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Former Member

The current generation of young professionals needs to step forward

Posted By Staff Writer On May 31, 2014 @ 5:06 am In Letters | No Comments

Dear Editor,

Now that Guyana has been referred to the international body for money laundering and countering of terrorism, FATF, and the Caribbean arm of that institution has recommended countervailing measures against financial transactions involving Guyana, it is time that our citizens became outraged at what is happening in the political arena of our country’s affairs. Your editorial of May 30 summed up the political narrative succinctly when it alluded to the “continued finger-pointing, inflammatory comments and immature politics [that] can only feed polarization, keep distrust and hatred alive.”

Editor, this jarring by our political leaders has become the norm and it is as if we have no statesmen left among the current crop who can rise above the fray and attempt to ‘sing a new song.’

I had the wonderful privilege of meeting and listening to Mr Eusi Kwayana at Moray House recently, and it struck me that based on his current age and the period when he began his political and civic activism, he would have been a very young man in his early 20s. In fact, most of our prominent and historical political figures were young people in their twenties when they began the journey to self-government and independence in the 1940s and ’50s.

For this ‘new song’ to become a reality as your editorial of May 30 urged, the current generation of young professionals needs to step forward and become more civic minded and out in the forefront of the national discourse on policy formulation and advocacy.

Yours faithfully,

Clinton Urling


Replies sorted oldest to newest

Mr James Bond from the PNC is a young man in his late 20's. He is a graduate from Presidents College.


I am seeing more young people in the PNC than the PPP at this current time.

However the PPP did make record by having a young President and that was Mr Jagdeo.

Originally Posted by KishanB:

I have been advised that the Blue Cap is funded by one Brian Yung, and Jeery Guviea, who are fronting the money for one Battie Jagdeo.


Is this a Bharat front?

Some people are asking that question for true. 

Originally Posted by JB:
Originally Posted by Chief:

So lets assume it's a Bharrat front , what is wrong with that.

Mr Jagdeo turn Guyana into a killing field and give drugs a free pass. Understand? 

So  the man who turned Guyana into a killing field is making moves to create a youth arm, what is being done to counter act that? The combined opposition has to start acting as well.

Originally Posted by Chief:
Originally Posted by JB:
Originally Posted by Chief:

So lets assume it's a Bharrat front , what is wrong with that.

Mr Jagdeo turn Guyana into a killing field and give drugs a free pass. Understand? 

So  the man who turned Guyana into a killing field is making moves to create a youth arm, what is being done to counter act that? The combined opposition has to start acting as well.

Good observation Chief.  When will the sleeping Opposition act?


Granja done tell them Richomond Hill people, he will not authorise any street protest under his watch.


Well he will also never be President.

Last edited by Former Member

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