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‘Palestine is being reborn,’ Mahmoud Abbas says

By Alistair Lyon and Arshad Mohammed,
Reuters September 23, 2011 11:02 PM

Source - Montreal Gazette

Mahmoud Abbas, President of the Palestinian Authority, is applauded after his address to the General Debate of the 66th United Nations General Assembly session September 23, 2011 at the United Nations in New York. The Palestinian leader won huge applause and a standing ovation Friday from some of the assembly as he entered the hall shortly after asking the UN to admit the state of Palestine.
Photograph by: Don Emmert, AFP/Getty Images

UNITED NATIONS – Palestinian President Mahmoud Abbas asked the United Nations on Friday to recognize a state for his people, but Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu said only direct negotiations could deliver peace.

Abbas handed UN Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon a letter requesting full UN membership, which the Security Council will consider on Monday. The United States has vowed to use its veto if it comes to a vote.

“I do not believe that anyone with a shred of conscience can reject our application for a full membership in the United Nations and our admission as an independent state,” Abbas told the UN General Assembly, which gave him a standing ovation.

Trying to head off a clash in the Security Council, a quartet of Middle East mediators urged a return to peace talks within four weeks, “substantial progress” within six months and an agreement to be struck within a year.

The Quartet – the United States, Russia, the European Union and the United Nations – asked Israel and the Palestinians to submit proposals on territory and security within three months.

Previous proposed timetables for negotiations, such as a one-year deadline set by former U.S. President George W. Bush in 2007 and one by Obama a year ago, have run into the sand.

Abbas’s statehood ploy exposes waning U.S. influence in a region shaken by Arab revolts and shifting alliances that have pushed Israel, still militarily strong, deeper into isolation.

In their speeches, Abbas and Netanyahu both said they extended their hands to the other party, but each blamed their opponents for the failure of past peace efforts.

“We cannot achieve peace through UN resolutions,” Netanyahu said, demanding that the Palestinians recognize Israel as a Jewish state, something they reject because they say that would prejudice the rights of Palestinian refugees.

Netanyahu offered to meet Abbas immediately in New York, minutes after Abbas said settlement activity must cease first.

Abbas’s statehood request reflects a loss of faith after 20 years of failed peace talks sponsored by the United States, Israel’s main ally, and alarm at relentless Israeli settlement expansion eating into occupied land Palestinians want for a state.

“This (settlement) policy will destroy the chances of achieving a two-state solution and ... threatens to undermine the structure of the Palestinian National Authority and even end its existence,” Abbas declared.

It was the first time he has spoken so starkly of the PA’s possible demise, highlighting the predicament faced by a body set up as a state-in-waiting but now seen by its critics as little more than a big municipality, managing the civilian affairs of the main Palestinian cities under Israeli occupation.

Dissolution of the PA would throw responsibility for ruling all of the West Bank back to Israel as the occupying power.

Israeli and U.S. politicians have threatened financial reprisals that could cripple the PA, the source of 150,000 jobs.

Israeli delegates stayed in the hall during Abbas’s speech, which was punctuated by applause, especially when he recalled his predecessor Yasser Arafat’s 1974 admonition to the United Nations: “Do not let the olive branch fall from my hand.”

A gulf of mistrust separates Israelis and Palestinians, who each feel their existence is at stake in a bitter struggle over borders, security, refugees and Jerusalem.

Political rifts among Palestinians, and the constraints of U.S. domestic politics, where support for Israel is strong, further complicate efforts to bridge the gaps.

The divisions are rooted in a heavy burden of history, painfully contested narratives and recurring bloodshed.

The United Nations partitioned Palestine in 1947, but Arab states rejected that and declared war on the new state of Israel, which then captured more territory than it had been allotted under the UN plan and dispossessed hundreds of thousands of Palestinians, who became refugees.

Two decades after Israel seized the West Bank, including East Jerusalem, and the Gaza Strip in the 1967 Middle East war, the Palestine Liberation Organization recognized Israel and reduced its demands to a state on those territories.

In 1993, PLO leader Arafat and Israeli Prime Minister Yitzhak Rabin shook hands at the White House on a plan for Palestinian self-rule, which was never fully implemented.

Israel has continued to expand settlements in the West Bank, although it dismantled them in the Gaza Strip, now ruled by Hamas Islamists who refuse to recognize the Jewish state.

Abbas accepts that negotiations are still necessary, but argues statehood will put Palestinians on a more equal footing.

“Palestine is being reborn,” he declared.
‘India supports Palestine’s call for UN’s full membership’

Diwakar, TNN | Sep 25, 2011, 05.34AM IST
Source - Times of India

NEW YORK: Prime Minister Manmohan Singh on Saturday highlighted at the United Nations General Assembly India's new status as an emerging power as well as its willingness to play a bigger role on the international stage.

"We wish to quicken the pace of India's transformation in partnership with the international community. A fast-growing India can expand the boundaries of the global economy. A democratic , plural and secular India can contribute to tolerance and peaceful co-existence of nations," he said.

While acknowledging that the international community has a role to play to help with the process of transition and institution building , Manmohan Singh said, "The idea that prescriptions have to be imposed from outside is fraught with danger."

He continued, "Actions taken under the authority of the United Nations must respect the unity, territorial integrity , sovereignty and independence of individual states" - a remark which echoed the feeling in India that Western powers went beyond the mandate they secured from the United Nations Security Council to use force in Libya. The Prime Minister stressed the need to abide by the foundational principles of the United Nations - internationalism and multilateralism - as he said, "We will succeed if our efforts have legitimacy and are pursued not just within the framework of law but also by the spirit of law."

Singh also repeated India's strong support to Palestine's demand for full membership of the UN as a state. "India is steadfast in its support for the Palestinian people's struggle for a sovereign, independent, viable and united state of Palestine with East Jerusalem as its capital, living within secure and recognizable borders side by side and at peace with Israel. We look forward to welcoming Palestine as an equal member of the United Nations," he said.

Making a strong pitch for the expansion of the UN Security Council so that it can reflect the contemporary reality , the PM said, "Such an outcome will enhance the council's credibility and effectiveness in dealing with global issues. Early reform of the Security Council must be pursued with renewed vigour and urgently enacted." He also focused on the piracy in the Indian Ocean, terming it a new threat to international security, and called for a comprehensive and effective response.

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