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Over one hundred Guyanese awaiting deportation, but government won’t finance their return

GEORGETOWN, Guyana — Dozens of Guyanese who are stuck in prisons abroad, particularly in Trinidad, Barbados, St Maarten, and across the Organisation of Eastern Caribbean States (OECS), are pleading with the Guyana government to help them in their quest to return home.

Their pleas were made on the basis that the immigration authorities in either country are unable to send them back to Guyana since they (the prisoners) cannot self-fund the cost of their repatriation, while the holding state has since ruled out doing so.

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Over one hundred Guyanese awaiting deportation, but government won’t finance their return

GEORGETOWN, Guyana — Dozens of Guyanese who are stuck in prisons abroad, particularly in Trinidad, Barbados, St Maarten, and across the Organisation of Eastern Caribbean States (OECS), are pleading with the Guyana government to help them in their quest to return home.

Their pleas were made on the basis that the immigration authorities in either country are unable to send them back to Guyana since they (the prisoners) cannot self-fund the cost of their repatriation, while the holding state has since ruled out doing so.

In at least one letter to the Guyana Guardian in June this year, several Guyanese who are currently incarcerated in Trinidad and Tobago are contending that they have been languishing in jail for several months simply because the cost for their return is not being paid for by their families or the government of Guyana.

As a result, they would have to remain in prison until someone can purchase their respective tickets.

Many are contending that their families back in Guyana are poor, while others claimed (in the bundled correspondence) that since they are somewhat detached, family members in Guyana do not have any interest in them.

While indicating that they are good citizens, they are urging the Guyana government to establish a system where the state can pay soonest for their return; and they will, in turn, work in Guyana to pay back the government for the tickets.

At the same time, they were quick to point out that many of the Guyanese diplomatic missions abroad are slothful and are sometimes non-responsive to the interest of imprisoned Guyanese citizens abroad.

But according to a source at the immigration department in Trinidad, many of the Guyanese nationals are in jail for immigration breaches such as overstaying their time etc, while others are stuck in the penal system because their return airline tickets have expired long before they would have completed their respective sentences for more serious offenses.

The source lamented that in such a case, they would have to either get a new airline ticket so that they can be sent back to Guyana, or they will have to stay in prison until that can be addressed.

“In such a case we cannot just put them back into the streets, neither can the state afford to fund the dozens of deportations that are required for nationals from all over the world, each year,” he stressed.

Subsequent checks across the region where data were sometimes easy to come by have revealed a troubling scenario among more than half of those in prison for immigration breaches.

For example, a large portion of those awaiting deportation, have been living in countries like Barbados and St Maarten for over ten and fifteen years, but now lack any documentation, real savings or any credible connections in either place to aid them in their quest to return home or be freed.

In the same way, relatives in Guyana are either hard to connect with, or are simply not inclined to help.

At least one man’s common-law wife back in Guyana with whom the Guyana Guardian had spoken, was quick to point out last week that her (now incarcerated) children father had abandoned her and their two children since 2008 to live with a woman in Trinidad, and would only communicate with hostility two or three times a year.

With him now being locked away in Trinidad and not being able to fund his deportation, she was adamant that she can continue to survive without him as she had done for nine years. Hence she reiterated that there is no way she will go and beg, borrow or steal, just to bring him back.

Preliminary checks in 11 Caribbean and Latin American countries, have put the number of Guyanese awaiting deportation (but is stuck in prisons abroad because of ticketing issues), at 47.

But if those that are awaiting state funded removal from the United States, Canada, the UK and all others are to be taken into account, then that figure is widely expected to be just over a 120.

Those stuck in the ABC countries are said to be in that position because their return or funding of their return must be acknowledged by the Guyana government, among other things before they can be shuttled out.

Efforts to clarify the accuracy of the latter situation with the ministry of foreign affairs in Guyana or to solicit their opinion, has since been futile.

Republished with permission of the Guyana Guardian


 I thought Granger wanted Guyanese to go back home and take advantage of what Guyana has to offer. Is he picking and chosing among his people? He shouldn't be afraid of ex-criminals since he make it a habit to release them so often. I don't understand this man's logic.  

Bibi Haniffa posted:

Nice to see people going back to develop their country.  Very patriotic.

Granger is unwilling to pay for the Patriots homebound expense, but he could afford to spend millions on Brooklynites to visit Guyana to drink 50 yrs old rum, eat black cake and buggy down. 

RiffRaff posted:

Since they all released, they could pay for their trip then...they free to do what they want

You seriously have a lot of time on your hands to respond to idiots who see only what they want to see and are incapable of intelligent thought.

GTAngler posted:
RiffRaff posted:

Since they all released, they could pay for their trip then...they free to do what they want

You seriously have a lot of time on your hands to respond to idiots who see only what they want to see and are incapable of intelligent thought.

Oh shit GTangler just looked in the mirror!!!

Demerara_Guy posted:

Not released, according to the report.

While it appears that they have served the sentences, they are in prison awaiting a decision for return to their original country.

I think Bibi right...she always have her fingas on the pulse...she must know where these released prisoners are

GTAngler posted:
RiffRaff posted:

Since they all released, they could pay for their trip then...they free to do what they want

You seriously have a lot of time on your hands to respond to idiots who see only what they want to see and are incapable of intelligent thought.

just humoring them

Nehru posted:
RiffRaff posted:

Why should Granger pay to bring back criminals?

So he can hire them for Slo Fiah Mo Fiah and Election FRAUD, things he is very qualified for!!!!!!!

he don't need more people for's covered in budget


I would expect the country doing the deportation foots the bill. I do not see why Guyana should pay for their airfare. Or let their families pay the bill. After all Guyana govt did not pay for their air fare when they left Guyana 

Nehru posted:
GTAngler posted:
RiffRaff posted:

Since they all released, they could pay for their trip then...they free to do what they want

You seriously have a lot of time on your hands to respond to idiots who see only what they want to see and are incapable of intelligent thought.

Oh shit GTangler just looked in the mirror!!!

You got me. Very intelligent retort. How do you ever come up with these?

GTAngler posted:
Nehru posted:
GTAngler posted:
RiffRaff posted:

Since they all released, they could pay for their trip then...they free to do what they want

You seriously have a lot of time on your hands to respond to idiots who see only what they want to see and are incapable of intelligent thought.

Oh shit GTangler just looked in the mirror!!!

You got me. Very intelligent retort. How do you ever come up with these?

You will never know because you need a clean brain to figure it out.


How am I doing Riff?

Drugb posted:

I am surprised that jackass Granger would not fund their return, he would be guaranteed votes from these criminals. 

Goes to show that these criminals are milk drinkers who Jagdeo will immediately hire upon their return to Guyana.  These are Hammie Greens boys, most of them now are busy guzzling down PPP milk.  Like the criminal said "why should be drink PNC black tea?"

Amral posted:

I would expect the country doing the deportation foots the bill. I do not see why Guyana should pay for their airfare. Or let their families pay the bill. After all Guyana govt did not pay for their air fare when they left Guyana 

It seems to me that the cost of imprisoning these people is way more expensive than paying their airfare.  This especially as virtually every single Caribbean country has a major crime problem, so its not as if filling their prisons is a problem.

I am willing to bet that most of these people are merely struggling people trying to earn 3-5X the pay in these coral reefs and volcanic peaks than they would in Guyana. Even if it means a periodic bout of hurricane induced homelessness.

Prince posted:
Bibi Haniffa posted:

Nice to see people going back to develop their country.  Very patriotic.

Granger is unwilling to pay for the Patriots homebound expense, but he could afford to spend millions on Brooklynites to visit Guyana to drink 50 yrs old rum, eat black cake and buggy down. 

Why not?

When Jagdeo and his fellow brown bai KKK visited Richmond Hill, attended the various duck curry events, screamed that "blackman gun kill coolie if de PNC win".  Guzzling down 2 year old rum.  Scratching their balls in the middle of the India Parade.

All paid for by the Guyana tax payers even as the PPP screamed that Guyanese kids must be satisfied with nasty latrines in their schools.

RiffRaff posted:
Nehru posted:
RiffRaff posted:

Why should Granger pay to bring back criminals?

So he can hire them for Slo Fiah Mo Fiah and Election FRAUD, things he is very qualified for!!!!!!!

he don't need more people for's covered in budget

Jagdeo however needs to hire them to attack Indians so he can scream "blackman a kill ahbe". He will provide Rasta wigs for the Indo thugs.


I think that LIAT might have some empty seats as many will not travel because of the various hurricanes.  I expect him to send their tickets soon.

caribny posted:
Drugb posted:

I am surprised that jackass Granger would not fund their return, he would be guaranteed votes from these criminals. 

Goes to show that these criminals are milk drinkers who Jagdeo will immediately hire upon their return to Guyana.  These are Hammie Greens boys, most of them now are busy guzzling down PPP milk.  Like the criminal said "why should be drink PNC black tea?"

Granger needs more Black people to vote for him, he could easily give these criminals a free plane ticket and use them as tools in 2020 elections. He could train them to kill and rob Indians and drive more of them out of the country.  The only reason he is not moving on this opportunity is because he already cut a deal with the Haitians to bolster the PNC electorate. 


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