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Overhead vehicle pass for Diamond

October 19, 2016 8:44 am Category: Local News A+ / A-

Traffic congestion on the East Bank Demerara, in the vicinity of Diamond, could soon be eliminated. According to a report from the Government Information Agency, there are plans to construct a vehicular overhead pass in this area.

Project Manager, Ministry of Public Infrastructure, Sunil Ganesh

          Projects Manager, Ministry of Public Infrastructure, Sunil Ganesh

Ministry of Public Infrastructure’s Projects Manager, Sunil Ganesh, said tenders for the project should be advertised early next month and works will commence early next year.

“There are about 20,000 vehicles that use that intersection, so this vehicle overhead pass would significantly reduce the backup of traffic existing in Diamond, so when the vehicle overhead pass is completed you have free flow of traffic coming out of Diamond, there will be almost zero delay,” Ganesh explained.

According to the GINA report, Ganesh said that in addition to the vehicular overhead pass, pedestrian overhead passes would be constructed in the vicinity of the Demerra Harbour Bridge next to the office of the Neighbourhood Democratic Council, another at Eccles on the eastern side of the traffic light and a third in the vicinity of the Houston Secondary School.

Meanwhile, the East Bank Four Lane expansion project that started in 2012 is almost completed. The Ministry is currently working on installing traffic signs and road markings on certain sections of the road. The project was funded by the Inter-American Development Bank (IDB) at US$17 million.

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Projects Manager, Ministry of Public Infrastructure, Sunil Ganesh?

What Sunil Ganesh had to do to get this job? Vote PNC or sell out he matty coolie? Guyana is not a coolie country.



It does not appear that these dummies in office did a feasibility study to justify an overpass. Normally a few months of studies are done before such decisions are made. Instead it looks like the fools but the cart before the horse. 


Here we go again, blabber blabber blabber. The government is doing their utmost but there are people out there who "think they know nuff" and try their best to bad talk any and everything the govt does. I say, who cares what they think they know, they doan know shyte ?

cain posted:

Here we go again, blabber blabber blabber. The government is doing their utmost but there are people out there who "think they know nuff" and try their best to bad talk any and everything the govt does. I say, who cares what they think they know, they doan know shyte ?

It is about following due diligence.  Show me where they did a feasibility study. Weren't you one of those who always demanded due diligence from the PPP?

cain posted:

Here we go again, blabber blabber blabber. The government is doing their utmost but there are people out there who "think they know nuff" and try their best to bad talk any and everything the govt does. I say, who cares what they think they know, they doan know shyte ?

That was done months ago.


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