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‘“He comes from a culture where he thinks this is appropriate conduct, where he can hit his wife â€Ķ He culturally believed he had the right to hit his wife and discipline his wife.”’

 - Defense attorney Julie Clark
We need some of these defense attorneys in Guyana to defend the killing culture of other nation's.

Man convicted for killing wife who didn’t make goat curry for dinner

June 1, 2014 | By | Filed Under News 

The Pakistani immigrant who beat his wife to death because she cooked lentils when he “demanded that she make goat for dinner” was found guilty of murder Thursday.

Man convicted for killing wife who didn’t make goat curry for dinner.

Man convicted for killing wife who didn’t make goat curry for dinner.

Noor Hussain, 75, told cops he began beating his wife in their Brooklyn apartment because she refused to cook the meal he craved on April 2, 2011, court papers state. “He demanded that she make goat for dinner. She said, ‘No, I made gram,’ a traditional Pakistani lentil dish,” Defense Attorney Julie Clark said in her closing argument. “He had told her he wanted a particular type of meat for dinner, goat meat, and she refused. So he took up a stick to discipline her for not making the meal he wanted.” Prosecutors said Hussain purposely killed Nazar Hussain, 66, and should be found guilty of murder. “Not in Pakistan and not in Brooklyn is it acceptable to hit your wife again and again until she gets a brain hemorrhage and dies,” Assistant District Attorney Josh Charlton said in his closing argument. Clark had argued earlier that Hussain “comes from a culture where he thinks this is appropriate conduct, where he can hit his wife.” Brooklyn Supreme Court Judge Matthew D’Emic said he considered a verdict of manslaughter but decided Hussain meant for his wife to die. “The brutal and vicious assault consisted of several blows to the head with a weapon that was solid enough to split her head open,” the judge said. “The defendant intended to cause her death. I find him guilty of murder.” Hussain faces up to 25 years to life when he is sentenced June 16.


He is going to be happy in US prison where he will have plenty beef and goat and be free to practice Islam. Muslim prisoners is US jails get alot of beef and goat. Plenty pork, turkey, and chicken are dumped on the regular prison population. Indian boys from Queens who go to jail usually join the Muslim sect. for protection and plent goat and beef.

Billy Ram Balgobin

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