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Overwhelming support for Green WalkPDFPrintE-mail
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Sunday, 03 June 2012 20:43
- to raise awareness on environmental preservation
A massive Green Walk was organised by the Ministry of Natural Resources and the Environment yesterday, as the first event to mark the observance of World Earth Day under the theme: Green Economy: Does it include you?

Green Walk participants at the National Park

The Green Walk commenced at the Umana Yana and concluded at the National Park tarmac. It included a cultural programme, presentation of trophies for various categories of participants and remarks by President Donald Ramotar, and the Minister of Natural Resources and the Environment, Robert Persaud.
President Ramotar stated that there is greater consciousness of protecting our environment globally and the need for a green economy to manage man's relationship with nature. He added that there are environmental and nature laws which must be followed, or we will face the consequences. As such, the government will continue to pursue a green economy through renewable energy to reduce pollution for a better Guyana, and ultimately, a better world.
Further, Guyana’s President challenged several government ministries and other concerned stakeholders to play an integral role to improve our environment by enhancing our streets, villages and towns. He added that we need to educate our children and people to be environment conscious for a better place for all.

President Donald Ramotar leads the GreenWalk. With him is Minister of Natural Resources and the Environment, Robert Persaud

Meanwhile, Minister Persaud pointed out that the president's vision in creating the Ministry of Natural Resources and the Environment is an indication of government’s strong commitment to the integrated management of our natural resources towards a green economy. He also welcomed the massive response from participants, especially students, government agencies, and other concerned stakeholders.
He said , “Our ultimate goal is to transcend the current unsustainable way of doing business, and take Guyana along a green, low carbon, and climate resilient pathway to development.” He further expounded that one major area of focus for the ministry is increased public engagement and awareness on environmental issues as a means of facilitating behavioural change within our broader society.

Participants were judged in four categories:
Largest Contingent -1st prize went to Graham’s Hall Primary, 2nd prize to Marian Academy and 3rd prize to the Guyana Police Force

- 1st prize went to Graham’s Hall Primary, 2nd prize to the Guyana Forestry Commission and 3rd prize to the Seventh Day Adventist Olivet

Best Banner
- 1st prize went to Guyana Amazon Tropical Bird Society, 2nd prize to Graham’s Hall Primary, and 3rd prize to the Hydromet Service

Best Chant
- 1st prize Graham’s Hall Primary, Marian Academy and the 3rd prize went to Seventh Day Adventist Olivet.

This year, World Environment Day 2012 marks the 40th anniversary of the event which was first established by the UN General Assembly in 1972, to mark the opening of the Stockholm Conference on the Human Environment.

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