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Pakistan slams US drone strikes as violation of its sovereignty

A US assassination drone [file photo)

A US assassination drone [file photo)US President Barack Obama [file photo)
Fri May 24,
Islamabad has reiterated its strong opposition to the ongoing CIA-operated deadly campaign of drone strikes inside Pakistani soil.

Pakistan’s Foreign Ministry said in a statement on Friday that the US drone attacks cause civilian casualties and are in breach of international law as well as Pakistan’s sovereignty and territorial integrity.

“The Government of Pakistan has consistently maintained that the drone strikes are counter-productive, entail loss of innocent civilian lives, have human rights and humanitarian implications and violate the principles of national sovereignty, territorial integrity and international law,” the statement read.

Pakistan’s government was reacting to US President Barack Obama who on Thursday defended the use of controversial terror drones as self-defense.

Over the past several years, Washington has been launching drone attacks on Muslim countries, including Pakistan, Somalia, and Yemen.

Pakistan’s tribal regions are attacked by US assassination drones almost regularly, with Washington claiming that militants are the targets. However, casualty figures clearly indicate that civilians are the main victims.

The killing of Pakistani civilians, including women and children, has strained relations between Islamabad and Washington. The US assassination drone strikes have triggered massive protests in Pakistan.

The United Nations says the US-operated drone strikes in Pakistan pose a growing challenge to the rule of international law.




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Originally Posted by Nehru:

Dat Corrupt, disgraceful Bunch can only talk. Obama put a few millions under the Table and is business as usual.

Bai, new Government was recently elected and installed, lets hope that they are not 'tek a bribe' like the last Government.

Most of the drones are being flown out of Pakistani airbases. The fuel for the drones is also being supplied by Pakistan. Some of the drones are being piloted from the UK Middleton base, I suspect by Pakistani pilots who are familiar with the terrain.
Originally Posted by Sunil:
Most of the drones are being flown out of Pakistani airbases. The fuel for the drones is also being supplied by Pakistan. Some of the drones are being piloted from the UK Middleton base, I suspect by Pakistani pilots who are familiar with the terrain.

We have seen that Musharraf, was the Guy, who allowed the drone into Pakistan, maybe Zardari was highly connected too, in taking bribes from the USA to turn a blind eye.....all these son of a bitches should be  investigated and those that are proven to be corrupt  must be hanged within 24 hours of being proven guilty.

Corruption is worse than murder as it causes more damages to the country as a whole, and it placed its citizens to a situation of poverty forever.

Originally Posted by asj:
Originally Posted by Nehru:

Dat Corrupt, disgraceful Bunch can only talk. Obama put a few millions under the Table and is business as usual.

Bai, new Government was recently elected and installed, lets hope that they are not 'tek a bribe' like the last Government.

Obama was once a new Govt and promised everything different just to realize reality and gave us more of the same, bit less here and more there.

Originally Posted by baseman:
Originally Posted by asj:
Originally Posted by Nehru:

Dat Corrupt, disgraceful Bunch can only talk. Obama put a few millions under the Table and is business as usual.

Bai, new Government was recently elected and installed, lets hope that they are not 'tek a bribe' like the last Government.

Obama was once a new Govt and promised everything different just to realize reality and gave us more of the same, bit less here and more there.

this one must be tough for hate black folks and can't stand what to do? On the other hand, you can also have multiple orgasms over this

Originally Posted by Chief:

Ray knock down Baseman.

Nah bai, look like Barak "Husein" Obama prapa knacking down dem fullahs terrorists, and alyuh halla like a hagg pikney.


Look, Obama is a dismal failure as a prezzy, but if in his remaining lame duck session he slam those terrorists and get a few more leaders, di man has earned in Jagdeo-style retirement package.  Let him enjoy his life with his wife and daughters, he deserves no less.  He was just way over his on on this job.

Originally Posted by raymond:
Originally Posted by baseman:
Originally Posted by asj:
Originally Posted by Nehru:

Dat Corrupt, disgraceful Bunch can only talk. Obama put a few millions under the Table and is business as usual.

Bai, new Government was recently elected and installed, lets hope that they are not 'tek a bribe' like the last Government.

Obama was once a new Govt and promised everything different just to realize reality and gave us more of the same, bit less here and more there.

this one must be tough for hate black folks and can't stand what to do? On the other hand, you can also have multiple orgasms over this

Where did you get that, on both counts.  I admire hard working Afros and just have an issue with terrorists and their sympathizers, like Chief and ASJ.


I condemn terrorists of all sorts, muslims, hindus, jews, christians.  Also, I am a sympathizer of the Palestinian people and their right to a viable homeland free and safe.  I don't agree with all their tactics, but in principle, I sympathize.


Quote by Baseman "Where did you get that, on both counts.  I admire hard working Afros and just have an issue with terrorists and their sympathizers, like Chief and ASJ."unquote


Where did myself and Chief sympathize with Terrorist?. are you a frigging ass hole? or your brains is in dimentia mode.


Drones were designed for precise targeting.


If terrorist mix with the general populace, then blame the terrorist not the USA.


Bin Laden was in the heart of civilian area in Pakistan.


Educate "your terrorists" to stay out of civilian area

Vish M

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