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Dearest Rochelle. Would u come forward and say something about your new President? After all, u proclaimed here many many tines that he would never be president. I never liked the guy, but it is what it is. Which brings me to the other thing. How's the cook up coming along? Probably not so tasty now. And. I'm terribly sorry u didnt get to don your green dress. Nevertheless, I commend your strong and valiant fight.

        Best Regards, The Sheik.😃😄😀

@Django posted:

Always ,no benefits to gain from Guyana.

Never expected Indos could carry out such FRAUD and rejoiced ,while pointing fingers at Afros as the only perpetrators of such acts.

I am on board with you but I have to see all the facts. Likewise, The PPP was never granted a recount in 2015 with a slim margin of APNU's victory.

@Django posted:

Always since the overthrow of Jagan and installed Burnham . VP Jagdeo better watch out ,the power can be short lived.

That I am sure of. The same way you get in, the same way you get out. The big brother always reserves the losing party to step in when the needs are.   PPP has to be very cautious and vigilant.  

@Django posted:

Always since the overthrow of Jagan and installed Burnham . VP Jagdeo better watch out ,the power can be short lived.

Of course. Power is borrowed from the people. You should know that all too well. If the PPP messes up I’m sure the PNC can sponsor an NCV and call early elections and let the people decide. It’s the way of democracy.

@Former Member posted:

Of course. Power is borrowed from the people.

You should know that all too well. If the PPP messes up I’m sure the PNC can sponsor an NCV and call early elections and let the people decide.

It’s the way of democracy.

LOL  ,liked that ,borrowed from non existent people under the guise of Democracy.

Last edited by Django

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