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D2 posted:
Baseman posted:

There is no solution to the race problem in Guyana short of the ongoing ethnic cleansing until Afros and their most Dugla allies become the undisputed critical mass champions on the land.

Until then, what started a generation ago, will continue into the next generation.  It’s a cultural hand-me-down. Life for Indo-Guyanese will continue to be a living hell, and expect this to get worse until such time.  

Today, when a member of the government could boldly stand up and vow to hire her race and get widespread support, even from people here in the USA, the same ones who lament injustice in the USA, there is not much to ponder!

This is an apartheid mindset being resurrected.

Vish, before you keep asking redundant questions as to why Indians don’t retaliate, go back in American history and study the stories how American blacks were institutionally and systematically brutalized into submission.  This philosophy at the top was enforced by white street gangs and enforcers who let them know their place at the back of the line.  

It took many fair minded, decent god faring White folks to fight alongside blacks to win them a semblance of humanity.   Guyana is far far from this.  In fact, if nothing, it’s headed in the opposite direction!

Today, Guyana is where the USA was when brutally against Blacks was a Sunday afternoon sport. Nothing else to do.  Take America then and flip from White to Black and you got Guyana today.  

This orchestrated ethic cleansing will continue, don’t fool yourself into believing anything differently!

There is a solution. It involves making the political theater a liberating force where you would not see it productive to take lines from the script and repeat it as fact about indisputable human disposition.

Ms Lawrence stupidly mouthed ( as you did above) words from the political script being played out to actualize power. It is what the PPP do and did. They subtly marginalized black folks and pretended they did nothing. Meanwhile the overwhelming productive effort of the entire cabal was to accrue wealth by various and saundry graft schemes that did nothing to ease the general poverty of the people.  

We had the handing over of a million us to buddy for his hotel which he later resold without a requirement for repayment. We had the handing over of the berbice river bridge to E beharry and BK et al, the give away  of potential oil rich zones to the same people and were aiming to do the same with the Hotel. The Air port and Skeldon factory and Stadium were all leech products aimed to funnel funds into the pockets of the PPP. The give away to Ban Shan lin, OMAI, ( sold Demba for 4 mil and OMAI later resold it to the chines for 45 mill). Everything the PPP did was to enrich themselves and that is not even mentioning Prado ville or the hundreds of acres of inter lands the give away to select supporters. 

If they cared they could have ushered in a new constitutional government where the races would not be at each others throats. The pending oil income means we will definitely take to killing each others. 

As I said, you thinking you are different from Ms Lawrence or those fishwives are a laugh. As long as  you see the other side as the bad side you are part of the political script being played out as on a stage. It is not real. 

Holy cow!!πŸ„

Last edited by Former Member
VishMahabir posted:
D2 posted:
VishMahabir posted:

I apologize for bringing this up again...

I have family members who I dont believe will not act like this, but I am curious. Sugar workers are supposed to be hardworking people, revolutionary and, presumably, will not take any BS from anyone. My parents always tell me that there are 3 things in life you always have to fight for:


Jes asking.

These were people the PPP shipped in to make a ruckus. They wanted that photo op with shouting down Nagamottoo as evidence of their superior position. 

Moses is not in this must be referring to another.

I may have left the room and another came on with moses and the cane cutters shouting him down. Anyway, there is a video with an indian woman doing the same thing,

Baseman posted:

There is no reconciliation solution for Guyana.  Afros insists it’s their land to rule and for Indians to live in.   Then when the PPP ruled, Blacks felt marginalized.  The PPP also did not help.

The solution will come when the Indian population has been depleted to the point National office in no longer a viable option.  Then I believe Guyana will do better.  


This seems like a typical PPP or Indo response...a pessimistic one at which seemingly expresses the view that without the Indo majority to "rule", then Indos do not have rights in Guyana.

The idea is not for Afros or Indos to rule over reach other. Afros and Indos came from a long history of struggle which entitle them to rights in that country.

There are many places in the world where groups long as they respect each other.

Arent Indos living side by side with Afros in neighboring Trinidad and Suriname? Why are people in Guyana so tribal.

"The solution will come when the Indian population has been depleted to the point National office in no longer a viable option."

What nonsense is this? You ever heard of coalition government? Or are you thinking that all is lost since Indos dont have a majority? 

I think the problem in Guyana is Indos (like KP, Skeleton-Man and Druggy...dem know it watch dem come back and throw insults all over de place) are so busy leaving the country that they are not willing to stand up and earn their respect...People's rights are not simply given to them...they have to be earned. So its easy to blame Afros for their shortcomings.

The same Blacks you made reference to were engaged in sustained protests in America before they gained respect...and their rights (rights which we also enjoy because of their struggle). The same for Blacks in South Africa.  

Demerara_Guy posted:
alena06 posted:
Drugb posted:

Please delete this thread admin, it is a duplicate of another. This fellow maybe giving django a run for his money, possibly being paid by # of topics started. 

Nah Ronan does β€˜shakeabatty’ πŸ˜€

Heee heee heeeeeee

Why is it that yall men of intelligence seem so giddy and pre-occupied with bodily parts?

....could this be a childhood issue growing up in dysfunctional Guyana?

...or yall cant seem  to get Ronan out of your minds...?

VishMahabir posted:
Demerara_Guy posted:
alena06 posted:
Drugb posted:

Please delete this thread admin, it is a duplicate of another. This fellow maybe giving django a run for his money, possibly being paid by # of topics started. 

Nah Ronan does β€˜shakeabatty’ πŸ˜€

Heee heee heeeeeee

Why is it that yall men of intelligence seem so giddy and pre-occupied with bodily parts?

....could this be a childhood issue growing up in dysfunctional Guyana?

...or yall cant seem  to get Ronan out of your minds...?

Alena is a gyal........

GTAngler posted:
VishMahabir posted:
Demerara_Guy posted:
alena06 posted:
Drugb posted:

Please delete this thread admin, it is a duplicate of another. This fellow maybe giving django a run for his money, possibly being paid by # of topics started. 

Nah Ronan does β€˜shakeabatty’ πŸ˜€

Heee heee heeeeeee

Why is it that yall men of intelligence seem so giddy and pre-occupied with bodily parts?

....could this be a childhood issue growing up in dysfunctional Guyana?

...or yall cant seem  to get Ronan out of your minds...?

Alena is a gyal........

...and how you know this...?


the savvy Indo MEN picketing in the video know that they risk causing a riot and a beatdown if they assaulted the cowardly Afro WOMEN . . . this is MAJORITY Afro GT after all

partially homan privilege!

the savvy virago Afro woman would NOT have snatched the sign and behave bad like she did if they were at Whim, Albion, Rose Hall or anywhere such because she knows that she would have gotten her ass kicked

common sense 101

nothing to do with Indo man weakness, etc., etc. . . . jeez

why is this marginal piece of political theatre from years ago being re-litigated here in late 2018? . . . that it it remains a favorite of weak-minded Indian antiman on GNI when they feel the need to wring deh haan and wail how Black[wo]man ah beat up abee is pitiful and frightening all at once


Last edited by Former Member
ronan posted:

the savvy Indo MEN picketing in the video know that they risk causing a riot and a beatdown if they assaulted the cowardly Afro WOMEN . . . this is MAJORITY Afro GT after all

partially homan privilege!

the savvy virago Afro woman would NOT have snatched the sign and behave bad like she did if they were at Whim, Albion, Rose Hall or anywhere such because she knows that she would have gotten her ass kicked

common sense 101

nothing to do with Indo man weakness, etc., etc. . . . jeez

why is this marginal piece of political theatre from years ago being re-litigated here in late 2018? . . . that it it remains a favorite of weak-minded Indian antiman on GNI when they feel the need to wring deh haan and wail how Black[wo]man ah beat up abee is pitiful and frightening all at once


That was done in front of parliament building, with tons of Black police officers looking on, the police men were there to serve and protect the rude women ,also this is happening when the PNC is in office. As one of the woman stated " Granger is only one man ,he can't do everything", It tell me that their behaviour was endorsed by the ruling government. "Blackman deh pun tap " Mentality.

kp posted:
ronan posted:

the savvy Indo MEN picketing in the video know that they risk causing a riot and a beatdown if they assaulted the cowardly Afro WOMEN . . . this is MAJORITY Afro GT after all

partially homan privilege!

the savvy virago Afro woman would NOT have snatched the sign and behave bad like she did if they were at Whim, Albion, Rose Hall or anywhere such because she knows that she would have gotten her ass kicked

common sense 101

nothing to do with Indo man weakness, etc., etc. . . . jeez

why is this marginal piece of political theatre from years ago being re-litigated here in late 2018? . . . that it it remains a favorite of weak-minded Indian antiman on GNI when they feel the need to wring deh haan and wail how Black[wo]man ah beat up abee is pitiful and frightening all at once


That was done in front of parliament building, with tons of Black police officers looking on, the police men were there to serve and protect the rude women ,also this is happening when the PNC is in office. As one of the woman stated " Granger is only one man ,he can't do everything", It tell me that their behaviour was endorsed by the ruling government. "Blackman deh pun tap " Mentality.

i thought it was from 2014 . . . my bad

but then you confirm yuh antimanism by offering up remarkable nonsense like this:

β€œOne of the women stated β€œGranger is only one man, he can't do everything", It tell me that their behaviour was endorsed by the ruling government.”

you ain’t shame?

Last edited by Former Member
VishMahabir posted:
GTAngler posted:
VishMahabir posted:
Demerara_Guy posted:
alena06 posted:
Drugb posted:

Please delete this thread admin, it is a duplicate of another. This fellow maybe giving django a run for his money, possibly being paid by # of topics started. 

Nah Ronan does β€˜shakeabatty’ πŸ˜€

Heee heee heeeeeee

Why is it that yall men of intelligence seem so giddy and pre-occupied with bodily parts?

....could this be a childhood issue growing up in dysfunctional Guyana?

...or yall cant seem  to get Ronan out of your minds...?

Alena is a gyal........

...and how you know this...?

Were in the same class in high school in Guyana.

GTAngler posted:
VishMahabir posted:
GTAngler posted:
VishMahabir posted:
Demerara_Guy posted:
alena06 posted:
Drugb posted:

Please delete this thread admin, it is a duplicate of another. This fellow maybe giving django a run for his money, possibly being paid by # of topics started. 

Nah Ronan does β€˜shakeabatty’ πŸ˜€

Heee heee heeeeeee

Why is it that yall men of intelligence seem so giddy and pre-occupied with bodily parts?

....could this be a childhood issue growing up in dysfunctional Guyana?

...or yall cant seem  to get Ronan out of your minds...?

Alena is a gyal........

...and how you know this...?

Were in the same class in high school in Guyana. apologies to the lady.

ronan posted:
kp posted:
ronan posted:

the savvy Indo MEN picketing in the video know that they risk causing a riot and a beatdown if they assaulted the cowardly Afro WOMEN . . . this is MAJORITY Afro GT after all

partially homan privilege!

the savvy virago Afro woman would NOT have snatched the sign and behave bad like she did if they were at Whim, Albion, Rose Hall or anywhere such because she knows that she would have gotten her ass kicked

common sense 101

nothing to do with Indo man weakness, etc., etc. . . . jeez

why is this marginal piece of political theatre from years ago being re-litigated here in late 2018? . . . that it it remains a favorite of weak-minded Indian antiman on GNI when they feel the need to wring deh haan and wail how Black[wo]man ah beat up abee is pitiful and frightening all at once


That was done in front of parliament building, with tons of Black police officers looking on, the police men were there to serve and protect the rude women ,also this is happening when the PNC is in office. As one of the woman stated " Granger is only one man ,he can't do everything", It tell me that their behaviour was endorsed by the ruling government. "Blackman deh pun tap " Mentality.

i thought it was from 2014 . . . my bad

but then you confirm yuh antimanism by offering up remarkable nonsense like this:

β€œOne of the women stated β€œGranger is only one man, he can't do everything", It tell me that their behaviour was endorsed by the ruling government.”

you ain’t shame?

You just confirmed that you are GT gay boy ,shake a batty boy.

kp posted:
ronan posted:
kp posted:
ronan posted:

the savvy Indo MEN picketing in the video know that they risk causing a riot and a beatdown if they assaulted the cowardly Afro WOMEN . . . this is MAJORITY Afro GT after all

partially homan privilege!

the savvy virago Afro woman would NOT have snatched the sign and behave bad like she did if they were at Whim, Albion, Rose Hall or anywhere such because she knows that she would have gotten her ass kicked

common sense 101

nothing to do with Indo man weakness, etc., etc. . . . jeez

why is this marginal piece of political theatre from years ago being re-litigated here in late 2018? . . . that it it remains a favorite of weak-minded Indian antiman on GNI when they feel the need to wring deh haan and wail how Black[wo]man ah beat up abee is pitiful and frightening all at once


That was done in front of parliament building, with tons of Black police officers looking on, the police men were there to serve and protect the rude women ,also this is happening when the PNC is in office. As one of the woman stated " Granger is only one man ,he can't do everything", It tell me that their behaviour was endorsed by the ruling government. "Blackman deh pun tap " Mentality.

i thought it was from 2014 . . . my bad

but then you confirm yuh antimanism by offering up remarkable nonsense like this:

β€œOne of the women stated β€œGranger is only one man, he can't do everything", It tell me that their behaviour was endorsed by the ruling government.”

you ain’t shame?

You just confirmed that you are GT gay boy ,shake a batty boy.

you can CALL me anything, but i lifting up your dress and SHOWING the public something!

difference between MAN [me] and antiman [you] . . . kapeesh?

Last edited by Former Member
ronan posted:
kp posted:
ronan posted:
kp posted:
ronan posted:

the savvy Indo MEN picketing in the video know that they risk causing a riot and a beatdown if they assaulted the cowardly Afro WOMEN . . . this is MAJORITY Afro GT after all

partially homan privilege!

the savvy virago Afro woman would NOT have snatched the sign and behave bad like she did if they were at Whim, Albion, Rose Hall or anywhere such because she knows that she would have gotten her ass kicked

common sense 101

nothing to do with Indo man weakness, etc., etc. . . . jeez

why is this marginal piece of political theatre from years ago being re-litigated here in late 2018? . . . that it it remains a favorite of weak-minded Indian antiman on GNI when they feel the need to wring deh haan and wail how Black[wo]man ah beat up abee is pitiful and frightening all at once


That was done in front of parliament building, with tons of Black police officers looking on, the police men were there to serve and protect the rude women ,also this is happening when the PNC is in office. As one of the woman stated " Granger is only one man ,he can't do everything", It tell me that their behaviour was endorsed by the ruling government. "Blackman deh pun tap " Mentality.

i thought it was from 2014 . . . my bad

but then you confirm yuh antimanism by offering up remarkable nonsense like this:

β€œOne of the women stated β€œGranger is only one man, he can't do everything", It tell me that their behaviour was endorsed by the ruling government.”

you ain’t shame?

You just confirmed that you are GT gay boy ,shake a batty boy.

you can CALL me anything, but i lifting up your dress and SHOWING the public something!

You think everybody dresses like you. You are one ugly cross dresser.

VishMahabir posted:
Gilbakka posted:


I participated in a number of PPP demonstrations during the 1970s-1980s. As a rule we wore armbands or chest bands marked PEACEFUL PICKETING. That was to assure policemen that we won't be violent or break the law. 

The video shows 2 women verbally abusing peaceful picketers. One woman snatched one placard from one picketer. That was an assault. The offender walked away with impunity.

If the victim had retaliated, undesirable repercussions might have resulted. That picketer could have been arrested and/or charged. APNU+AFC hawks would have made propaganda against GAWU & PPP. And so on. As it turned out the assaulted picketer and his comrades exercised restraint, maintained their dignity and refused to be diverted from their purpose. I salute them.


Not to belabor this point, I understand that much. And I am not advocating violence...I am simply trying to understand the mindset of the women...what would motivate them to feel that they had a right to do what they did...without impunity? Yes...Maybe they were trying to instigate to disrupt the protest. 

But I have seen this as a typical behavior among Indo men...they are not assertive and are often timid...always looking for the easy and safe way out...always avoiding conflicts when it comes to dealing with Afros. 

You cant say that Indos are not aggressive because those same Indos on that picket line will be aggressive towards other Indos (...and we know what they can do when they get drunk...ask KP and Skeldon-Man).  


VishM, You punani wreaks of fish market ganda egg stench. Close your legs and zip down you punani. Warning: if you fail to follow this advice, maggots will invade your punani.

VishMahabir posted:

I If a group of African women are protesting in front of Parliament in Guyana, I do not believe a group of Indian men (like KP, Skeldon-Man and Baseman) will dare enter anywhere near the protest, much less attempt to take away their signs. Why?  

Jes asking.

I cannot talk for baseman but I know that skeldon, yuji and Nehru are going to wail "me frikken dem big, big black PNC woman bad, bad.  You nah see how one a dem pull down a PPP flag, piss on its and dun bun it up. Me frikken dem gun do dat to me!".

Here is the answer. As someone who was a small child in the early 60s Indians were respected as being fully able to defend themselves which is why blacks fled majority Indo areas.  Indos felt compelled to do the same as they EQUALLY feared blacks.

But the Jagans created a mythology of the "weak Indian victim" in order to peddle a narrative that the 60s violence was a one sided attack on "innocent" Indians by "savage African brutes".  This became internalized into the rural Indo psyche.

You will note that its a certain age group who are so terrified of blacks that a small and weak old black woman can send them into extremes of terror.

Drugb posted:

This jackass vishm must not have heard about the little indo in a dhoti who brought down the British empire with his mantra of non violence. 

His cousins in Guyana "frikken black woman, bad, bad bad" though.  This was a big strapping loud mouth female. She looked like a little church lady yet felt bold enough to do this. 

And the wails that occurred when she did it. Howls of "Indo genocide!"

D2 posted:

I may have left the room and another came on with moses and the cane cutters shouting him down. Anyway, there is a video with an indian woman doing the same thing,

If it is what I saw the Indo woman was explicitly racist.  The black women were explicitly, though knowing Guyana as we do the ethnic factor is implied.

VishMahabir posted:

This seems like a typical PPP or Indo response...a pessimistic one at which seemingly expresses the view that without the Indo majority to "rule", then Indos do not have rights in Guyana.

The idea is not for Afros or Indos to rule over reach other. Afros and Indos came from a long history of struggle which entitle them to rights in that country.

There are many places in the world where groups long as they respect each other.

Arent Indos living side by side with Afros in neighboring Trinidad and Suriname? Why are people in Guyana so tribal.

"The solution will come when the Indian population has been depleted to the point National office in no longer a viable option."

What nonsense is this? You ever heard of coalition government? Or are you thinking that all is lost since Indos dont have a majority? 

I think the problem in Guyana is Indos (like KP, Skeleton-Man and Druggy...dem know it watch dem come back and throw insults all over de place) are so busy leaving the country that they are not willing to stand up and earn their respect...People's rights are not simply given to them...they have to be earned. So its easy to blame Afros for their shortcomings.

The same Blacks you made reference to were engaged in sustained protests in America before they gained respect...and their rights (rights which we also enjoy because of their struggle). The same for Blacks in South Africa.  

I can recall election day in 2015 when the PPP in the person of Kwame was running around polling stations in parts of GT trying desperately to start a riot. I have seen videos when NAGAMOOTOO was dispatched to these areas to try to calm down the crowds.

Yes INDIAN Nagamootoo was able to calm down these crowds.  In 2011 most analysts claim that it was Roopnarine of the WPA and NOT Granger who worked up the working class black crowds.

Yes BOTH groups manifest this "us vs. them" mentality, but the reality is that the black is more likely to have a "Good" Indian who is with us, vs. the "RACIAL" Indian who is the enemy.

No matter how "good" a black might be he can only be used as a token to fool black people.

I have frequently mentioned that blacks and Indians have a very different notion of their ethnic identity and how that is related to their "nationality" as a Guyanese.   Indians are "tribal" in ways that Afros are not.  Roopnarine and Nagamootoo became part of their tribe.  Mrs. Harper was NEVER part of the Indian tribe. Her role was to woo enough black votes to ensure a PPP win.

kp posted:
It tell me that their behaviour was endorsed by the ruling government. "Blackman deh pun tap " Mentality.

True but when did you care about the "ahbe pan tap, black man time done" that your typical PPP supporter manifested until the PPP loss in 2015?

You didn't because you live in an Indian bubble so don't know and don't care about what happens outside of this.

I can call up Volda and state that her remarks incited ethnic panic, even if this wasn't her intention.

You cannot do the same when Jagdeo or other PPP supporters are guilty.


I shudder to think of the 2020 election aftermath if the PPP refuses to take the time to understand why they are so reviled by 95% of the black identified population and as much as 80% of the mixed identified.

Does the PPP think that this is a topic worthy of discussion. Or do they think that putting some unknown black stooge as the PM candidate and then dumping them if they lose will solve this negative perception that black/mixed voters have of them?

caribny posted:
Drugb posted:

This jackass vishm must not have heard about the little indo in a dhoti who brought down the British empire with his mantra of non violence. 

His cousins in Guyana "frikken black woman, bad, bad bad" though.  This was a big strapping loud mouth female. She looked like a little church lady yet felt bold enough to do this. 

And the wails that occurred when she did it. Howls of "Indo genocide!"

Druggie frikken dem black women bad too. When he at home is yes dear, no dear and he quiet like a church mouse. Then he sneaks onto GNI to curse blacks. He better hope he don’t get caught one of these days or else is two good slaps he gonna get.

caribny posted:
VishMahabir posted:

I If a group of African women are protesting in front of Parliament in Guyana, I do not believe a group of Indian men (like KP, Skeldon-Man and Baseman) will dare enter anywhere near the protest, much less attempt to take away their signs. Why?  

Jes asking.

I cannot talk for baseman but I know that skeldon, yuji and Nehru are going to wail "me frikken dem big, big black PNC woman bad, bad.  You nah see how one a dem pull down a PPP flag, piss on its and dun bun it up. Me frikken dem gun do dat to me!".

Here is the answer. As someone who was a small child in the early 60s Indians were respected as being fully able to defend themselves which is why blacks fled majority Indo areas.  Indos felt compelled to do the same as they EQUALLY feared blacks.

But the Jagans created a mythology of the "weak Indian victim" in order to peddle a narrative that the 60s violence was a one sided attack on "innocent" Indians by "savage African brutes".  This became internalized into the rural Indo psyche.

You will note that its a certain age group who are so terrified of blacks that a small and weak old black woman can send them into extremes of terror.

Baseman grew up with Blacks.  We play, we fight, we argue, etc.  Black people will push and play bad till you push back.  However, Blacks are prone to herd mentality, so as a group, they quickly become a horde!

caribny posted:

I shudder to think of the 2020 election aftermath if the PPP refuses to take the time to understand why they are so reviled by 95% of the black identified population and as much as 80% of the mixed identified.

Does the PPP think that this is a topic worthy of discussion. Or do they think that putting some unknown black stooge as the PM candidate and then dumping them if they lose will solve this negative perception that black/mixed voters have of them?

The PPP should make overt efforts to β€œAfricanized” their public face in a meaningful way. Afro-Guyanese thoughts could bring value.  The PPP will be stronger for it!  BJ posing up with couple nice girls only go so far.

Baseman posted:
caribny posted:

I shudder to think of the 2020 election aftermath if the PPP refuses to take the time to understand why they are so reviled by 95% of the black identified population and as much as 80% of the mixed identified.

Does the PPP think that this is a topic worthy of discussion. Or do they think that putting some unknown black stooge as the PM candidate and then dumping them if they lose will solve this negative perception that black/mixed voters have of them?

The PPP should make overt efforts to β€œAfricanized” their public face in a meaningful way. Afro-Guyanese thoughts could bring value.  The PPP will be stronger for it!  BJ posing up with couple nice girls only go so far.

This is such a pathetic statement. The reality is that if the PPP were fully committed to the concept of nation and nationalism in the modern sense then there would be no need to recruit other people as a ""face" in any way. The same goes for the other side. These two parties remains racist and no amount of presentation of proxy faces  to sell diversity to the public will succeed.

if the PPP wants to win, they will select a young face not party ideologues. Any from the long standing ranks of institutional PPP party acolytes will  not generate the requisite authenticity needed.

D2 posted:
Baseman posted:
caribny posted:

I shudder to think of the 2020 election aftermath if the PPP refuses to take the time to understand why they are so reviled by 95% of the black identified population and as much as 80% of the mixed identified.

Does the PPP think that this is a topic worthy of discussion. Or do they think that putting some unknown black stooge as the PM candidate and then dumping them if they lose will solve this negative perception that black/mixed voters have of them?

The PPP should make overt efforts to β€œAfricanized” their public face in a meaningful way. Afro-Guyanese thoughts could bring value.  The PPP will be stronger for it!  BJ posing up with couple nice girls only go so far.

This is such a pathetic statement. The reality is that if the PPP were fully committed to the concept of nation and nationalism in the modern sense then there would be no need to recruit other people as a ""face" in any way. The same goes for the other side. These two parties remains racist and no amount of presentation of proxy faces  to sell diversity to the public will succeed.

if the PPP wants to win, they will select a young face not party ideologues. Any from the long standing ranks of institutional PPP party acolytes will  not generate the requisite authenticity needed.

Ow bai, that’s why I said β€œin a meaningful way”.  So, apart from just faces, they must have substantive input into policy and decision making.

When me play bad man, Ayuh cuss mi, when me play nice bai, Ayuh cuss me!  Me can nevva win.   This must be a Guyana thingy!

D2 posted:
Baseman posted:
caribny posted:

I shudder to think of the 2020 election aftermath if the PPP refuses to take the time to understand why they are so reviled by 95% of the black identified population and as much as 80% of the mixed identified.

Does the PPP think that this is a topic worthy of discussion. Or do they think that putting some unknown black stooge as the PM candidate and then dumping them if they lose will solve this negative perception that black/mixed voters have of them?

The PPP should make overt efforts to β€œAfricanized” their public face in a meaningful way. Afro-Guyanese thoughts could bring value.  The PPP will be stronger for it!  BJ posing up with couple nice girls only go so far.

This is such a pathetic statement. The reality is that if the PPP were fully committed to the concept of nation and nationalism in the modern sense then there would be no need to recruit other people as a ""face" in any way. The same goes for the other side. These two parties remains racist and no amount of presentation of proxy faces  to sell diversity to the public will succeed.

if the PPP wants to win, they will select a young face not party ideologues. Any from the long standing ranks of institutional PPP party acolytes will  not generate the requisite authenticity needed.

Was there anything or is there anything you were or are happy that coolie people do? You are such a constant whiner. Get over it, the world's population is saturated with coolies...something you cannot fathom.

skeldon_man posted:
D2 posted:
Baseman posted:
caribny posted:

I shudder to think of the 2020 election aftermath if the PPP refuses to take the time to understand why they are so reviled by 95% of the black identified population and as much as 80% of the mixed identified.

Does the PPP think that this is a topic worthy of discussion. Or do they think that putting some unknown black stooge as the PM candidate and then dumping them if they lose will solve this negative perception that black/mixed voters have of them?

The PPP should make overt efforts to β€œAfricanized” their public face in a meaningful way. Afro-Guyanese thoughts could bring value.  The PPP will be stronger for it!  BJ posing up with couple nice girls only go so far.

This is such a pathetic statement. The reality is that if the PPP were fully committed to the concept of nation and nationalism in the modern sense then there would be no need to recruit other people as a ""face" in any way. The same goes for the other side. These two parties remains racist and no amount of presentation of proxy faces  to sell diversity to the public will succeed.

if the PPP wants to win, they will select a young face not party ideologues. Any from the long standing ranks of institutional PPP party acolytes will  not generate the requisite authenticity needed.

Was there anything or is there anything you were or are happy that coolie people do? You are such a constant whiner. Get over it, the world's population is saturated with coolies...something you cannot fathom.

Not these stupid coolie people who has been the ruin of us for 23 years...them tief too much!!!

skeldon_man posted:
D2 posted:
Baseman posted:
caribny posted:

I shudder to think of the 2020 election aftermath if the PPP refuses to take the time to understand why they are so reviled by 95% of the black identified population and as much as 80% of the mixed identified.

Does the PPP think that this is a topic worthy of discussion. Or do they think that putting some unknown black stooge as the PM candidate and then dumping them if they lose will solve this negative perception that black/mixed voters have of them?

The PPP should make overt efforts to β€œAfricanized” their public face in a meaningful way. Afro-Guyanese thoughts could bring value.  The PPP will be stronger for it!  BJ posing up with couple nice girls only go so far.

This is such a pathetic statement. The reality is that if the PPP were fully committed to the concept of nation and nationalism in the modern sense then there would be no need to recruit other people as a ""face" in any way. The same goes for the other side. These two parties remains racist and no amount of presentation of proxy faces  to sell diversity to the public will succeed.

if the PPP wants to win, they will select a young face not party ideologues. Any from the long standing ranks of institutional PPP party acolytes will  not generate the requisite authenticity needed.

Was there anything or is there anything you were or are happy that coolie people do? You are such a constant whiner. Get over it, the world's population is saturated with coolies...something you cannot fathom.

You must be friken blind nuh? Did you not see where he mentioned "both parties remain racist?"

(As often mentioned here, PPP seen as an Indian party, PNC seen as a black party)

Do you suggest D2 speak of the black racists only and stay blind to racist Indians? 

cain posted:

You must be friken blind nuh? Did you not see where he mentioned "both parties remain racist?"

(As often mentioned here, PPP seen as an Indian party, PNC seen as a black party)

Do you suggest D2 speak of the black racists only and stay blind to racist Indians? 

is ol peeeple yu takin to. He rass pushing 80 and he still think black people are not capable of smarts. Yu cyant mek he undastan wha he brain is allergic to...understanding!

Last edited by Former Member
Mars posted:

Druggie frikken dem black women bad too. When he at home is yes dear, no dear and he quiet like a church mouse. Then he sneaks onto GNI to curse blacks. He better hope he don’t get caught one of these days or else is two good slaps he gonna get.

Periodically druggie disappears, I suspect when his black in laws see him describing them as a bunch of losers who look up to him as a hero.  The gets more than two slaps.  At the kids' birthdays he becomes the piΓ±ata except that he isn't wrapped in paper and baseball bats are used.

antabanta posted:
Baseman posted:

Baseman grew up with Blacks.  We play, we fight, we argue, etc.  Black people will push and play bad till you push back.  However, Blacks are prone to herd mentality, so as a group, they quickly become a horde!

Which race or ethnic group is not prone to "herd mentality?"

As is frequently mentioned both groups manifest ethnic insecurity and so become a herd for perceived self protection.


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