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Former Member

Canada-based Guyanese robbed here by gunmen


A Guyanese couple from Canada, who returned to Guyana to do some charity work was robbed of over $1M of cash and electronics two weeks ago.

According to Terrence Chang-Kee, a businessman, he and his wife Seeta, returned Guyana on March 31 with the intention of doing charity work in Craig, East Bank Demerara, and the neigbouring villages when they were robbed at gunpoint by four men.

Chang-Kee related to Stabroek News last night that he and his wife were sitting in the yard along with other relatives when they were attacked by four men who were all armed with small guns.

β€œThey didn’t wear masks and one of them had two guns, on in their hands and another in their waist. They told us that it was a robbery and not to make a sound and some of them went into the house while …to continue reading this article, please subscribe.  Already a subscriber ? Sign In.

Source: Stabroek News

Django, kindly post the full version.

Replies sorted oldest to newest

Drugb posted:

Maybe this is Granger's plan for attracting overseas investment. Lure them in then send his boys to rob them.

Your statement may or may not be justifiable, but I believe many may share your sentiments. The government is quick to blame for anything even when it's not so...since he's running the country in lackadaisical mode.

Prince posted:
Drugb posted:

Maybe this is Granger's plan for attracting overseas investment. Lure them in then send his boys to rob them.

Your statement may or may not be justifiable, but I believe many may share your sentiments. The government is quick to blame for anything even when it's not so...since he's running the country in lackadaisical mode.

Your profound pronouncements continue to dazzle us.

antabanta posted:
Prince posted:
Drugb posted:

Maybe this is Granger's plan for attracting overseas investment. Lure them in then send his boys to rob them.

Your statement may or may not be justifiable, but I believe many may share your sentiments. The government is quick to blame for anything even when it's not so...since he's running the country in lackadaisical mode.

Your profound pronouncements continue to dazzle us.

Indeed, just as profound when you folks made similar observation during PPP time, whenever a black stump he toe, you blamed Jagdeo and Ramoutar.

yuji22 posted:

All of this is happening while Jackass Granger is telling Guyanese to go back home and invest.

No wonder no one is taking these AFC/PNC jackasses seriously.

Yuji, when you go back home, must walk with nuff money and fat, fat gold chain. Nuff of our brothers and sisters are having a great time in Guyana's paradise.  Guyana Mata Ki Jai.

Prince posted:
yuji22 posted:

All of this is happening while Jackass Granger is telling Guyanese to go back home and invest.

No wonder no one is taking these AFC/PNC jackasses seriously.

Yuji, when you go back home, must walk with nuff money and fat, fat gold chain. Nuff of our brothers and sisters are having a great time in Guyana's paradise.  Guyana Mata Ki Jai.


I plan to visit this year, I will go there with tear shirt and tear pants. Welcome to Change Jackass AFC/PNC style. 

The Airport should have a warning like this:

"To all Indo Visitors to PNC governed Guyana, please desist from wearing gold and new clothes during your stay in Guyana, Our Jackass Government advises you to exercise caution, our police cannot guarantee your safety and our Security Minister is a Drunk."

"Our promises about eliminating crime during the Election Campaign was a Lie, something that we are quite good at."

"This warning only applies to YOU."

Minister of Security.


Last edited by Former Member
Drugb posted:
antabanta posted:
Prince posted:
Drugb posted:

Maybe this is Granger's plan for attracting overseas investment. Lure them in then send his boys to rob them.

Your statement may or may not be justifiable, but I believe many may share your sentiments. The government is quick to blame for anything even when it's not so...since he's running the country in lackadaisical mode.

Your profound pronouncements continue to dazzle us.

Indeed, just as profound when you folks made similar observation during PPP time, whenever a black stump he toe, you blamed Jagdeo and Ramoutar.

Such as?

yuji22 posted:
Prince posted:
yuji22 posted:

All of this is happening while Jackass Granger is telling Guyanese to go back home and invest.

No wonder no one is taking these AFC/PNC jackasses seriously.

Yuji, when you go back home, must walk with nuff money and fat, fat gold chain. Nuff of our brothers and sisters are having a great time in Guyana's paradise.  Guyana Mata Ki Jai.


I plan to visit this year, I will go there with tear shirt and tear pants. Welcome to Change Jackass AFC/PNC style. 

The Airport should have a warning like this:

"To all Indo Visitors to PNC governed Guyana, please desist from wearing gold and new clothes during your stay in Guyana, Our Jackass Government advises you to exercise caution, our police cannot guarantee your safety and our Security Minister is a Drunk."

"Our promises about eliminating crime during the Election Campaign was a Lie, something that we are quite good at."

"This warning only applies to YOU."

Minister of Security.


That's funny. When the PPP was in power you blamed everything on the PNC. Now the PPP is in opposition you blame everything on the PNC. Are you completely lacking in objectivity?

antabanta posted:

That's funny. When the PPP was in power you blamed everything on the PNC. Now the PPP is in opposition you blame everything on the PNC. Are you completely lacking in objectivity?

It looks like you forgot your history, let me refresh your memory. During PPP time, the PNC were playing interference; street protest burning businesses and driving away investory, arming criminals to create havoc, supporting the freedom fighters, draping blackie coffin with guyana flag, blocking aml legislation, using their 1 seat majority to ground parliament to a halt, violently protesting whenever police rough up criminals, creating civil unrest for free electricity in Linden and the list goes on. Tell us how the PPP is interfering today with PNC's effort to rule the nation? The PNC has the majority in parliament and can pass any bill, they kill the criminals with no protest form the PPP. The PNC have free reign to push their initiatives through but all these jackasses can accomplish is more punishment for the people as the economy grinds to a halt.  


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