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Muslims Quit Protesting After Learning About Prophet’s Life


Written by: Hamzah Moin

After days of rage-fueled protesting about the shoddily made Youtube video Innocence of Muslims, Muslims around the world have unanimously agreed to go back to their daily lives after taking the time to learn about the Prophet .

“During my lunch break someone brought a copy of the biography of the Prophet ,” said Sikander Iqbal, head organizer of the angry Protests, “We all realized he was actually pretty chilled out when it came to people insulting himâ€Ķ who would have known?”

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The Prophet’s biography really opened the eyes of many of the protestors. “His neighbours threw garbage at him, people hurled insultsâ€Ķ but the Prophet still ignored them and even prayed for them” explained Iqbal, “some protestors thought there was a chapter missing about the Prophet  getting super angry and leading a massive angry protest with his companions but I assured them it wasn’t in the book.”

A small handful of protestors wish to remain obliviously angry. “Ever since I stopped smoking cigarettes I realized I was addicted to burning things so I converted that habit to something more productive like burning American flags” said Usman Sayeed, who hasn’t woken up for Fajr in his entire life, “I just needed an excuse to burn stuff.”

Sayeed joined a small handful of other Muslims who began a 3-day long boycott of YouTube and Google when they learned the search company refused to take down the Innocence of Muslims video. “I know there are literally thousands of other videos that are just as bad and have existed for years on YouTube but participating in these boycotts are thrilling for me. I’ve been part of every Muslim boycott fad.”

Some protestors simply were protesting because it was the ‘in’ thing to do. “Honestly, by Day 8 I forgot what I was protesting about,” said Tariq Siddiqui, a professional protestor of 21 years, “I think it had something to do with America or a teddy bear or something.”

Other protestors had more selfish goals. An anonymous protestor explained: “To be honest I just wanted to get on the cover of Newsweek magazine and potentially become an internet meme”


I'm anxiously awaiting the day when we will see this same kind of love for the Muslims who are killed by Assad. The trailer by a bigot didn't kill anyone and then the "Muslims" protested this and killed some. Now here is a head of a government killing Muslims - killing I say - and not a word of protest from these "Muslims".


Islam must be defended from these "Muslims". Christianity is not goingto be the demise of Islam, but it is these "Muslims" who are tearing it apart.

Originally Posted by Kari:

I'm anxiously awaiting the day when we will see this same kind of love for the Muslims who are killed by Assad. The trailer by a bigot didn't kill anyone and then the "Muslims" protested this and killed some. Now here is a head of a government killing Muslims - killing I say - and not a word of protest from these "Muslims".


Islam must be defended from these "Muslims". Christianity is not goingto be the demise of Islam, but it is these "Muslims" who are tearing it apart.

These people are sick.  They ready to kill for the least infraction, set the world on fire yet the slaughter each other mercilessly.


Have to say, when I see how Muslims behave, I understand the nervousness and unease felt by Israel.


Muslims can recite the Quran without reading a word from the Holy text, yet they know little or nothing about Islam. We can look at all the sinful deeds committed by Muslims, and they still want to defend a faith they know nothing about. Muslim killing Muslim on a hold day is just the beginning, and they think that is right by their religious status as Muslims.         

The worst I ever experienced is when you question them on a specific quote from the Quran they will all give you a different answer. That's what lead me to believe that the Quran is not specific, or they don't know the answer.

Twenty countries or more involved in the anti-American protest, and we want to know why there are so many ignorant people around the world. Always remember that Muslims are fanatic believers and they make Islam into a religion that abused women and favored killing to satisfied their personal needs. If you think this is a lie, read the story of King Abdulla of Saudi Arabia how he used Islam to commercialize Mecca and discount Islam when it comes to politics.         

Sadam Hussian use to walk with his magic carpet to pray while on his journey to witness the extermination of men, women and children of Iraq. Why? Because they're a little different Muslim than he is. When people want to get angry with me for speaking the truth, tell them to put a bounty on my head.

Originally Posted by ABIDHA:

Muslims can recite the Quran without reading a word from the Holy text, yet they know little or nothing about Islam. We can look at all the sinful deeds committed by Muslims, and they still want to defend a faith they know nothing about. Muslim killing Muslim on a hold day is just the beginning, and they think that is right by their religious status as Muslims.         

The worst I ever experienced is when you question them on a specific quote from the Quran they will all give you a different answer. That's what lead me to believe that the Quran is not specific, or they don't know the answer.

Twenty countries or more involved in the anti-American protest, and we want to know why there are so many ignorant people around the world. Always remember that Muslims are fanatic believers and they make Islam into a religion that abused women and favored killing to satisfied their personal needs. If you think this is a lie, read the story of King Abdulla of Saudi Arabia how he used Islam to commercialize Mecca and discount Islam when it comes to politics.         

Sadam Hussian use to walk with his magic carpet to pray while on his journey to witness the extermination of men, women and children of Iraq. Why? Because they're a little different Muslim than he is. When people want to get angry with me for speaking the truth, tell them to put a bounty on my head.

Islam and Muslims must reform. They are always depicting a very violent Islam to the world. The entire Islamic world has been or will be ruled by thugs and dictators.


They must adapt to a changing world or face continued mistrust and hate as a result of their violent actions. They need to show the real Islam as a religion of peace and brotherhood. I do not see that happening lately.


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