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Paralyzed Afghan teen artist inspired by Maryam Monsef, Justin Trudeau

July 11, 2016 3:10 pm,

A young Afghan girl is an accomplished artist who's overcome many obstacles. Despite not having the use of her arms, she specialized in portraits. One of her muses is Afghan-born Canadian cabinet minister Maryam Monsef. Eric Sorensen has the story.

Rubaba Hazara is just 16 years old, but the Afghan girl draws with a maturity beyond her years.

She was born without the use of her arms or legs. Overcoming this disability, in a country still wracked by violence and poverty, hasn’t been easy. For her, drawing became an outlet for her emotions and an escape from her circumstances.

“I was pouring out my emotions, to show my heart was full of pain… I just wanted to pour out my emotions. I didn’t want to suffer any more pain,” Rubaba said. “I’ve languished inside the house for 16 years.”

READ MORE: Trudeau urged by human rights advocates to launch public inquiry into Afghan detainees

With her will to find something to deal with the emotions and pain she faced, she picked up a pencil, first in secret.

She would wait till her family was out at an event, that she couldn’t attend because of her disability, and would then take her sister’s pencils.

“The first time I wanted to hold a pencil, I tried it with my foot. I wanted to write something, but I wasn’t able. The same day, I found I could hold it with my mouth,” said Rubaba.

After discovering that she could draw with her mouth she taught herself how to do portraits of people she admired.

One of those people was Afghan-born Maryam Monsef, Canada’s Democratic Institutions Minister. Rubaba called Monsef her idol.

“I really look up to and respect people who take pride in their work, who are patient – who confront and overcome the challenges they face. And I have overcome many difficulties.”

READ MORE: Maryam Monsef reflects on childhood as Afghan refugee – and her rise to Canadian minister

“Rubaba’s story is a reminder of the resilience of the human spirit that even in the most difficult conditions individuals can do great things,” Monsef told Global News. “I am flattered by her attention, and I hope I can serve as a positive role model.”

After finishing her portrait of Monsef, she moved on to drawing a portrait of Prime Minister Justin Trudeau and hopes that one day she is able to show the portraits of both Trudeau and Monsef in person in Canada.

“I think this [Rubaba’s story] serves as a reminder to all of us that what’s happening here in Canada is noticed by people all over the world and they’re looking to us for leadership and that is inspiring,” said Monsef.

Although Rubaba won’t be coming to Canada anytime soon to show her work, she continues to draw as an escape from the reality that she can’t be like other 16-year-old girls. For now, she is optimistic that her life is changing. And with her work now getting international recognition, she hopes for a better future outside of the walls she has lived behind her whole life.

WATCH: Maryam Monsef dedicates life to serving Canada after fleeing home country

With files from” target=”_blank”>Radio Free Europe/ Radio

Maryam Monsef reflects on childhood as Afghan refugee – and her rise to Canadian minister

WATCH: Senate reform is part of the portfolio of Maryam Monsef, the Minister of Democratic Institutions in Justin Trudeau's cabinet. Monsef became a Canadian after her family fled a tyrannical regime in Afghanistan. Laura Stone has the story.

Global News correspondents are sitting down with the new cabinet ministers who will shape policy in this country, to find out where they came from and where they want to take this country. Global National will air their stories in a new series called The Ministers.

OTTAWA – Maryam Monsef was 11 when she fled from the Taliban with her mother and two sisters.

“Violence is one of the reasons we ended up in Canada,” she says.

Monsef and her sisters Mina and Mehrangiz left behind a childhood in Afghanistan marked by tragedy and danger.

“My dad was killed, caught in a crossfire. My uncle was taken from his dormitory one night for speaking up against what was happening politically, never to be seen or heard from again.”

In 1996, the family arrived as refugees in Peterborough, Ont.

It was the end of one uncertain journey – and the beginning of another.

“We didn’t understand the culture, we didn’t speak the language, everything from food to weather to the way that the school system worked, to the way people dressed, all of these things took us by surprise to put it mildly,” Monsef says.

But Monsef’s mother, Soriya Basir, wanted a better life for her daughters, and the small Ontario city was there to help, with everything from buying the family groceries to hanging curtains, to tutoring the girls in English.

“I ended up in one of the kindest, most generous communities in Canada,” Monsef says.

It’s a community Monsef dedicated herself to serving, first as a local organizer and volunteer, and later, as a politician.

Last year, she ran for Peterborough mayor and came in second, before joining the Liberals and winning former Conservative Dean Del Mastro’s Peterborough-Kawartha seat in the October federal election.

Monsef is now the country’s first Afghan-Canadian MP. At 30, she is also the youngest member of Liberal Prime Minister Justin Trudeau’s cabinet – appointed, no less, as Minister of Democratic Institutions.

Watch: Monsef takes on Minister of Democratic Institutions role

It’s a symbolic post for a woman who didn’t know democracy until she came here.

“I have an appreciation for these democratic institutions that we have in place, that allow us to transition from one government to another, without too much disruption or chaos,” says Monsef.

The job isn’t just symbolic, however – it’s also significant.

Monsef’s first task is to reform the scandal-plagued upper chamber.

Her government has already announced sweeping changes to the way senators will be appointed, including the creation of a new independent Senate appointment process.

But both British Columbia and Saskatchewan’s premiers have already come out against the idea.

“I certainly respect those provinces who are not able to, or who don’t wish to be part of this change we’ve introduced,” Monsef says.

Also on the minister’s to do list: changing our voting system.

READ MORE: Will Trudeau’s electoral reform make it ‘virtually impossible’ for Liberals to lose power?

But she won’t commit to a referendum on the issue before consultations with Canadians are complete.

“I believe it’s premature to commit to an outcome and I certainly don’t want to pre-judge that outcome in any way,” she says.

Today, Monsef sees her own situation mirrored in the thousands of Syrian refugees now arriving in Canada.

“We continue to be welcoming refugees from other parts of the world, and I see that same kindness of strangers being shared with our new Syrian neighbours, and it’s wonderful to see that this is who we are as Canadians, this is what we do well,” she says.

“I have moments where I also get a little sentimental about – in 20 years from now, the people who are here, they’re not going to forget the kindness of strangers.”


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