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Scenes from around Georgetown yesterday(Guyana Times Photos)

Residents and businesses of Georgetown continue to suffer as  heavy rains which started Monday evening and continued throughout yesterday combined with clogged drains caused significant flooding throughout sections of the capital. Poor drainage maintenance together with City Hall's incompetence are responsible for flooding which incurs millions of dollars in damages to public and private property.

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This is bigger than City Hall. They do not have the resources to deal with this and the gov't is playing ping pong. Above and beyond these two hopeless institutions, the populace is just downright disgusting. There are trucks that dump rubbish on the street corners. People litter with no care or concern that they are clogging their own drains. Georgetown is the nastiest that I've ever seen it and no one ........ not City Hall, not the gov't, not the man in the street ......cares. It's the saddest lack of pride, ethics and awareness that I've ever seen. They need to ban plastic bags and styrofoam containers and enforce laws on littering.


This will continue to happen until the blame game is over where they can work together to find common solutions to the problem and save the city from this disaster. This problem been around for years and we still talking about it today. At this point, I don't know who is responsible for the clogged drains. The PPP is blaming the Mayor, and the Mayor is blaming the PPP. I will leave it at that.


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