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Opposition bills presented in Parliament are flawed …and many violate the Constitution, says TeixeiraPDFPrintE-mail
Written by Nadine Sanchara  
Friday, 21 December 2012 23:13

PRESIDENTIAL Adviser on Governance, Ms. Gail Teixeira, has advised that government is of the view that the bills presented by the opposition and on the order paper in the National Assembly are flawed and in many areas, violate the constitution.



Ms. Gail Teixeira

She made this statement during the weekly post-cabinet media briefing yesterday at the Office of the President, Shiv Chanderpaul Drive, Georgetown, while acting in the capacity of Cabinet Secretary as Dr. Roger Luncheon remains hospitalised. Teixeira specifically pointed to the Office of the Clerk Bill which has been sent by A Partnership For National Unity (APNU) Member of Parliament Volda Lawrence to a special select committee. The bill seeks the establishment and administration of an independent Office of the Clerk of the National Assembly. She said the bill has been sent to the committee despite the government and Attorney-General, Anil Nandlall, advising that it is unconstitutional, noting that by the Constitution the Attorney-General is the principal legal adviser to the government. “The debate proceeded and the matter was sent to a special select committee. The members of that committee were nominated yesterday at the Thursday sitting and the opposition has the majority,” she stated. Teixeira further alluded to the Fiscal Management and Accountability Amendment Act which was put forward by APNU MP, Carl Greenidge. “We have also challenged that on the issue of unconstitutionality and in breach of the constitution in relation to any matters that have financial and other consequences,” she stated. She stated that Minister of Finance, Dr. Ashni Singh, had pointed out that the amendment presented by Mr. Greenidge in the first instance amends the Fiscal Management and Accountability Act, and that the clause or section being amended states that only the minister by order can amend the schedule. “Mr. Greenidge is amending the schedule, he is not a minister…he is supposedly taking out entities on that schedule. The problem is that, in the amendment he has placed before the house, he’s taking out entities that aren’t even on the list of that schedule,” she asserted. In addition, Teixeira advised that the third schedule of the act provides budget agencies. Having removed these agencies, were the bill to go through and be approved by majority, he would be moving budget agencies off the third schedule to “no man’s land”. “So you have agencies now such as GECOM…were that bill to be passed, where would they get their money from? How would they account for it? How would they monitor it? There is no legal provision to deal with such a hiatus for agencies receiving taxpayers’ money,” she emphasised. Additionally, Teixeira related that the opposition is also tabling a bill repealing the President’s Benefits Act of 2009 and attempting to replace it with a new act. She said that Greenidge had brought a motion to amend the president’s pension benefits, which was bill number 25, and the matter was sent to a special select committee. She noted that the special select committee was established and that it has the majority of the opposition with Mr. Greenidge as the chairperson. However, Teixeira advised that suddenly a bill Number 29 appeared with the same name as bill 25, and majority of the same content but which is in fact repealing the 2009 act and attempting to replace it with this new act for former presidents’ benefits. Nevertheless, she stressed that it is important to note that bills are not retroactive. “No bill is retroactive, so if this bill is meant to attack former president Mr. Jagdeo or to fulfil an election promise that APNU would be able to remove the benefits that President Jagdeo is entitled to, they are fooling the Guyanese people because no bill, no act is retroactive,” she asserted. In addition, she highlighted that the amendments in both bills are vindictive and an offence to what has been the custom and the practice of the administration. She stated that since the Peoples Progressive Party/Civic (PPP/C) government entered office in 1992, former presidents, prime ministers and leaders of the opposition have all been treated with great courtesy, particularly involving medical situations. She stressed that they all served Guyana and therefore were entitled to whatever it cost to take care of their medical treatment when required. “There was never ever a question that when any other former president was ill and required urgent or general medical attention, no one in this administration or any former president has ever said that’s too much money,” she said. However, Teixeira noted that the amendment in bill 25 and the new bill 29 are exactly the same when it comes to medical benefits of the former president. She explained that it says that the former president and his spouse and a natural child are entitled to a maximum of $200,000 per annum. “This is unthinkable and it breaches what is the commonsense and decency and the respect we have held for persons who have held high offices in this country


Replies sorted oldest to newest

Is this Gail crying fuh she $12 million a year FAT cat salary?


Why don't she go and Beg Mr. Cummings, the former Chief Medical Officer who is not at UG fuh de money.




what is the word again?  CONCUBINE!

Originally Posted by Henry:
Originally Posted by D2:

I pity you. 


You were too busy chasing LaRouche's tail and ended up with your head firmly  implanted up his backside. The only benefit I can see to this is that you'll know when it's time to change his Depends and you'll be able to do your job on time.

Originally Posted by Ronald Narain:

Is this Gail crying fuh she $12 million a year FAT cat salary?


Why don't she go and Beg Mr. Cummings, the former Chief Medical Officer who is not at UG fuh de money.




what is the word again?  CONCUBINE!

Hurricane Gail Tap up all dem bhai......

both PPP & PNC.....

she is a equal opportunity player...


de only man who did not get a piece of de pie.....

was Hoyte.....he refuse......

Desmond seh.....Mi na want.....Mi na want....Mi na want.

Carry yuh Rotten Fish da side.


Aya think Goat Stupid.....thats why eeee bruk she hand.


Some seh Fat cat.....Desmond seh Rotten Poke.

Originally Posted by God:

Doesn't she know that stealing taxpayers' money is a violation of the constitution? It's against the law to steal.


You have proof that she's is stealing the taxpayer's money? If you don't then, shut you ugly ass face.

Originally Posted by Henry:

For some reason, I always enjoy your responses more when you use your "gay dragon" persona.



If you're in love for a gay dragon, keep your homo fantasies to yourself. Homie don't play that kinda game. I have a wife and I'm strictly interested in women.



Originally Posted by skeldon_man:
Originally Posted by God:

Doesn't she know that stealing taxpayers' money is a violation of the constitution? It's against the law to steal.


You have proof that she's is stealing the taxpayer's money? If you don't then, shut you ugly ass face.

Like you went to school during August month. Did I say that she is stealing the taxpayers' money, moron?

Originally Posted by God:
Originally Posted by skeldon_man:
Originally Posted by God:

Doesn't she know that stealing taxpayers' money is a violation of the constitution? It's against the law to steal.


You have proof that she's is stealing the taxpayer's money? If you don't then, shut you ugly ass face.

Like you went to school during August month. Did I say that she is stealing the taxpayers' money, moron?

Read your damn response you dumb jackass. I was educated at your house at nights.

Originally Posted by skeldon_man:
Originally Posted by God:
Originally Posted by skeldon_man:
Originally Posted by God:

Doesn't she know that stealing taxpayers' money is a violation of the constitution? It's against the law to steal.


You have proof that she's is stealing the taxpayer's money? If you don't then, shut you ugly ass face.

Like you went to school during August month. Did I say that she is stealing the taxpayers' money, moron?

Read your damn response you dumb jackass. I was educated at your house at nights.

You need to read my response and understand what I said, retard. Where did I ever accuse the woman of stealing?


If you didn't go to school at Orealla High before the ball point pen was invented, maybe you'd understand English by now. Senile ole Jackass!!

Originally Posted by ABIDHA:

Nehru, your thread turns into a gay parade.

Looks like there's a lot of closet, fruity-purple gays on this board. Not sure what's stopping them to come out and unleash their inner gay


If this is about D2/God, this man is becoming more ackward by the day. His self proclaimed intelligence has become tainted with lies that lead to detrimental politics since he was knighted by the AFC.

Originally Posted by skeldon_man:
Originally Posted by ABIDHA:

Nehru, your thread turns into a gay parade.

Looks like there's a lot of closet, fruity-purple gays on this board. Not sure what's stopping them to come out and unleash their inner gay

Yu a wan a dem shart gurly man.

Originally Posted by Henry:
Originally Posted by D2:


 As usual, you are just another dumb fool too engrossed in your conspiracy theories of British machinations in the world to discern what is apparent to most.


God is a well known poster who has graced us with his presence for as long as I have been here. Amral knows who he is and so does Sunil and they can if you ask, tell you that we are definitely the same person.


In any event, whether you see me everywhere in your fantasies is of little importance. The fact you live in such a nowhere place ought to bother you.

Originally Posted by ABIDHA:

If this is about D2/God, this man is becoming more ackward by the day. His self proclaimed intelligence has become tainted with lies that lead to detrimental politics since he was knighted by the AFC.

 I would be awkward when you grow a brain.

Originally Posted by Stormborn:


God is a well known poster who has graced us with his presence for as long as I have been here. Amral knows who he is and so does Sunil and they can if you ask, tell you that we are definitely the same person.


No need to ask -- I think it's already sufficiently obvious.


skeltonman is this the lady that when JANET ask her where she get the money to build her mansion,she claim her family use to sent barrel for her just asking donot go APE ON ME


Originally Posted by Stormborn:


God is a well known poster who has graced us with his presence for as long as I have been here. Amral knows who he is and so does Sunil and they can if you ask, tell you that we are definitely the same person.



I must say that I am pleasantly surprised to see you be so candid about it.


Dat banna Storm must have erred,If he did err, is a big big error dat. He mek my hanz fall.

He musta meant.



"God is a well known poster who has graced us with his presence for as long as I have been here. Amral knows who he is and so does Sunil and they can if you ask, tell you that we are definitely NOT the same person."

Originally Posted by Henry:

Originally Posted by Stormborn:Close


God is a well known poster who has graced us with his presence for as long as I have been here. Amral knows who he is and so does Sunil and they can if you ask, tell you that we are definitely the same person.



I must say that I am pleasantly surprised to see you be so candid about it.

Yes we are. You say so then it must be so.

Originally Posted by cain:

Dat banna Storm must have erred,If he did err, is a big big error dat. He mek my hanz fall.

He musta meant.



"God is a well known poster who has graced us with his presence for as long as I have been here. Amral knows who he is and so does Sunil and they can if you ask, tell you that we are definitely NOT the same person."

 You are right in your edit.  Ask him who he is and he will tell you. Anyways, leave that idiot to his own delusion.

Originally Posted by Henry:

Nah. I think that the gay dragon had a momentary, involuntary spasm of Christmas spirit and told the truth. It could happen to anybody.

Do you think that presuming someone is gay or not gives you an edge? That is so stupidly passe it is not even acceptable for a child. Further, the entire PPP corrupt legacy was framed by a closeted homosexual too afraid to come out of his closet because he would have to face bigots like you.


I suggest you examine the symbol of the dragon. In Chinese philosophy it is "the way", iconography for the Tao. In Western folk culture is it magic.

Originally Posted by Henry:

Hey, it's also a popular video game, and we know how enthusiastic you are about those.

All I know you are given to paranoia and for making up stuff. I therefore leave all you claims to your delusional discretion as needs be.

Originally Posted by Demerara_Guy:
Originally Posted by Stormborn:
All I know you are given to paranoia and for making up stuff.

As he again mutters to himself.

 living in that concrete desert in those cramped quarters act to make you contrary if plain silly. Hope you have family around to keep you from tipping over. Move man, you cannot live in that industrial setting without going bat shit.

Originally Posted by Stormborn:
Originally Posted by Demerara_Guy:
Originally Posted by Stormborn:
All I know you are given to paranoia and for making up stuff.

As he again mutters to himself.

living in that concrete desert in those cramped quarters act to make you contrary if plain silly. Hope you have family around to keep you from tipping over. Move man, you cannot live in that industrial setting without going bat shit.

Mumbling incessantly to himself in his confined living quarters - the lonely Stormborn.

Originally Posted by PRK:
Originally Posted by skeldon_man:
Originally Posted by ABIDHA:

Nehru, your thread turns into a gay parade.

Looks like there's a lot of closet, fruity-purple gays on this board. Not sure what's stopping them to come out and unleash their inner gay

Yu a wan a dem shart gurly man.


After the holidays I will send you 2 pictures of real tall manly men. You'll like them. You can print the pictures, frame them and let your daddy know that these are the types of men you admire and would want to marry. Happy Holidays.  


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