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Former Member

The entire village of Calcutta (Mahaicony, East Coast Demerara) is outraged at the very carefree attitude of a resident mother who for months has been allegedly allowing her two underage daughters to track several bars in the Mahaicony District, consume alcohol and offer sexual favors.

Just recently, ranks from the Mahaicony Police Station confirmed that the two girls were arrested at the Park Square Fun City Entertainment Centre (Central Mahaicony) recently. There they were observed drinking alcohol for a prolonged period.

Woman Constable Corlette Charles who works periodically at the entertainment center, arrested the two young girls late last week and had hauled them to the nearby police station.

Ranks there then summoned the mother, Rosalyn Gordon, of Calcutta Village, but she had refused to visit the police station.

After some days the woman’s non-appearance forced the ranks to release the two young girls

The girls are said to be very young, at ages twelve and fourteen.

Residents in the village say that the mother has turned a deaf ear to their pleas to have the relevant authorities deal with the very rebellious young girls. The woman then says that it is the father’s responsibility.

According to villagers, the father does not live in the home, and the mother has since given the young girl’s free rein to do as they please.

It is also said that the 12-year old has been out of school for several months now.

Concerned mothers in the village were aghast at the mother’s attitude. Some indicated that she is allowing the girls to track bars by night, offering sexual favors to men for money. They are even more infuriated that the female welfare officer in the village who is designated to deal with such cases has turned a deaf ear to their pleas to intervene.

A few housewives have even informed that the female welfare officer more than once was seen in the company of the girls, and never seemed interested in reprimanding them for their actions.

Villagers informed that when the girls were arrested just recently, police, several hours later, took them to the home of the mother.

Reports are that the mother was at home at the time but bluntly refused to come out to police ranks. Villagers encouraged one newspaper reporter to stay around and observe the exploits of the young girls at night.

Indeed they were observed at a snackette and movie shop in the village in the company of older males, way after 23:00 hrs. It was shocking to watch them make advances to the males with the seemingly established experience of pros.

And the young men apparently could not match their food and cash demands, so the girls left with the older of the two swishing her skirt.

Residents of Calcutta are hoping higher authorities look into the situation. Some are suggesting the girls be taken to the New Opportunity Corps (NOC) since no one seems to be able to control them.


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This is a classic case of family breakdown. Father is not at home and the mother refused to take responsibility for their underage daughters. According to public outcry, the parents are solely responsible. These underage girls have already get the freedom and exposure to do as they like. Assuming that the majority of us are parents, what advise can we offer in a situation like this? 

Last edited by Former Member
Iguana posted:

Poverty at work, a total breakdown of society. Sad and sickening. Yuh bai Nehru the lowlife pervert and predator will soon be along to offer he "opinions" pon de poor unfortunate 12 and 14 year old underage girls and ask fuh pictures and sizes. Sick bastard.

Do not let my f-ing thread close with your nonsense. Ok? How can you offer good advice when you start calling people lowlife? Do you know Nehru? Instead, you should tell us about your highlife? 

Prince posted:
Iguana posted:

Poverty at work, a total breakdown of society. Sad and sickening. Yuh bai Nehru the lowlife pervert and predator will soon be along to offer he "opinions" pon de poor unfortunate 12 and 14 year old underage girls and ask fuh pictures and sizes. Sick bastard.

Do not let my f-ing thread close with your nonsense. Ok? How can you offer good advice when you start calling people lowlife? Do you know Nehru? Instead, you should tell us about your highlife? 

Right hay pon dis public forum yuh bai Nehru embraced de trafficking of underaged girls. De post deh right hay. He is what he is, from de day he born and land pon de floor of Gaumont.

Iguana posted:

Poverty at work, a total breakdown of society. Sad and sickening. Yuh bai Nehru the lowlife pervert and predator will soon be along to offer he "opinions" pon de poor unfortunate 12 and 14 year old underage girls and ask fuh pictures and sizes. Sick bastard.


Prince posted:
Iguana posted:

Poverty at work, a total breakdown of society. Sad and sickening. Yuh bai Nehru the lowlife pervert and predator will soon be along to offer he "opinions" pon de poor unfortunate 12 and 14 year old underage girls and ask fuh pictures and sizes. Sick bastard.

Do not let my f-ing thread close with your nonsense. Ok? How can you offer good advice when you start calling people lowlife? Do you know Nehru? Instead, you should tell us about your highlife? 

Bhai, SCUMBAGS like Iguana are dime a dozen. He is WORST that the woman and her 2 daughters.

Nehru posted:
Iguana posted:

Poverty at work, a total breakdown of society. Sad and sickening. Yuh bai Nehru the lowlife pervert and predator will soon be along to offer he "opinions" pon de poor unfortunate 12 and 14 year old underage girls and ask fuh pictures and sizes. Sick bastard.


Far be it from me to dispute with an expert like you on whorehouses. You were born into the industry from crawling on the floors of Gaumont to becoming their most loyal customer.

Your tales of visiting whorehouse after whorehouse and "butta bang" whores of all ethnicities, male and female, from neighboring countries during your visits there in PPP days are in the archives. So clearly the nation was "one big whorehouse" back then too.

Nehru posted:

This Jackass Guana coming here spewing shit and complaining about others and his Puppet Sparky( I have a dog name Sparky) talkin  bout low!!!!!!

where did I "complain" about you or anyone? Ah come hay and dishing it out pon alyuh. "uncle" Dave done lost he mind and he palin stave, cussing like mad. Ksazma de "accountant" mumbling something about "black people can't get by", Skeldon Man reduced to one word HUH and you gone mad cussing people about dem mother.

Dat is called de "gwana man effect" pon alyuh low life racists. And I ain't done yet.

Iguana posted:
Nehru posted:

This Jackass Guana coming here spewing shit and complaining about others and his Puppet Sparky( I have a dog name Sparky) talkin  bout low!!!!!!

where did I "complain" about you or anyone? Ah come hay and dishing it out pon alyuh. "uncle" Dave done lost he mind and he palin stave, cussing like mad. Ksazma de "accountant" mumbling something about "black people can't get by", Skeldon Man reduced to one word HUH and you gone mad cussing people about dem mother.

Dat is called de "gwana man effect" pon alyuh low life racists. And I ain't done yet.

...dats why we miss you Iggy...dis sandbox gettin heated...I might want to cut one of my class for this one...


One must give credit to the concerned mothers who applied pressure and brought the media and police.  It shows not all is lost and people care and want to do the right thing.

I don’t understand the response of the authorities.  Why did child welfare not step in and take the kids.  The government is being laxed here!

Last edited by Former Member
Baseman posted:

One must give credit to the concerned mothers who applied pressure and brought the media and police.  It shows not all is lost and people care and want to do the right thing.

I don’t understand the response of the authorities.  Why did child welfare not step in and take the kids.  The government is being laxed here!

Where is the father in all of this?  

Prince posted:
Baseman posted:

One must give credit to the concerned mothers who applied pressure and brought the media and police.  It shows not all is lost and people care and want to do the right thing.

I don’t understand the response of the authorities.  Why did child welfare not step in and take the kids.  The government is being laxed here!

Where is the father in all of this?  

If you are so concerned, why not jump on a plane and go find out. Let us know what you found out and what you did to help the family. I am surprised that you did not preach this "drunken coolies" mantra.  You seem to think that this is the only family that is suffering from this. 

Last edited by Former Member
Prince posted:
Baseman posted:

One must give credit to the concerned mothers who applied pressure and brought the media and police.  It shows not all is lost and people care and want to do the right thing.

I don’t understand the response of the authorities.  Why did child welfare not step in and take the kids.  The government is being laxed here!

Where is the father in all of this?  

Irrelevant!!  My point was, in the absence of the parents, the village woman took some responsibility!  The authorities dropped the ball!

Prince posted:
Baseman posted:

One must give credit to the concerned mothers who applied pressure and brought the media and police.  It shows not all is lost and people care and want to do the right thing.

I don’t understand the response of the authorities.  Why did child welfare not step in and take the kids.  The government is being laxed here!

Where is the father in all of this?  

When you make your own headline, make sure you have an editor to correct your grammar.

VishMahabir posted:
Prince posted:

This seems like a frequent occurrence in Guyana...I would venture to say that a lot of parents may not even realize that their kids are doing this stuff. 

This happens in every society.  I knew a sailor when I was still living in Guyana.  He said when they ported in Venezuela, mothers pimped their daughters to sailors.  He said in Bangladesh, they pimped both daughters and young sons!

Baseman posted:
VishMahabir posted:
Prince posted:

This seems like a frequent occurrence in Guyana...I would venture to say that a lot of parents may not even realize that their kids are doing this stuff. 

This happens in every society.  I knew a sailor when I was still living in Guyana.  He said when they ported in Venezuela, mothers pimped their daughters to sailors.  He said in Bangladesh, they pimped both daughters and young sons!

And in guyana they does pimp everybady.


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