatedly. Me want free and fair elections in 2020, whatever de outcome according to GECOM.

Ok Gil,

What you got is what you want. You give you lil hard earned money to support the AFC.

Why don't you write a letter to Moses and Ramjattan demanding answers and expressing your concerns ?

Or are they ignoring you now that they conned you and many others with their hard earned donations ?

Last edited by Former Member

If it's GDF boots you hear near to your observation tower, it might be Harmon coming to pay you a visit!!!   As to GECOM, we just can't find a "fit and proper" person to rig the elections!!

Bibi Haniffa
Last edited by Bibi Haniffa
yuji22 posted: Ok Gil, What you got is what you want. You give you lil hard earned money to support the AFC. Why don't you write a letter to Moses and Ramjattan demanding answers and expressing your concerns ?

Power makes its beneficiaries deaf to the concerns of the powerless. Dem two living it up with their heads tilted upwards and one eye cocked downwards just to be on the alert.

Bibi Haniffa posted:

If it's GDF boots you hear near to your observation tower, it might be Harmon coming to pay you a visit!!!   As to GECOM, we just can't find a "fit and proper" person to rig the elections!!

I believe President already has his fit-and-proper person in his pocket. Meanwhile, President is giving Opposition Leader a workout on Planet Futility.

Gilbakka posted:
yuji22 posted: Ok Gil, What you got is what you want. You give you lil hard earned money to support the AFC. Why don't you write a letter to Moses and Ramjattan demanding answers and expressing your concerns ?

Power makes its beneficiaries deaf to the concerns of the powerless. Dem two living it up with their heads tilted upwards and one eye cocked downwards just to be on the alert.

Head Tilted Upwards =  The Neemakharam Moses

One Eye Cocked downwards = The liar and drunkard Rumjattan.

Excellent observations. That accurately define those two crooks.


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