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THANK YOU KITTY! Overwhelming support from the masses for the ruling People’s Progressive Party Civic (PPP/C) continues to be evident as the elections campaign rally intensifies, moving to the Kitty Market Square Yesterday. Flags, billboards, posters, t-shirts and other paraphernalia were carried by the exuberant crowd of supporters who turned out from all racial and cultural backgrounds in support of the ruling party.President Bharrat Jagdeo who spoke before Presidential Candidate Donald Ramotar, touted the PPP/C as a party with the most forward-looking policies


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Albert his excellency himself said that we should not forget the past at Babu Jaan and by extension he was also talking directly about Joe Hamilton and the house of Israel who were brutalizing PPP supporters in the streets.

Now that we are not forgetting and we are reminding him and you and everyone else now it is conveniently a smear campaign? wasnt the PPP and the peanut butter crew doing the same thing with Granger? Didnt Jagdeo say granger had blood on his hands?

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