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Pandit to face High Court trial for rape

May 1, 2014 | By | Filed Under News 

Accused rapist, Pandit Rajindra Maraj is expected to stand trial at the next sitting of the Demerara Criminal Assizes at the Georgetown Supreme Court.

Maraj was committed to stand a High Court trial yesterday, after Providence Magistrate Leron Daly ruled that the Prosecution which was represented by Police Sergeant Shellon Daniels, provided the court with sufficient evidence for him to face a trial for rape.

The charge states that on December 8 and December 29, 2009 Maraj raped a sixteen year old girl at an Eccles, East Bank Demerara Mandir.

According to details of the case, on the first occasion, the teenager had accompanied her grandparents to the Mandir in Eccles to make arrangements for a religious ceremony, when Maraj instructed the elders to leave his office, since he needed to perform a special spiritual ritual on the girl.

The Pandit then told the girl that she had been possessed with an β€˜African spirit,’ and he needed to perform a ritual to cure her.

Maraj then instructed the teenager to remove her clothing. He placed special ointments on several parts of the victim’s body before raping her. After the incident, the Pandit warned the teenager not to tell anyone about her experience.

However on December 29, after Maraj allegedly raped the teenager a second time, she confided in another Pandit. The Pandit in turn, told the teenager’s grandparents, who reported the matter to the police.


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If this Pandit has some money to share around as bribe, then nothing will come out of this matter.

What happened with all the big fishes who has been charged of rape? Cant remember that those cases has been brought to trial.


Under the Corrupt PPP/C one can even kill/murdered someone in Guyana and get off scott free.

Last edited by Former Member
Originally Posted by Mitwah:

The journalism is very poor on this article. Pandit Maraj should start a lawsuit against KN for labeling him a rapist. I am in no way agreeing with his alleged actions. How long after the incident of December 2009, did the grand parents go to the police?

she confided in another Pandit. The Pandit in turn, told the teenager’s grandparents, who reported the matter to the police.


I do not doubt the girl's story and I agree with you. Could this be a story of one pandit having a grudge against another pandit?

Originally Posted by skeldon_man:
Originally Posted by Mitwah:

The journalism is very poor on this article. Pandit Maraj should start a lawsuit against KN for labeling him a rapist. I am in no way agreeing with his alleged actions. How long after the incident of December 2009, did the grand parents go to the police?

she confided in another Pandit. The Pandit in turn, told the teenager’s grandparents, who reported the matter to the police.


I do not doubt the girl's story and I agree with you. Could this be a story of one pandit having a grudge against another pandit?

Pundit Maraj is very rich.


Mitwah, you beat me to it with panditji story. To be fair to the pandit, most young thing love to sit in front and show off them nice shalwar. Every couple of minutes they does fix themselves and confuse the pandit, and when the pandit grab them pusee, them aah holler fuh rape. However, pandit should go for older women with the legal age of eighteen. What you think of this? I can't advise the pandit not to screw young thing, all holy men are sinners in every case today.

Originally Posted by Cobra:

Mitwah, you beat me to it with panditji story. To be fair to the pandit, most young thing love to sit in front and show off them nice shalwar. Every couple of minutes they does fix themselves and confuse the pandit, and when the pandit grab them pusee, them aah holler fuh rape. However, pandit should go for older women with the legal age of eighteen. What you think of this? I can't advise the pandit not to screw young thing, all holy men are sinners in every case today.

I suspect she was not a virgin on December 08.  Tell Pt. Nehru she is now 20 - 21.


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