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Over 7,000 calls for Anil Nandlall to resign

November 17, 2014 1:29 pm Category: latest news A+ / A-
Attorney General, Anil Nandlall

Attorney General, Anil Nandlall


[] – The pressure continues to mount on Attorney General and Legal Affairs Minister, Anil Nandlall for him to resign following the infamous telephone recording between himself and senior journalist of the Kaieteur News, Leonard Gildarie.

An iNews poll which ran for just a week received a total of 7,187 votes (88%) in favour for Nandlall to resign, while a mere 954 (12%) votes believe he should remain in office and 23 votes were undecided.

The iNews poll had asked: Do you think Attorney General, Anil Nandlall should resign in light of public outcry following the revelation of his profane and threatening phone conversation with a media operative?

Nandlall has since refused to resign and has received the full support of President Donald Ramotar and the government.

Although Nandlall has admitted to the taped conversation, he viewed it as a “betrayal” but noted that it was taken out of “context” and was “manipulated.”

In the recording, the Attorney General could be heard saying among other things: “I told Adam [Adam Harris, Editor, Kaieteur News] everybody don’t have a newspaper to use as a weapon, I told Adam people got weapons. If they continue to attack people like this and they [people] have no way of responding, they will just walk with their weapon into that same F**king Saffon Street office and wah come shall do.”

The AG went on to say: “innocent people got to pay for f**king Paul… I tell you honestly, man to man, that will happen so the quicker you get out of there, the better for you.”

“There is a simpler way of dealing with this situation you know, I tell Glenn already. He knows I have capacity and I know his. I don’t have to go Court every day and issue press statements, I don’t have to resort to those methods…there are far more effective measures to which I can resort.”

The police are still investigating the matter.

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The AG went on to say: “innocent people got to pay for f**king Paul… I tell you honestly, man to man, that will happen so the quicker you get out of there, the better for you.”

Originally Posted by Django:
Originally Posted by skeldon_man:

Was this poll taken in Linden, GT or Agricola?

Poll was taken on inewsguyana website.

A robert persaud owned and operated entity.......

Originally Posted by skeldon_man:

Was this poll taken in Linden, GT or Agricola?

It was an online poll that was taken by the PPPC aligned owner of Inews, just imagine, a PPP/C poll showing that Nandalall should resign, but you need not take my word for it, you can find out easily who owns Inews:



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