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Overseas-based Guyanese shot dead in home invasion

May 16, 2015 | By | Filed Under News 

An overseas-based Guyanese man who came home on Friday with his family to do some religious work is now dead, the victim of a robbery/murder.

Ramesh Puran his wife, Savitri Puran

Ramesh Puran his wife, Savitri Puran



Four masked bandits armed with guns and cutlasses, attacked Ramesh Puran, 49, a father of three and of New York USA. The man had come home with his wife, Savitri Puran, called “Sandra”, his stepson and some other relatives from the USA on Friday.


The incident occurred at their Guyana residence at 153 Belvedere Squatting Area, Corentyne, Berbice. Puran is a regular visitor to Guyana and his main purpose of coming home this time, was to do some religious work and spend some time with family members.


According to the woman’s niece, Tamarattie Seecharran, a housewife, who occupies the house with her husband, Dhanraj Narine and their 10-month-old baby, the ordeal was horrifying.


Seecharran, in tears, told the media that family members were at home around 21:15 hrs talking when the masked men suddenly appeared. The woman said that she was in her bedroom with her baby while the other relatives were outside.


She stated that two of the men, one tall and one short, entered the bedroom and sat on top of her.


The men, who were armed with cutlasses, placed the weapons to her and her daughter’s neck threatening to cut them off if she doesn’t say where the US currency and jewelry were.  


She began to beg and told the men that she didn’t know.


The men then placed the cutlass again under her baby’s chin and again threatened to cut her neck off.


The woman said she continued to beg and heard a commotion outside. Her aunt who was in her bedroom opened the door and saw the men hacking away at her husband.


The woman immediately closed the door, removed the louvers and jumped over 25 feet to the ground, injuring her back in the process.  She got up and fled in the muddy yard screaming as she ran through the Streets.


Neighbours heard the commotion and came out, but were first held at bay after realizing the men had guns.


Seecharran stated that she cannot say much about the shooting, but when she came out of the room her uncle was slumped in the chair with blood all over his body.


Another relative, Devika Ramotar, was chopped in her head by one of the men. They were picked up and rushed to the Port Mourant Hospital where Puran was pronounced dead on arrival.


According to relatives and neighbours the police were contacted and responded promptly, but by then the men had already left.  

The ordeal lasted about five minutes.


According to a police release, around 21:00hrs on Thursday evening, four men armed with cutlasses and a handgun entered a home at Belvedere, Corentyne, through an open door, and held up Ramesh Puran, 49 years, his wife and two other relatives, before demanding cash and jewelry.


The perpetrators took away a quantity of jewelry and shot Ramesh Puran and a cousin, Devika Ramotar, who they chopped to her head before escaping.


Ramesh Puran was pronounced DOA at the Port Mourant Hospital, while Devika Ramotar was treated and sent away. Investigations are continuing. No one has been arrested.


Ramotar do not think

it is time to go.

Replies sorted oldest to newest

Originally Posted by Jalil:

Overseas-based Guyanese shot dead in home invasion

May 16, 2015 | By | Filed Under News 

An overseas-based Guyanese man who came home on Friday with his family to do some religious work is now dead, the victim of a robbery/murder.

Ramesh Puran his wife, Savitri Puran

Ramesh Puran his wife, Savitri Puran



Four masked bandits armed with guns and cutlasses, attacked Ramesh Puran, 49, a father of three and of New York USA. The man had come home with his wife, Savitri Puran, called “Sandra”, his stepson and some other relatives from the USA on Friday.


The incident occurred at their Guyana residence at 153 Belvedere Squatting Area, Corentyne, Berbice. Puran is a regular visitor to Guyana and his main purpose of coming home this time, was to do some religious work and spend some time with family members.


According to the woman’s niece, Tamarattie Seecharran, a housewife, who occupies the house with her husband, Dhanraj Narine and their 10-month-old baby, the ordeal was horrifying.


Seecharran, in tears, told the media that family members were at home around 21:15 hrs talking when the masked men suddenly appeared. The woman said that she was in her bedroom with her baby while the other relatives were outside.


She stated that two of the men, one tall and one short, entered the bedroom and sat on top of her.


The men, who were armed with cutlasses, placed the weapons to her and her daughter’s neck threatening to cut them off if she doesn’t say where the US currency and jewelry were.  


She began to beg and told the men that she didn’t know.


The men then placed the cutlass again under her baby’s chin and again threatened to cut her neck off.


The woman said she continued to beg and heard a commotion outside. Her aunt who was in her bedroom opened the door and saw the men hacking away at her husband.


The woman immediately closed the door, removed the louvers and jumped over 25 feet to the ground, injuring her back in the process.  She got up and fled in the muddy yard screaming as she ran through the Streets.


Neighbours heard the commotion and came out, but were first held at bay after realizing the men had guns.


Seecharran stated that she cannot say much about the shooting, but when she came out of the room her uncle was slumped in the chair with blood all over his body.


Another relative, Devika Ramotar, was chopped in her head by one of the men. They were picked up and rushed to the Port Mourant Hospital where Puran was pronounced dead on arrival.


According to relatives and neighbours the police were contacted and responded promptly, but by then the men had already left.  

The ordeal lasted about five minutes.


According to a police release, around 21:00hrs on Thursday evening, four men armed with cutlasses and a handgun entered a home at Belvedere, Corentyne, through an open door, and held up Ramesh Puran, 49 years, his wife and two other relatives, before demanding cash and jewelry.


The perpetrators took away a quantity of jewelry and shot Ramesh Puran and a cousin, Devika Ramotar, who they chopped to her head before escaping.


Ramesh Puran was pronounced DOA at the Port Mourant Hospital, while Devika Ramotar was treated and sent away. Investigations are continuing. No one has been arrested.


Ramotar do not think

it is time to go.


Granger has lots of time to get this right. Policing sitting in an office is for naught. There should be regular radio connected patrols moving in opposite directions at all times. We should also have a robust 911 system.

Originally Posted by Sheik101:

I'll ask that they bring back National Service as well. So we could send uncle Rama to Kimbia where he could plant nuff ochro and ground provision.

Corbin already told me  that if the PNC ever gets back into power, they will bring back National service.

Originally Posted by Ramakant-P:
Originally Posted by Sheik101:

I'll ask that they bring back National Service as well. So we could send uncle Rama to Kimbia where he could plant nuff ochro and ground provision.

Corbin already told me  that if the PNC ever gets back into power, they will bring back National service.

Rama did we ever doubt U

that you were close to the PNC Leadership?


Did we ever doubt you

that you shared a small place/space with Corbin?


Did Anyone doubt that Corbin and other PNC muscle men 

look after your Baxside real good?


Did we ever doubt you that

you were a PNC Mole or Rat (Your Choice)?


Did anyone ever question

why you saw nothing was wrong

with Black PNC House of Israel

Thugs, Killers, Rapist and Election riggers

occupying Leadership Position in Freedom House

or Office of the President?


Now Rama tell us why you supported Jagdeo

and refused outside help

when the Indians wanted

Outside help to fix the crime problem

and make coolie safe in Guyana????


Rama you are the one

that have Ramotar sinking ....

now.... in Deep $hit.

Originally Posted by Ramakant-P:

It's the police's job to investigate and they don't have to be told. 

Granger can't fix anything that he caused.  In the army he oversee many murders.  

As I said, all Granger has a proven record of is 'playing warbreak'.  Nothing will get done.

Originally Posted by Ramakant-P:

We need united Nation's security force to police Guyana. 

Your PPP said that they were not going to give up their  sovereign rights. Why is that OK now?

Originally Posted by Sheik101:

I am calling for the return of the death penalty. A message must be sent to these chaps who commit these sort of crimes.

That was the first thing President Desmond Hoyte did when he became President and crime went down during his term.

Originally Posted by alena06:
Originally Posted by Ramakant-P:

It's the police's job to investigate and they don't have to be told. 

Granger can't fix anything that he caused.  In the army he oversee many murders.  

As I said, all Granger has a proven record of is 'playing warbreak'. 

Please post his record and enlighten us.

Originally Posted by Chief:
Originally Posted by Sheik101:

I am calling for the return of the death penalty. A message must be sent to these chaps who commit these sort of crimes.

That was the first thing President Desmond Hoyte did when he became President and crime went down during his term.

The death penalty doesn't have impact on crime.  If there is no crime fighting apparatus the criminals know that they wouldn't be caught, so the issue is moot.


The focus ought to be on more active patrols, and more importantly improved investigation and training cops how to present in court so that the criminals can be convicted.  Do we have trained detectives?  A forensics lab?


There also needs to be a focus on the unconnected youth, those neither working, or in school to give them more access to training.  In doesn't make sense to hang one bandit when five others are about to become this.


Guyana needs to move to community policing.  The police will know who the bad elements are, and will be able to monitor them.  If bandits know that they are being watched they became less likely to commit crimes.


Hanging is a good emotional response,  but it is not a long term solution.  Trinidad had/has hanging.  Is that country safe?  No its MORE dangerous than Guyana!

Originally Posted by alena06:
Originally Posted by Ramakant-P:

It's the police's job to investigate and they don't have to be told. 

Granger can't fix anything that he caused.  In the army he oversee many murders.  

As I said, all Granger has a proven record of is 'playing warbreak'.  Nothing will get done.

So, exactly what is currently being done?

Originally Posted by Ramakant-P:
Originally Posted by Sheik101:

I'll ask that they bring back National Service as well. So we could send uncle Rama to Kimbia where he could plant nuff ochro and ground provision.

Corbin already told me  that if the PNC ever gets back into power, they will bring back National service.

Rama, a well thought through NS program which does not ram things down people's throats but gives options would be good.  Guyana has become an ill-disciplined country and bringing some back would not be bad.  The NS should be coupled with skills training, etc.  I think it should be mandatory for all able-bodied males to do some light to moderate military training.  For females, military should be voluntary with other local options.

Originally Posted by caribny:
Originally Posted by Chief:
Originally Posted by Sheik101:

I am calling for the return of the death penalty. A message must be sent to these chaps who commit these sort of crimes.

That was the first thing President Desmond Hoyte did when he became President and crime went down during his term.

The death penalty doesn't have impact on crime.  If there is no crime fighting apparatus the criminals know that they wouldn't be caught, so the issue is moot.


The focus ought to be on more active patrols, and more importantly improved investigation and training cops how to present in court so that the criminals can be convicted.  Do we have trained detectives?  A forensics lab?


There also needs to be a focus on the unconnected youth, those neither working, or in school to give them more access to training.  In doesn't make sense to hang one bandit when five others are about to become this.


Guyana needs to move to community policing.  The police will know who the bad elements are, and will be able to monitor them.  If bandits know that they are being watched they became less likely to commit crimes.


Hanging is a good emotional response,  but it is not a long term solution.  Trinidad had/has hanging.  Is that country safe?  No its MORE dangerous than Guyana!

I agree with you here.


What  new on the Eastern front?  Any arrest as yet?   A man was killed under the Alliance watch and all they are thinking about is what next.    The police is inept we know that.  The Police can't  catch a fly how can they catch a thief? 


Originally Posted by Ramakant-P:

What  new on the Eastern front?  Any arrest as yet?   A man was killed under the Alliance watch and all they are thinking about is what next.    The police is inept we know that.  The Police can't  catch a fly how can they catch a thief? 


LIE.  That happen before Granger was appointed.  Read the date and time fo the crime you fool.


That was the last crime under ROHEE's watch.


He was too busy moving out to bother with them Corentyne C00lies.

Last edited by Former Member
Originally Posted by baseman:
 I think it should be mandatory for all able-bodied males to do some light to moderate military training.  For females, military should be voluntary with other local options.

The days of gender differentiation are over.  If it is mandatory for males, then it should be for females as well.



GNS should be voluntary, though beneficiaries of scholarships and other benefits from the government should be made to serve.  Skills training should be the center piece so it doesn't merely become a dumping group for poor people who cannot take care of the children.


GNS can be involved in all sorts of voluntary projects aimed at national development.  This as part of a skills training program.  This should encompass giving the volunteers project management skills as well.  Hopefully that will lead to some starting their own businesses.


It might well be that more black youth look at agriculture, and Indians at the armed forces as career options, based on their exposure.  Better than screaming that Granger should balance the forces, without a plan about how he should do so.


BTW there was the report of the committees on the disciplined forces, which did address the issue of Indians being reluctant to/refusing to serve.  I believe that Granger was very involved with this. The PPP did NOTHING with it.

Originally Posted by Ramakant-P:

What  new on the Eastern front?  Any arrest as yet?   A man was killed under the Alliance watch and all they are thinking about is what next.    The police is inept we know that.  The Police can't  catch a fly how can they catch a thief? 


The PPP delayed the process by a whole week with their tantrum because Guyanese rejected them AGAIN.


Now you are screaming that the coalition hasn't done anything when they haven't even had time to find their desks, get computer passwords, etc.


You are a real piece if work.


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