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Overseas-based Guyanese youth missing

-family suspects foul play after mysterious phone call

August 19 ,2020


Nicholas Ramkissoon Jaipaul

Nicholas Ramkissoon Jaipaul

An overseas-based Guyanese who was stranded in Guyana for several months due to the COVID-19 pandemic has been reported missing by his family, who fear he may be the victim of a kidnapping.

Nicholas Ramkissoon Jaipaul, 25, of Canada, arrived in Guyana in January for a holiday with his grandfather, Ramkissoon Jaipaul, 86, and they were residing at Lot 42 Number 69 Village, Corentyne. They were expected to leave Guyana in May but were forced to remain in the country due to the pandemic, which has seen the shutdown of the country’s airports except for special flights.

According to relatives, the young man was last seen on Sunday around 7.30 pm. However, relatives yesterday said that they are of the belief that the young man was kidnapped since someone reportedly called the grandfather and informed him that they had the young man in their custody.

The grandfather told Stabroek News that he received the phone call on Monday morning, “They called and asked where I was and I said downstairs and then they ask where Nicholas and I said he upstairs and they said let me check and see Nicholas is not upstairs that they have him,” he recounted. “They said they have him and I figure they want ransom but they didn’t ask.” According to the grandfather, the person then ended the call.

However, a police source close to the investigation told Stabroek News, that investigators have since discovered that there was no forced entry into the house. “There was a padlock on the grill door and we observed that it was not broken,” the source said. 

According to the source, the grandfather went to sleep just around 7.30 pm on Sunday, while the young man was still awake in the house. 

Commander of Region Six, Calvin Brutus yesterday said, the matter is being investigated as a missing person case.

However, he added, that the investigation would be accelerated if they are to discover any evidence suggesting that the man might have been kidnapped. 

Nicholas’ grandfather described him as an easy going individual who did not have much friends in the country. 

According to the man, his grandson would accompany him when visiting persons. “He does go with me or his other grandfather only,” the man said.

Anyone who may have information as to the whereabouts of Nicholas Ramkissoon Jaipaul is asked to contact the nearest police station. 

Replies sorted oldest to newest

@Mitwah posted:

Any Updates?


No updates that I am aware of. 

A similar situation exists while working on projects in Guyana. Donated funds for projects are difficult to obtain, but some Guyanese feel since an organization is paying for everything, they must be rich and adequate safeguard needs to be put in place. 

In some countries its important to connect with friendly police officers, so bandits can see that some 'protection' is in place from anyone with ideas to attack.

The same people in the community we assist, or those we buy lunch for helping us, might be the ones  who might attack. So its difficult to know who to fully trust.    

@Former Member posted:

Mits I spoke with a fellow Guyanese and he said that the newspaper report is accurate. No further updates as of now.

I hope this does not turn out to be a similar incident like the British youth who went to visit 'new' relatives in Guyana and was killed, with his camera equipment buried. 

On the surface these places look so nice and innocent, but a person's life can sometimes for the worse, overnight.

The grandfather must be going through hell with guilt, for bringing the boy to Guyana.  


Two arrested in Canadian citizen’s alleged kidnapping

Missing: Nicholas Jaipaul

A maid and her son were arrested yesterday and are being questioned in connection with the disappearance of Canadian citizen, Nicholas Jaipaul who was on vacation with his grandfather at Number 69 Village since January.
According to the grandfather, Ramkissoon Jaipaul, the maid in custody started working for him about a year ago and had previously lived in Brazil. He added that she never provided a solid address and he only knew her as Radha. Based on the little he knew about her, he said that she had stated that she had developed issues with her husband in Brazil and returned to Guyana.
Nicholas Jaipaul disappeared from his vacation home at 69 Village sometime between Sunday night and Monday morning. His grandfather told this publication that he received an anonymous call Monday afternoon from someone saying that they have his grandson.
They both came to Guyana in January for vacation and were expected to return to Canada in May, however, because of the COVID-19 restrictions, they have been stuck here. This publication understands that a team from the Major Crime Unit was sent to Berbice to assist detectives in investigating the matter.

Last edited by Django
@Former Member posted:

Tola, I know the family. I just spoke with his Aunt in Canada and they are currently headed to his father's residence. They are devastated. 

I could imagine how the family must feel from our own family experience. 

Before the virus, our daughter wanted to visit Guyana and our sister's grave site, but I was afraid of her being here. Some of the people we contact are not very trusting. Now she will be more afraid with this boy's death.  


this is shocking.they should fry the maid & her son.too many crimes and murders in that god-forsaken place.that's why i haven't set foot in guyana since 2007.i travel all over the world & enjoy life


Very sad.

His Grandfather is Jaipaul know as Balram. Balram was a popular businessman in his younger days and owned a rice mill in addition to lots of rice fields. Very nice family. 

Last edited by Former Member

You all don't get tied up with this crime.  Crime like this has been happening throughout Guyana's history.  It's only being reported more today.  People have been known to murder their fathers and brothers for inheritance.  

The perpetrators of this crime must be punished adequately to send a message to the public that you will pay dearly if you take the life of another person. 

Billy Ram Balgobin
Last edited by Billy Ram Balgobin
@Former Member posted:

Sean, are you from my end of the hood? I lived two years in 65 village. 

Did you live near the Koker dam at 65 ? Do you know Henry, the Zil family ? Do you know Chruchill ? I know a lot of people from 52-Corriverton. Cobra, do you also know Neville ?


Charred remains believed to be missing Canadian man found

The charred remains, believed to be that of missing Canadian national, Nicholas Ramkissoon Jaipaul, were found on Thursday morning at Moleson Creek, Corentyne, Berbice.

According to information reaching, law enforcement officials were taken to the location by a son of the maid who police were initially looking for. According to reports, the man was found hiding at a house in Diamond, East Bank Demerara.

The Guyana Police Force had said it was investigating the circumstances which led to the disappearance of the man who was staying with relatives at their Number 69 Village home in Berbice.

Jaipaul, 23, has been in Guyana since March. He was slated to return home in May but was unable to do so due to the closure of the borders amid the Covid-19 pandemic.

The Canadian national was staying with his grandfather, also named Ramkissoon Jaipaul who said he realised that his grandson was missing on Monday morning.

According to the 86-year-old man, he and his grandson had retired to bed on Sunday night but due to the countrywide power outage, he woke up to light two lamps.

The elderly man had said he gave one of the lamps to his grandson and returned to bed. He said that was the last time he saw the young man.

It was the following morning when he woke that he noticed that his grandson disappeared.

The elderly man had said he received a phone call that same morning, where the caller claimed that he has kidnapped his grandson and demanded ransom.

The grandfather had explained that the young man was slated to visit his other grandfather on Monday and that his bags were already packed for the trip. Upon checking, the bags were still at the house.

@Totaram posted:

Thought you said that only "Blackman does rab an kill".

Both races do, when their warped minds tells them an opportunity exist. 

Guyana needs a harsher deterrent, so people can know that a life taken, could also be their own afterwards. 


This is not the first this has happened. People see an opportunity and they take it. I remember not so long ago another foreigner was conned by a group of thugs and they killed him and buried him in a shallow grave, but the story came to light and they all get caught. The saddest thing is that the foreigner loses his life innocently. 

@Sheik101 posted:

The lord and saviour Jagdeo who abolished the death penalty should now re introduce it. 

During the last Ramotar government, the people in Berbice protested at police stations, for the police to do better to prevent the run away crime rate. One guy was even shot to death at Albion police station during a protest. 

Ali promised to do better this time, we wait to see.

Unfortunately, police stations still lock their gates at night  and sometimes don't answer the phone. The  police is supposed to have patrols at night, but most times they are only seen at road blocks during the day. 


Crime affects everyone’s quality of life and takes a toll on businesses. In order to reduce crime and provide safety for all Guyanese, the PPP/C will:

● Provide more equipment, facilities and training for law enforcement personnel. ● Improve investigative and forensic capabilities. ● Expand the use of modern technology and intelligence in the fight against crime including cybercrimes. ● Expand intelligence gathering and processing capability of law enforcement agencies and promote intelligence-led policing. ● Ensure greater accountability by the Police for solving crime including a crime observatory. ● Provide better remuneration and conditions of service for personnel in the security forces. ● Decentralize crime-fighting resources and capabilities across Guyana. ● Enhance security capabilities in the hinterland in support of mining, forestry and Amerindian villages. ● Strengthen the Financial Intelligence Unit (FIU). ● Enhance the capabilities of the Customs Anti-Narcotics Unit (CANU). ● Increase international cooperation in the fight against the smuggling of narcotics. ● Provide increased budgetary allocation for the Office of the DPP. ● Expand training for Prosecutors to promote a higher rate of conviction for serious crimes. ● Implement new initiatives for greater road safety. ● Foster greater collaboration with the private security sector in certification and training. ● Reinstate the joint services bonus. ● Equip the army to enhance maritime and border security. ● Reform of the prison system to include compulsory training/education for prisoners, security and safety of prison officers and safer prisons with improved conditions.


Rass Rama, did the PPP not say the same thing during their 23 years.  How come dem Indian voters were still protesting in front of police stations during the PPP government ?  Where were the changes then ? 

@Former Member posted:

this is shocking.they should fry the maid & her son.too many crimes and murders in that god-forsaken place.that's why i haven't set foot in guyana since 2007.i travel all over the world & enjoy life

God-forsaken, that is correct. The ppl juss too comfortable with all of this. They do not demand better.

@Tola posted:

Rass Rama, did the PPP not say the same thing during their 23 years.  How come dem Indian voters were still protesting in front of police stations during the PPP government ?  Where were the changes then ? 

I believe they were temporarily misguided. They willingly drank the Kool-Aid. But soon after the 2015 general elections, they woke up from their temporary trance and realized how right Nagamootoo was in the video below. Hence their reversion to the PPP in 2020.


@Tola posted:

Rass Rama, did the PPP not say the same thing during their 23 years.  How come dem Indian voters were still protesting in front of police stations during the PPP government ?  Where were the changes then ? 

That's not true. You lie.  Rip van wrinkle woke up after 20 years and said he great changes.  But you after 60 years said there are no changes. Do you always lie like that? Imagine after completing over 3500 projects, you still say there are no changes.  You should visit Guyana sometime and stop drink 'piss' and drink water.

  • Home
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  • Canadian youth killed over disputed rice lands, mastermind arrested

Canadian youth killed over disputed rice lands, mastermind arrested


Police have arrested the alleged mastermind identified as ‘Brickhead’ in the murder of 23-year-old Nicholas Ramkissoon Jaipaul whose burnt remains were found in a clump of bushes a short distance off the Moleson Creek Public Road on Thursday morning.

Jaipaul was staying with his 86-year-old grandfather at Lot 42 Section B, Number 69 Village, Corentyne Berbice; he disappeared from the house sometime between Sunday night and Monday morning.

The News Room understands that the young man was murdered as revenge against his grandfather who has an ongoing court matter over rice lands with ‘Brickhead’ who is a rice farmer.

Following Jaipaul’s disappearance, the Police arrested two maids who work at the house and one of their sons.

It was that young man who told investigators that his brother was involved in the plot to kill the 23-year-old.

Dead: 23-year-old Nicholas Ramkissoon Jaipaul

The brother whose name was not provided was arrested on Wednesday after Police tracked his phone.  He confessed to the murder and led the Police to the crime scene.

The suspect told investigators that he was hired to abduct and kill the young man on the behest of “Brickhead.”

Reports indicate that the plan to kill the young man was ongoing for some time since the alleged murderer befriended the young man and was seen at the home earlier in the day before Jaipaul was abducted.

The suspect is also accused of killing his step-father several years ago.  The 86-year-old grandfather with whom Jaipaul was staying is a former rice miller who owns several plots of rice fields.

The remains of Jaipaul were burnt beyond recognition, but a relative was able to confirm his identity based on a surgery he did but Police Commander Calvin Brutus said a DNA test will be conducted to verify the identity.

Government Pathologist Dr. Nehaul Singh performed an on the scene autopsy.

Jaipal resided in Ontario, Canada, but was on holiday in Guyana since January; he was due to return in May but as a result of the travel restrictions and the closure of the airports to curb the spread of COVID-19, he was unable to leave.

Some peoples' inhumanity knows no bounds. No amount of land is worth a single human being's life. Especially when that human being has no knowledge or interested in that land.

I stay out of Guyana because the risks there far outweigh any benefit therein.


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