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Over 600 parents in Kwakwani receive education grant-Minister Edghill tells parents education is the only sure way out of poverty

Written by , Published in News, Georgetown, GINA, December 2, 2014, Source - GINA


As the Ministry of Education ‘Because we Care’ initiative winds down, residents of Kwakwani, Region 10 on Monday turned out in their numbers to uplift their $10,000 education cash grant.


Given the fact that the area does not have any Western Union or banking facility, the more than 600 parents were given cash.


Meanwhile before the presentation of the money, Minister in the Ministry of Finance Juan Edghill addressed the large gathering, cautioning that the cash grant should not be seen as a ‘charity event’ as some sections of society may want to suggest. 


He noted that this initiative should be seen in the context for which it is intended. Minister Edghill reminded the gathering that the initiative was conceptualised in sync with the many policies of the administration. These, policies he said, are all aimed at creating a better environment for growth and development of all citizens, and moreso the future of Guyana.


“Historically our government would have placed significant importance in the area of education- education is the vehicle to take a people out of poverty, once you have a sound education you are on your way out.”


Speaking of some of the many investments made in the education sector, Minister Edghill pointed to the more than 1000 schools throughout the country that have been built, refurbished, and renovated. All this, the Minister said has contributed significantly to Guyana achieving universal primary education.


Mention was also made of the free text book distribution, school uniform and the school feeding programmes, which are aimed at easing the burden off parents with school age children.


Parents awaiting their turn to complete the necessary paperwork before collecting the education grant


However, while noting all of Government’s interventions, the Minister reminded the parents that they too have an important role to play.  He noted that while the necessary infrastructure is in place, it is the parents’ duty to ensure that their children attend school regularly.


Minister Edghill told the gathering that it is the joy of any good parent to see his or her child/children doing better than they did; hence they ought to play their role as parents and guardians.


He urged the parents to show more interest in their children’s school life, by attending Parent Teachers’ Association meetings, and by making random visits to school to check on their children’s performance and behaviour.


Further Minister Edghill urged the parents to utilise the money given to them wisely, as it would be a good investment if spent correctly.


Meanwhile several parents who were present to uplift their cash were in high praise of the government for the initiative.


Minister in the Ministry of Finance, Juan Edghill handing over an education grant to a resident of Kwakwani, Region Ten


Natasha Welch, a mother of three, expressed appreciation for the initiative, stating that it would ease her spending money on transportation as she intends to purchase bicycles for her children.


Randy Fredricks a father who also turned up to collect the grant lauded the government for the intervention. He said he will be utilising the money to assist his children with school projects.


Meanwhile since the launch of this initiative which was held in Bartica, Region Seven, most of the administrative regions have been served.


However, service to eight locations in the hinterland and riverine communities has been delayed due to inclement weather conditions among other minor unforeseen circumstances. These, however are expected to be served by Thursday, December 4.


As of November 25, 2014, the Ministry had reported that a total of 135, 347 ‘Because we Care’ $10,000 Cash Grant vouchers were distributed.  

According to Western Union, on Sunday, November 23, 2014, their records indicate that a total of 131,075 vouchers had been en-cashed at their locations.


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