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April 9, 2022


Government has tabled a motion to amend the Standing Orders to require that there be five members present, including at least two from the ruling party, for there to be a quorum of the Public Accounts Committee (PAC).

The motion, which is in the name of PAC member Gail Teixeira, has prompted the main opposition APNU+AFC to accuse the government of seeking to stymie the work of the PAC, for which a quorum is currently three members, irrespective of party.

At a news conference yesterday, PAC Chairman Jermaine Figueira voiced the coalition’s concern and astonishment at the inclusion of the motion on the Order Paper for next Wednesday’s sitting of Parliament.

“We in the APNU+AFC are confident that the effect of this motion will be that by their mere non attendance, the PPP will stymie the functioning of the PAC rendering it impotent and nonfunctional. This will impact negatively on the committees’ ability to   ensure accountability and transparency in the expenditures,” Figueira said, while noting that the committee has been carrying out its mandate and meeting on every statutory date. “We see this as another attempt to slow down the work of the PAC by the PPP, to ensure that fewer meetings are held, and on occasions if they do not want certain agencies examined, they can now prevent that by simply not attending PAC.”

The PAC Chairman argued that the current arrangement for a quorum for the committee provides for a more independent and apolitical environment.

Teixeira’s motion notes that Standing Order No. 95(6) states that three members is the quorum on any Standing or Select

Committee, including the Chairperson, “unless the Assembly otherwise direct.” Further, it notes that Standing Order No. 83(5) provides in the Parliamentary Management Committee for a quorum of five members, of which two must represent the government, and two must represent the opposition, one of whom shall be the representative of the main opposition party, and the Speaker and or the Deputy Speaker as the Chairperson of the Committee.

The motion contends that due to the role and functions of the PAC, it would be appropriate to amend Standing Order 82 to provide for a similar quorum formulation as in the Parliamentary Management Committee.

But Figueira said that issue has never been discussed at the level of the PAC, although the mover of the motion is a member of the committee. He also suggested that the procedure adopted by Teixeira is incorrect as he argued that it should be done via the Standing Orders Committee. On the latter note, he said the committee, Chaired by Speaker of the National Assembly Manzoor Nadir, has not met since the life of the 12th Parliament began in August 2020.

“We call on the Speaker to act and the people of Guyana to speak out against this deliberate act to prevent scrutiny, hinder the proper examination of national expenditures and to limit the PAC’s work to hold government and accounting officers accountable,” Figueira said.

The PAC is responsible for scrutiny of public expenditure.

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@Django posted:

April 9, 2022


Government has tabled a motion to amend the Standing Orders to require that there be five members present, including at least two from the ruling party, for there to be a quorum of the Public Accounts Committee (PAC).

The motion, which is in the name of PAC member Gail Teixeira, has prompted the main opposition APNU+AFC to accuse the government of seeking to stymie the work of the PAC, for which a quorum is currently three members, irrespective of party.

At a news conference yesterday, PAC Chairman Jermaine Figueira voiced the coalition’s concern and astonishment at the inclusion of the motion on the Order Paper for next Wednesday’s sitting of Parliament.

Teixeira’s motion notes that Standing Order No. 95(6) states that three members is the quorum on any Standing or Select Committee, including the Chairperson, “unless the Assembly otherwise direct.”
The motion contends that due to the role and functions of the PAC, it would be appropriate to amend Standing Order 82 to provide for a similar quorum formulation as in the Parliamentary Management Committee.

The amendments made it clear that there must be members present from each party.

@Former Member posted:

The amendments made it clear that there must be members present from each party.

Most of the meetings only one member from the Ruling Party shows up ,changing it to two is trying to block the scrutiny of Government spending.

Last edited by Django
@Former Member posted:

Issues will be discussed, debated and voted-on at the pending sitting of the legislature.

It's been 2 months now since the last sitting. Dildo is at the top of the list.


House passes motion to amend PAC quorum

Apr 14, 2022 News -- Source - Kaieteur News Online --

Kaieteur News – Despite strident objection from the main opposition- A Partnership for National Unity+ Alliance For Change (APNU+AFC), the ruling People’s Progressive Party Civic (PPP/C) on Wednesday used its one-seat majority to amend the standing orders which deals with quorum of the Parliamentary Public Accounts Committee (PAC).

The motion which was moved by Minister of Governance and Parliamentary Affairs and PPP/C Member of Parliament (MP) Gail Teixeira received resounding support from the government‘s side of the House. The previous quorum for a PAC meeting was three members, irrespective of party affiliation, but with the amendments, the meetings will not go forward without the government side or opposition present.

Minister of Governance and Parliamentary Affairs, Gail Teixeira.

The vote comes days after Chairman of the Parliamentary Public Accounts Committee (PAC), Opposition MP Jermaine Figueira raised concerns about the motion submitted by Teixeira to amend the Standing Orders which deals with the quorum for the PAC. Figueira had noted that the amendment will make way for the PAC to mimic the standing order of the Parliamentary Management Committee (PMC), which provides for five members to be a quorum of which– two members represent government, two represent the opposition and in which the speaker or deputy speaker is the Chairman.

He explained that the previous quorum made it vastly different from all other committees of the Parliament and provides for a more independent and apolitical environment. According to the Chair, the motion by the Minister, who is also member of the PAC (which in fact should not have government ministers), seeks to stymie the work of the committee. “We in the APNU+AFC are confident that the effect of this motion will be that by their mere non-attendance, the PPP will stymie the functioning of the PAC rendering it impotent and non-functional,” he said.

However, Teixeira called the claims of the opposition baseless. According to her, the new formula for a quorum will make the committee function more impartially. She explained: “The reason being is that there was a request to the Speaker that Guyana joins and becomes a member of the Commonwealth Association of Public Accounts Committees. The PAC correctly referred this to the PMC.”

Teixeira continued: “The PMC then examined the issue and made a decision in support in January 27, 2021 … Regrettably Mr. Speaker there was more meeting on March 17, 2021 when we had a quorum after that, there was no quorum based on the standing orders until January 19, 2022 and therefore that led to unfortunate delay in the motion coming before the house.”

She went on to explain that the amendment of the quorum will therefore enhance the efforts of the PAC and help it to function effectively. “In the PAC, the government expenditures and opposition expenditures are under scrutiny… This motion is an attempt for there to be adequate participation from both sides and so that no side could have a runaway train…”

“This is not first time that the standing orders have been amended… but some of us don’t have institutional memory… So I find the comments about stymieing the PAC very disturbing. I wish to assure the Opposition that the quorum is to make sure everyone is able to do their part,” she said. Teixeira was supported by MPs from the Government including Minister of Public Works Juan Edghill who noted that under the previous three member quorum, the opposition was able to go ahead with the affairs of the PAC without Government members present.

He noted that at present the PAC is reviewing the audits from the period when the APNU+AFC were in power. “That period showed rampant corruption and the opposition would love to fast track the process without having us present,” he said.

However, the APNU+AFC MPs were not convinced that the change of the quorum will not affect the committees’ ability to ensure accountability and transparency in the expenditures. Figueira noted that since the 12th Parliament, the PAC has been carrying out its mandate and meeting on every statutory date, and the work has been executed in a very efficient manner.

He explained, “We see this as another attempt to slow down the work of the PAC by the PPP, to ensure that fewer meetings are held, and on occasions if they do not want certain agencies examined, they can now prevent that by simply not attending PAC.” His views were supported by Opposition member Ganesh Mahipaul who told the Assembly that now that the quorum is changed to government, by not showing up creates the perfect scenario to stall the review of its own spending when it comes up.


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