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PAC hears…Ministry of Public Security pays in full for undelivered $7M equipment

Jun 06, 2017 News, http://www.kaieteurnewsonline....ivered-7m-equipment/

The Public Accounts Committee (PAC) yesterday learnt that an American company, Tactical Supplier Inc., was contracted by the Ministry of Home Affairs (now Public Security) in 2014 to supply an industrial washer and dryer valued at $7.542M for the Guyana Prison Service. To date those items are still to be received.

To the annoyance of PAC chairman, Irfaan Ali, the committee was also told that the company was selected by way of sole sourcing and this was approved by the National Procurement and Tender Board Authority (NPTAB).

Appearing before the committee was Permanent Secretary of that Ministry, Daneilla Mc Calmon, who told the PAC that the American company conducted business with her ministry before and there were no issues.

The chairman sought answers as to why the company was paid the full amount for the two pieces of appliances and what steps are being taken by the ministry to receive the items or have the monies returned.

Ms Mc Calmon explained that when she assumed the office of PS in early 2015 this was an issue that confronted her. She said that numerous attempts were made to contact a Mr. King that the ministry was dealing with when the contract was first awarded.

The PS said that the company gave an assurance that the items will be shipped to Georgetown but to date that shipment has not arrived. Ms Mc Calmon told the PAC that after the shipment did not arrive as was agreed additional attempts were made to contact the company.

It was at this juncture that the supplier stopped taking calls from the ministry. Ali enquired if the intervention of the United States of America embassy in Guyana was sought and was answered in the negative.

The chairman advised the PS to write to the American ambassador in an effort to contact the supplier to have the matter resolved. He said that he suspects that if the shoes were on the other foot no effort would have been spared by that American organization to recover their money.

Ali said the purchase was made since 2014 and to date the supplier has not honoured his contractual obligation. The chairman asked what effect the non supply of the appliances is having on the prison service and was told that it is affecting the Camp Street prison.

Proffering the response, PS Mc Calmon said that although the prison has a similar washer and dryer the new pieces of equipment would have made life ‘easier’ for prisoners who now have to do their washing by hand.

Another PAC member, Nigel Dharamlall, questioned the rational for the full payment to Tactical Supplier Inc. despite the fact that the items were not received.

The former PS of the Ministry of Indigenous Affairs said that he would have thought that it would have been prudent to make a part payment to the company; and then the remaining amount when the items were supplied.

He said that this points to a breakdown in the financial affairs at that ministry. Dharamlall questioned the competence of the ministry that is responsible for the Guyana Police Force and believes that such a situation does not project the right image of that ministry.

Another member suggested that someone from the ministry, travel to the USA and demand the equipment or the money back. The PS at this point said that she had even called the company while on holiday in the USA.

The PS said that to her surprise her called was answered since she was calling from a US registered number. The woman said the person on the other end of the line gave another commitment to provide the equipment; however that was the last time she heard from Tactical Supplier Inc. since all other calls from Guyana and the USA continue to go unanswered.

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PAC hears…Ministry of Public Security pays in full for undelivered $7M equipment

Jun 06, 2017 News, http://www.kaieteurnewsonline....ivered-7m-equipment/

The chairman sought answers as to why the company was paid the full amount for the two pieces of appliances and what steps are being taken by the ministry to receive the items or have the monies returned.

Ms Mc Calmon explained that when she assumed the office of PS in early 2015 this was an issue that confronted her. She said that numerous attempts were made to contact a Mr. King that the ministry was dealing with when the contract was first awarded.

The PS said that the company gave an assurance that the items will be shipped to Georgetown but to date that shipment has not arrived. Ms Mc Calmon told the PAC that after the shipment did not arrive as was agreed additional attempts were made to contact the company.

Perhaps, the new and improved way of doing business under the PNC.

Demerara_Guy posted:

PAC hears…Ministry of Public Security pays in full for undelivered $7M equipment

Jun 06, 2017 News, http://www.kaieteurnewsonline....ivered-7m-equipment/

The chairman sought answers as to why the company was paid the full amount for the two pieces of appliances and what steps are being taken by the ministry to receive the items or have the monies returned.

Ms Mc Calmon explained that when she assumed the office of PS in early 2015 this was an issue that confronted her. She said that numerous attempts were made to contact a Mr. King that the ministry was dealing with when the contract was first awarded.

The PS said that the company gave an assurance that the items will be shipped to Georgetown but to date that shipment has not arrived. Ms Mc Calmon told the PAC that after the shipment did not arrive as was agreed additional attempts were made to contact the company.

Perhaps, the new and improved way of doing business under the PNC.

The Public Accounts Committee (PAC) yesterday learnt that an American company, Tactical Supplier Inc., was contracted by the Ministry of Home Affairs (now Public Security) in 2014 to supply an industrial washer and dryer valued at $7.542M for the Guyana Prison Service. To date those items are still to be received.

To the annoyance of PAC chairman, Irfaan Ali, the committee was also told that the company was selected by way of sole sourcing and this was approved by the National Procurement and Tender Board Authority (NPTAB).


Take note of the above,maybe you missed this.

Last edited by Django
Demerara_Guy posted:

It is now 2017 ... PNC in government from 2015.

PNC/AFC has done nothing on this issue since being the government.

Ms Mc Calmon explained that when she assumed the office of PS in early 2015 this was an issue that confronted her. She said that numerous attempts were made to contact a Mr. King that the ministry was dealing with when the contract was first awarded.

The PS said that the company gave an assurance that the items will be shipped to Georgetown but to date that shipment has not arrived. Ms Mc Calmon told the PAC that after the shipment did not arrive as was agreedadditional attempts were made to contact the company.

The PS at this point said that she had even called the company while on holiday in the USA.

The PS said that to her surprise her called was answered since she was calling from a US registered number. The woman said the person on the other end of the line gave another commitment to provide the equipment; however that was the last time she heard from Tactical Supplier Inc. since all other calls from Guyana and the USA continue to go unanswered.


Seems like you missed the above.

Django posted:
Demerara_Guy posted:

It is now 2017 ... PNC in government from 2015.

PNC/AFC has done nothing on this issue since being the government.

Ms Mc Calmon explained that when she assumed the office of PS in early 2015 this was an issue that confronted her. She said that numerous attempts were made to contact a Mr. King that the ministry was dealing with when the contract was first awarded.

The PS said that the company gave an assurance that the items will be shipped to Georgetown but to date that shipment has not arrived. Ms Mc Calmon told the PAC that after the shipment did not arrive as was agreedadditional attempts were made to contact the company.

The PS at this point said that she had even called the company while on holiday in the USA.

The PS said that to her surprise her called was answered since she was calling from a US registered number. The woman said the person on the other end of the line gave another commitment to provide the equipment; however that was the last time she heard from Tactical Supplier Inc. since all other calls from Guyana and the USA continue to go unanswered.


Seems like you missed the above.

So the PPP signed a contract with a bogus company. Not unusual given their track record. Remember the Puja shop owner owned the contract to build a $US 1 Billion dollar hydro electric plant. And the barbershop was contracted to supply computers for the One Laptop scam.  


Yes we remember quite clearly 4 years ago. We also remember the promise of Transparency, Tender Board, No corruption, good Governance and LIES LIES LIES!!!  Not that you would know!!!!!

Nehru posted:

Yes we remember quite clearly 4 years ago. We also remember the promise of Transparency, Tender Board, No corruption, good Governance and LIES LIES LIES!!!  Not that you would know!!!!!

Fours years ago would be during the PPP days. So you do remember well the stench of PPP corruption in 2013.

Mars posted:
Nehru posted:

Yes we remember quite clearly 4 years ago. We also remember the promise of Transparency, Tender Board, No corruption, good Governance and LIES LIES LIES!!!  Not that you would know!!!!!

Fours years ago would be during the PPP days. So you do remember well the stench of PPP corruption in 2013.

Do you remember well the emptying of the treasury, giving yourself 50% raises, sporting up and claiming that PPP left no money when the money was stolen by the PNC when they got into office? Do you remember all the promises your PNC made?

skeldon_man posted:
Mars posted:
Nehru posted:

Yes we remember quite clearly 4 years ago. We also remember the promise of Transparency, Tender Board, No corruption, good Governance and LIES LIES LIES!!!  Not that you would know!!!!!

Fours years ago would be during the PPP days. So you do remember well the stench of PPP corruption in 2013.

Do you remember well the emptying of the treasury, giving yourself 50% raises, sporting up and claiming that PPP left no money when the money was stolen by the PNC when they got into office? Do you remember all the promises your PNC made?

I don't belong to the PNC. There was nothing in the treasury to empty when the PPP left. They left mountains of debt in an overdraft consolidated account, Marriot in need of millions for repairs, Guysuco on its deathbed with billions in debt, fiber optic cable in need of millions for repairs, NIS in debt because of the CLICO fiasco. I could go on and on but I'm sure you get the drift.


It seems like the PNC wants the opposition to do their work, follow up on contracts. Can't run a wire shop ,how can they run the country. All a bunch of dunce blackman in important offices and don't know what to do.Granger should hire Infran Ali on contract to help solve their problems.

kp posted:

It seems like the PNC wants the opposition to do their work, follow up on contracts. Can't run a wire shop ,how can they run the country. All a bunch of dunce blackman in important offices and don't know what to do.Granger should hire Infran Ali on contract to help solve their problems.

How do you contact the company when all you have is a phone number and no one answers the phone? These are the fly by night companies the PPP signed contracts with. Irfan tief enough in his time. 


When you lack the academic skill and professional experience in government, the quick answer is them ah thief!! During a government transition ,all outstanding orders are to be accounted, not after TWO years. The excitement of victory and celebrations after the elections, fogged their minds to do what was important.The entire pack of Government officials are trainees, they are so dunce that they would need at least two terms in office to get anything right.


The pnc jackasses dropped the ball on this issue. When a new govt takes over there will be many transaction in transit. The new administration responsibility is to take ownership of those pending deals and follow through to fruition. In this case the ball was dropped twice b the pnc, once when their operatives in the NPTAB grantedd the contract to the phantom company and second when pnc boys took over and failed to discover that the contractor was a phantom. 


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