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The PNC-led APNU/AFC’s trying to convince the Guyanese public that it didn’t comply with the requirement for its list to have at least 30 per cent women because of “an oversight”.

Oversight my eye!!

This Eyewitness has been pointing out for over a year now about the “anti-woman” stance of PNC leader David Granger. For all his talk about being a follower of Forbes Burnham, that dictator knew and acknowledged the influence of women in general and that of women in his traditional constituency in particular.

But Granger’s misogynic to the core…and PNC women know what Africo Selman said about him is true to the bone. He wants to keep women “in their place – that is to be “barefoot and pregnant”.

“Barefoot” so that they’ll stay in the house and “pregnant” so that they’ll be busy “minding” baby. How else can you explain that the coalition had to rush …after nomination day…to “find” women.

If they spent a whole month negotiating with Nagamootoo just to get a wish and a prayer that he’ll bring in 11 per cent Indians. Then gave him 40 per cent of the seats. How come women who’re 50 per cent of the electorate wasn’t on anybody’s agenda??

We’ll tell you why – because the PNC of Granger blasted well take their “eyes pass” women, that’s why. Nagamootoo made sure AFC’s women were on the list. But this Eyewitness is personally very disappointed that Vanessa Kissoon didn’t take the advice offered by Africo Selman.

Selman didn’t tell Kissoon to leave the PNC and join the PPP/C. Just that she should take into consideration all the slights that Granger had dumped on her and take a stand against his high-handedness.

More importantly, suss Granger out by showing what a liar he is for claiming she was left off the list because “she’d been in Parliament twice”. Rather than because she wouldn’t get on her knees and beg “forgiveness” for representing her constituency and her conscience.

It was very poignant to see Kissoon lumped with the “other women” at Merriman’s Mall and obviously being forced to eat “humble pie”. How many roads must a woman walk down, before they see her as equal?

But it had to be rubbing salt into PNC’s women’s wound at not only being excluded from the list – but to be told that the men present were going to become “honorary women”. Really?? So they’ll now be treated like yesterday’s leftovers by Granger?? And they’ll be put on the back bench in Parliament if they speak up? Or have Oscar lock them out from the PNC’s office??

Listen Granger…gwan one side!


…AFC Leader?

OK…OK…Your Eyewitness knows you dear readers must think he’s on some kinda weed or something. Honourable Ramjattan???? Well, the fella’s a Member of Parliament, ain’t he?? And they’re all “honourable men” aren’t they?? But then again they’re called that only by each other and “self praise is no recommendation”, is it?

Anyhow, where the heck IS Ramjattan?? Has he gone AWOL or something??? Or is he just sulking? Just the other day, your Eyewitness heard Ramjattan was going to be at Plaisance to speak at the PNC-led APNU/AFC meeting.

So he ambled over. Not just to see how Ramjattan was taking his displacement by that old faker Nagamootoo, but (to be honest) the line-top at Plaisance is a fun spot. Your Eyewitness can bend his elbows before and after all the sh*t is spewed!!

But will someone solve the mystery before your Eyewitness puts out a missing person claim with Police??


David Granger’s getting ridiculous on the debate he’d agreed to engage President Ramotar in. We know he’s a plodding and ponderous speaker and all that – but still…why doesn’t man up and face the fire.

Isn’t he embarrassed to be hiding behind Mrs Harper’s skirt?? Peek-a-boo…we see you!!

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Alena me see you running away from this.


U.S Embassy slams Health Minister’s “distasteful” and “downright irresponsible” comments against female activist

"I am not going to prescribe to the Minister what he ought to do, but what I will say is that in the United States, if one of our cabinet officials were to have made that sort of comment, that person would have been expected to resign without question" -Chargé Hunt

U.S Embassy slams Health Minister’s “distasteful” and “downright irresponsible” comments against female activist

Guyana’s Minister of Health Dr. Bheri Ramsarran continues to come under fire for his verbal assault on women’s rights activist Sherlina Nageer and now the U.S Embassy in Georgetown has described the comments as “distasteful” and as a threat of “sexual violence”.

In an interview with News Source ( at the U.S Embassy, Chargé d’ Affaires Bryan Hunt said that had a cabinet member of the United States made similar comments, he would have been expected to tender his resignation.

Hunt said “I am not going to prescribe to the Minister what he ought to do, but what I will say is that in the United States, if one of our cabinet officials were to have made that sort of comment, that person would have been expected to resign without question”.

During a confrontation outside the Whim Magistrates’ Court in Berbice on Monday, the Health Minister called the women’s rights activist “a piece of sh#t” and an “idiot” who should get out of his face, after she persistently questioned him about the maternal death rate in Guyana.

As Ms. Nageer was being led away by the police, Ramsarran could be heard telling two reporters that “I would slap her ass you know just for the fun and I can have some of my women strip her right here”.

The U.S Chargé said such statements by Ramsarran have no place in a country like Guyana which has a high rate of domestic violence and sexual and gender based violence.

Bryan Hunt

U.S Chargé d’ Affaires Bryan Hunt

“In a country that has a domestic violence rate as high as Guyana’s and a sexual assault rate as high as Guyana’s, it is downright irresponsible for any senior politician to make the statement to any woman, in public or in private, that the Minister of Health made the other day. It is completely unacceptable”, Hunt said.

Mr. Hunt went on to state that “there is no possible reason or rationale to threaten sexual violence against anyone but especially against a woman given Guyana’s very serious gender based violence problem”.

The U.S official said he is pleased that some members of the government have called the Minister to task on the statements but “I consider the conduct quite frankly to be a disgrace”.

One day after the incident as the recording began to make its way across social media and the mainstream press reported on it, the  Minster of Health issued an apology saying that he was sorry for what he described as “harsh words”.

Chargé Hunt explained while it was important and appropriate for the Minister to apologise for his conduct, “what would have been more appropriate was for him to never have made the statement in the first place”.

“I don’t think you can un-ring a bell. I don’t think you can take back the damage that would have already been done by suggesting that sexual violence is an appropriate response to whatever sort of provocation that the Minister felt he was under. I think the damage was much more severe than what the woman’s activist heard or the offense that she took at the remarks. I think it conveys a sense from a senior government official that somehow sexual violence is something that is appropriate to use, appropriate to threaten and somehow societally acceptable and it’s not. It can’t be”, Hunt told News Source.

In his statement of apology, Minister Ramsarran said he was provoked into making the statements he made.

That excuse has also been found as unacceptable by the US envoy who made it clear that “I don’t believe that there is any possible provocation that any woman could have made that would legitimately result in a response in which a senior government official threatens that woman with sexual violence”.

A number of non-governmental organisations and activists have issued a call for the Minister to step down from office.

While not calling for his resignation, one of his own cabinet colleagues, Education Minister Priya Manickchand has described his statements as “sexist, disrespectful, vulgar and stupid”.

There are new reports that one day after the apology, Dr. Ramsarran described the same women’s rights activist Sherlina Nageer as a “miscreant” who needs “psychiatric help”.

He reportedly made those comments while addressing a health forum.



Vote PNC!

'But Granger’s misogynic to the core…and PNC women know what Africo Selman said about him is true to the bone. He wants to keep women “in their place – that is to be “barefoot and pregnant”.

“Barefoot” so that they’ll stay in the house and “pregnant” so that they’ll be busy “minding” baby. How else can you explain that the coalition had to rush …after nomination day…to “find” women.'




Originally Posted by Shaitaan:
What kinda moron are you gyal?

Why would the Coalition intentionally screw up their List?

This is a shytehead topic. Beyond mudhead.

She/It needs to spend more time in front of the mirror.

Originally Posted by alena06:


Vote PNC!

'But Granger’s misogynic to the core…and PNC women know what Africo Selman said about him is true to the bone. He wants to keep women “in their place – that is to be “barefoot and pregnant”.

“Barefoot” so that they’ll stay in the house and “pregnant” so that they’ll be busy “minding” baby. How else can you explain that the coalition had to rush …after nomination day…to “find” women.'

When you turn a women they will seek you out 

Originally Posted by Shaitaan:
What kinda moron are you gyal?

Why would the Coalition intentionally screw up their List?

This is a shytehead topic. Beyond mudhead.

Time for some pics to stimulate this conversation.



Originally Posted by alena06:


Vote PNC!

'But Granger’s misogynic to the core…and PNC women know what Africo Selman said about him is true to the bone. He wants to keep women “in their place – that is to be “barefoot and pregnant”.

“Barefoot” so that they’ll stay in the house and “pregnant” so that they’ll be busy “minding” baby. How else can you explain that the coalition had to rush …after nomination day…to “find” women.'

Alena06, what if Beri said this to you or your daughter?


The Minister was on his cellular phone, so I respectfully stayed at a reasonable distance away and allowed him to carry on with his discussion.
After speaking on the phone for approximately 10 minutes, he walked towards me and without enquiring my reason for being there, he said to me, “I want you to know that I am a bachelor and I still get erection.” 



Funny but true.  Vote PNC!!

David Granger’s getting ridiculous on the debate he’d agreed to engage President Ramotar in. We know he’s a plodding and ponderous speaker and all that – but still…why doesn’t man up and face the fire.

Isn’t he embarrassed to be hiding behind Mrs Harper’s skirt?? Peek-a-boo…we see you!!

Originally Posted by alena06:


Funny but true.  Vote PNC!!

David Granger’s getting ridiculous on the debate he’d agreed to engage President Ramotar in. We know he’s a plodding and ponderous speaker and all that – but still…why doesn’t man up and face the fire.

Isn’t he embarrassed to be hiding behind Mrs Harper’s skirt?? Peek-a-boo…we see you!!

Originally Posted by Shaitaan:
What kinda moron are you gyal?
Originally Posted by alena06:


Funny but true.  Vote PNC!!

David Granger’s getting ridiculous on the debate he’d agreed to engage President Ramotar in. We know he’s a plodding and ponderous speaker and all that – but still…why doesn’t man up and face the fire.

Isn’t he embarrassed to be hiding behind Mrs Harper’s skirt?? Peek-a-boo…we see you!!

You gotta go back in the past to vote PNC, is there you been stuck...the past?

Originally Posted by Sparky:

I kinda scratching my head at the opening topic... whaderass...

It's pointless to make fun of her because it will take her the rest of the night to figure it out.. who knows.


Alena, don't throw away your dignity and high education by doing this kinda propaganda work for the corrupt PPP. Guyana Times is Bharrat Jagdeo's brainchild, owned by his best friend, and used to defend every PPP sin shamelessly.

I respectfully ask you to save yourself embarrassment and ridicule; after May 11 Guyana Times will not be worth the paper it's printed on.

Originally Posted by Gilbakka:

Alena, don't throw away your dignity and high education by doing this kinda propaganda work for the corrupt PPP. Guyana Times is Bharrat Jagdeo's brainchild, owned by his best friend, and used to defend every PPP sin shamelessly.

I respectfully ask you to save yourself embarrassment and ridicule; after May 11 Guyana Times will not be worth the paper it's printed on.

I will rescue her soon

Originally Posted by Gilbakka:

Alena, don't throw away your dignity and high education by doing this kinda propaganda work for the corrupt PPP. Guyana Times is Bharrat Jagdeo's brainchild, owned by his best friend, and used to defend every PPP sin shamelessly.

I respectfully ask you to save yourself embarrassment and ridicule; after May 11 Guyana Times will not be worth the paper it's printed on.

Propaganda work?  You're nuts.  You PNC'ites think it is normal to leave women out of your list.

Originally Posted by alena06:
Originally Posted by Gilbakka:

Alena, don't throw away your dignity and high education by doing this kinda propaganda work for the corrupt PPP. Guyana Times is Bharrat Jagdeo's brainchild, owned by his best friend, and used to defend every PPP sin shamelessly.

I respectfully ask you to save yourself embarrassment and ridicule; after May 11 Guyana Times will not be worth the paper it's printed on.

Propaganda work?  You're nuts.  You PNC'ites think it is normal to leave women out of your list.

You're a woman? I have seen better looking Trannies. partybananapartybanana


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