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I will post more of this later... but swampy is kissing Harmon Arss. These jackass gas lighting the racism in the home land using Amral site . He will be held responsible folks.

The Guyana government and US is monitoring his and other site.

More to come.

They are telling Indians about Rwanda Genocide using social media.  

Amral is still the owner of the platform, someone should notify him.

The race haters are fanning the flames.  

This fella who posted the above needs help !!!!

Replies sorted oldest to newest

@seignet posted:

I told him the PPP duz cut ppl loose. He hard ears and mentally lazy to look back in history. Childish man is an imbecile.

The big laugh is the forum monitoring by the Guyana Gov't and the US and who providing information to Authorities. I am aware he leaked my information to Freedom House . I will be in Guyana sometime ,challenging them to touch Django ,the US will be all over them ,they will find out how non smart people does operate.

I am pondering to meet the State Senators and Congressmen on some other issues, I have contacts here.

Last edited by Django
@seignet posted:

If anything that site is definitely a race hate site. Everyone of the regular poster is an anti blackman. They read and say it so. Surprised the PPP would shelter them at Freedom House. At times I expect some black person to complain about the site contents to the FBI.

Why are you lying? What the heck do you mean by the PPP is sheltering them at freedom house?

@Django posted:

The big laugh is the forum monitoring by the Guyana Gov't and the US and who providing information to Authorities. I am aware he leaked my information to Freedom House . I will be in Guyana sometime ,challenging them to touch Django ,the US will be all over them ,they will find out how non smart people does operate.

I am pondering to meet the State Senators and Congressmen on some other issues, I have contacts here.

Careful, jangles! Trust no one! Be like water! Use mental judo! What's that? See Matthew 5: 40-41!


Jango, I found a beautiful.piece of music on YouTube Music but I don't know how to post it here. Maybe you could look it up and post it here for everyone to enjoy!And though I downloaded it, I can't find it! Courtesy of my watcher!

It's called "African Music: Talented Villagers" two singers, one young and the other old! They are in Mali! I was delighted with both, but the old guy was terrific! Naturally!

Last edited by Former Member
@Former Member posted:

Jango, I found a beautiful.piece of music on YouTube Music but I don't know how to post it here. Maybe you could look it up and post it here for everyone to enjoy!And though I downloaded it, I can't find it! Courtesy of my watcher!

It's called "African Music: Talented Villagers" two singers, one young and the other old! They are in Mali! I was delighted with both, but the old guy was terrific! Naturally!

Can you post the link ? there are many with that name.

@Django posted:

Can you post the link ? there are many with that name.

I'll try, but I have to keep searching for and opening YT Music because of hacking! Do you have YT? I had seen it on YT.weeks ago but I couldn't remember the name! I.understand the old guy is quite famous in Mali but, despite this, he's poor! I'd like to send him some money but I know neither.his name nor address! On YT Music all I had was what I gave you: "African Music: Talented Villagers"!

It seems I can Share it with you by email, so send me your email

One of these is hacked!

Last edited by Django

Sounds is great and pefect timing between the young and old guy. Enjoyed listening, the interaction was fantastic.

I get to hear Nigerian songs from time to time at the church, it is always as if they are telling a beautiful story. Same with this Malawi song.

It is said the hymn Amazing Grace was penned to the harmony of a west african tune John Newtoon heard when ferrying slaves on his ship.

@Django posted:

One of the defectors from here that went to the backdamsite said this site is monitored.

"The Guyana government and US is monitoring his and other site"

"One of his own on the very site , is providing info the authorities on a daily basis"

Lol! What yuh saying? Dem PPP shills brite foh give intelligence? Rev is here or over at the backdam? Lol!


So Django's fan still following him around heheheheee.

I visited the site a few times and spent about one minute each time, that guy needs to get a dam life. Dunno if any of you who venture over has ever noticed, most of those threads by him aren't discussed. I guess his buddies doan want hurt his lil feelings by telling him to quit with the shit.

@seignet posted:

Sounds is great and pefect timing between the young and old guy. Enjoyed listening, the interaction was fantastic.

I get to hear Nigerian songs from time to time at the church, it is always as if they are telling a beautiful story. Same with this Malawi song.

It is said the hymn Amazing Grace was penned to the harmony of a west african tune John Newtoon heard when ferrying slaves on his ship.

I read that, too! My God, what.I've been.missing with African music! No. wonder they claim everything originated with them! Some of these singers are what we used to call 'sweet, sweet, sweet'! Man, it's no wonder Ella is my favorite singer! I've listened to her for several hours non-stop! I have about.300 of her songs from Amazon! But now I.have to search out some of these African singers! By the way, I don't consider screaming or shouting as singing! That, of course, rules out a few American 'singers'! Starting with the late Whitney Houston who ruined Miss Dolly's song for me: 'I will always love you'! I call Dolly Parton Miss out of respect for her for the effect she had on some nerve in my brain without her or I even knowing what had happened!


Here is the third song with Deanna Durbin singing Ave Maria Ave Maria ~ Deanna Durbin, The Best ~ 1940 ~ Remastered in Stereo - Bing video

It was so fing beautiful, I burst into tears again without any control!

RIP Deanna! You were Canada's sublime gift to this fing world!

Walter de Pidgeon looked like he was getting the hots for a fellow Canadian, that Deanna's screen mother had to turn and look at him!

Last edited by Former Member

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