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Parliament cannot dismiss workers ‘willy-nilly’- Labour Minister
-proposed cuts by AFC will result in violation of workers’ rights


Georgetown, GINA, April 18, 2012
Source - GINA

In light of a document that was circulated amongst members of the National Assembly last evening, in which the Alliance for Change (AFC) was giving notice of a Motion to reduce the provisions of the estimates of a number of Government agencies, Minister of Labour, Dr. Nanda Gopaul in a statement today urged that workers’ rights to be respected and protected.


If the AFC’s proposed slashing of employment costs, particularly as it relates to contract employees, was adopted by the House, Government will in effect, be forced to bring an immediate end to hundreds of public sector employees within Government Departments and agencies.

“I represent the interests of employers and employees; it is my responsibility to ensure a level playing field for both workers and employers alike. I am also of the firm view that I should protect workers’ rights and ensure that our employment laws are upheld by all and that the rights that they are entitled to under these laws are scrupulously observed,” the Labour Minister highlighted.

 He noted that such an action, as proposed by the AFC, will result in the flagrant violation of the affected employees’ terms and conditions of employment as well as a breach of the Termination of Employment and Severance Pay Act and added that, “this must be a matter of concern for all of us in this House since what some legislators are proposing, can have far-reaching employment consequences and affect the livelihoods of hundreds of young, qualified professionals.”

For any worker to be dismissed, Section 12 of the Act becomes relevant. It states that “an employer may terminate the employment of a worker if the worker becomes redundant or where the reduction of the workforce is a direct result of the modernisation, mechanisation or automation by the employer of all or part of his/her business.”

Dismissal is also permissible in case of the discontinuance by the employer to carry on all or part of the business, sale or other dispossession by the employer of all or part of the business, the reorganisation of the business by the employer, the impossibility or impracticality for the employer to carry on the business at its usual rate or level, mechanical breakdown or an act of God, or reduce operation in a employer’s business made necessary by economic conditions.

Should it become necessary to terminate workers on the above mentioned conditions, then a clear minimum of one month’s notice must be given to the worker’s representatives and the Chief Labour Officer.

Further, the Act also prohibits termination of employees based on their religious or political beliefs among others. Any violation of the terms of the Act shall cause the employer to be liable on summary conviction to a fine and imprisonment for a period of three months.

Minister Gopaul said that this issue is probably the first of its kind that the House is witnessing where Opposition legislators are proposing the immediate dismissal of workers for reasons other than economic and that of affordability.

“This country is blessed with the economic wherewithal to provide descent employment for all public servants currently on roll, if there is an intention to cause dismissal, sending home or bringing to an end the contract of any employees in the public sector, then recognition must be given to the terms and conditions of the employees’ contract and the protection offered them under those terms and under the Termination of Employment and Severance Pay Act… never in my contemplation, gracing the halls of this House, would I have expected to witness such a crass approach towards the perusal of our estimates; particularly under the heads which catered for employment,” he said.

He added that the Parliament cannot “willy-nilly” or by the stroke of a pen, send home workers in an arbitrary manner.

Meanwhile, AFC member, Moses Nagamootoo in a statement said that intention of the Motion was to have Government provide explanations of the various allocations listed in the estimates, which will in turn inform their vote for the passage of those allocations.

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Minister Gopaul said that this issue is probably the first of its kind that the House is witnessing where Opposition legislators are proposing the immediate dismissal of workers for reasons other than economic and that of affordability.


Opposition legislators continue to wander aimlessly making wild statements.


Gov’t workers protest AFC proposed job cut - Ministers join their staff


Georgetown, GINA, April 18, 2012

Source - GINA


Public servants attached to several Government Ministries, along with their supervisors, Ministers and other officials turned out in their numbers to protest the Alliance For Change’s (AFC’s) proposal to cut spending for three ministries, which will amount to approximately $3.8 Billion.


Among the Ministers on the protest were Public Service, Dr Jennifer Westford; Public Works, Robeson Benn; Legal Affairs, Anil Nandlall; Housing and Water, Irfaan Ali; Education, Priya Manickchand; Health, Dr. Bheri Ramsaran; Local Government, Ganga Persaud; and Presidential Advisor Odinga Lumumba and Permanent Secretary of Amerindian Affairs, Nigel Dharamlall; and of Local Government, Collin Croal.


Government Ministers in solidarity with workers as they protest the AFC’s proposed budget cut, that if materialized, would see many jobless


Minister Benn said the protest was an objection to the approach being used by the AFC which will leave many workers jobless if the proposal is accepted.


The Minister stated that both the AFC and A Partnership for National Unity (APNU) have said that they have an interest in seeing young people develop and that government must spend more on youth, water, housing, roads, but they are rather supporting and putting up proposals to reduce the number of roads being done, quantity of water being provided and more astonishingly to prevent young people who are contracted employees at all levels from working.


“These people support families, mothers and fathers, pensioners who they complain that we are not making adequate provisions for…these proposals are only designed to bring to an end development, improvement and prosperity that has been reliably achieved in Guyana over these last 20 years…,” Minister Benn said.


Government workers protesting the AFC’s proposal to cut budgetary spending that would result in job losses


He added that the working people should take note of those who want to bring to an end their activity and their livelihood, who have sown confusion in the election campaign and even now are grandstanding in the parliament.


Minister Nandlall described the event as unfortunate stating that,    “There is an attempt to cut the budget, especially as it relates to workers…if the budget is cut within the manner contemplated, it means that dozens of employees will be sent home and the employees are here to register their protest …the minister depends on the workers of the ministry to carry out its development plan…the ministry of housing for example has 6,500 houselots to be distributed this year, they have also several wells to be dug in several areas that have been targeted to supply potable water and infrastructural development, if the workers are not there, then the ministry cannot carry out the plans,” Nandlall explained.


He added that ultimately, the people who will suffer will be the ordinary people of Guyana. “It is important that reckless decisions be avoided, it is one thing to play politics but when you play politics in a manner that affects the lives and livelihood of the working people of Guyana, then it is a matter of grave concern,” Minister Nandlall said.


Some of the workers bearing placards at the protest


Permanent Secretary Dharamlall said, “We are here in solidarity with the thousands of public servants now across this country…we have in excess of 70% of staff in our ministries that are going to be affected…if we lose our jobs, thousands of children and wives will be affected…we will stand against those things-anyone who want to deny us the opportunity to work, earn and provide for our families and our children.”


Describing the AFC’s proposal as obnoxious, unprincipled and undemocratic, Dharamlall said that the workers will stand their ground to ensure that food gets onto the table and the plates of families.


The AFC proposed that spending for the Ministries of Housing and Water, Culture Youth and Sport and Tourism Industry and Commerce be cut.


The Minister stated that both the AFC and A Partnership for National Unity (APNU) have said that they have an interest in seeing young people develop and that government must spend more on youth, water, housing, roads, but they are rather supporting and putting up proposals to reduce the number of roads being done, quantity of water being provided and more astonishingly to prevent young people who are contracted employees at all levels from working.

APNU cum AFC, as usual, joined in action.


Government is not in the business to provide employment to people. It is in the business of  servicing basic needs. To this point the government has not said what essential services will be cut. Instead they harp on the necessity of preserving jobs for who knows what.


The opposition is within reason to ask and demand explanations for every line item in the budget and responsible government would always have an explanation. Bringing people to the streets to justify budgetary spending is the kind of tactic one would expect of the PNC but then again the PPP has ruled like them and emulated them in every way above and beyond  comprehension.

Originally Posted by Stormborn:

Government is not in the business to provide employment to people. It is in the business of  servicing basic needs. To this point the government has not said what essential services will be cut. Instead they harp on the necessity of preserving jobs for who knows what.


The opposition is within reason to ask and demand explanations for every line item in the budget and responsible government would always have an explanation. Bringing people to the streets to justify budgetary spending is the kind of tactic one would expect of the PNC but then again the PPP has ruled like them and emulated them in every way above and beyond  comprehension.


This is so funny as the PPP pull a fast one on the AFC/APNU. Of course we all know that the PPP are not concerned about jobs etc. But they out spun the masters of spinning in the AFC/APNU on this one, gaining bountiful political mileage.  Is good that you folks get a taste of your own medicine. ahahhahaha

Originally Posted by BGurd_See:
Originally Posted by Stormborn:

Government is not in the business to provide employment to people. It is in the business of  servicing basic needs. To this point the government has not said what essential services will be cut. Instead they harp on the necessity of preserving jobs for who knows what.


The opposition is within reason to ask and demand explanations for every line item in the budget and responsible government would always have an explanation. Bringing people to the streets to justify budgetary spending is the kind of tactic one would expect of the PNC but then again the PPP has ruled like them and emulated them in every way above and beyond  comprehension.


This is so funny as the PPP pull a fast one on the AFC/APNU. Of course we all know that the PPP are not concerned about jobs etc. But they out spun the masters of spinning in the AFC/APNU on this one, gaining bountiful political mileage.  Is good that you folks get a taste of your own medicine. ahahhahaha

Unfortunately this habit of telling lies to cover up theft will not work all the time. It is the eternal problem of trying to fool all of the people all the time. Some will eventually become wise to their lies.

Originally Posted by Demerara_Guy:

The Minister stated that both the AFC and A Partnership for National Unity (APNU) have said that they have an interest in seeing young people develop and that government must spend more on youth, water, housing, roads, but they are rather supporting and putting up proposals to reduce the number of roads being done, quantity of water being provided and more astonishingly to prevent young people who are contracted employees at all levels from working.

APNU cum AFC, as usual, joined in action.

Khemraj the next president, with the same mindset of Uncle Cheddi must continue to push for the clean out of the PPP friends and cronies with large contracts in the Ministry of Tourism thereby severing a blood line to PPP slush funds.
Changes, Changes, Changes are coming.

Originally Posted by BGurd_See:
Originally Posted by Stormborn:

Government is not in the business to provide employment to people. It is in the business of  servicing basic needs. To this point the government has not said what essential services will be cut. Instead they harp on the necessity of preserving jobs for who knows what.


The opposition is within reason to ask and demand explanations for every line item in the budget and responsible government would always have an explanation. Bringing people to the streets to justify budgetary spending is the kind of tactic one would expect of the PNC but then again the PPP has ruled like them and emulated them in every way above and beyond  comprehension.


This is so funny as the PPP pull a fast one on the AFC/APNU. Of course we all know that the PPP are not concerned about jobs etc. But they out spun the masters of spinning in the AFC/APNU on this one, gaining bountiful political mileage.  Is good that you folks get a taste of your own medicine. ahahhahaha

This is extremely funny to see the opposition take the heat during a budget debate. Between Mr. hot head RUMjattan and Mr. Donkey cart economist Carl Greenidge, the opposition is in disarray.


The PPP has pulled a political stunt by turning the tables on the opposition. The mistake made by the joint opposition is that they tried to pull the first punch before the referee entered the ring. Big mistake.


Originally Posted by yuji22:
Originally Posted by BGurd_See:
Originally Posted by Stormborn:

Government is not in the business to provide employment to people. It is in the business of  servicing basic needs. To this point the government has not said what essential services will be cut. Instead they harp on the necessity of preserving jobs for who knows what.


The opposition is within reason to ask and demand explanations for every line item in the budget and responsible government would always have an explanation. Bringing people to the streets to justify budgetary spending is the kind of tactic one would expect of the PNC but then again the PPP has ruled like them and emulated them in every way above and beyond  comprehension.


This is so funny as the PPP pull a fast one on the AFC/APNU. Of course we all know that the PPP are not concerned about jobs etc. But they out spun the masters of spinning in the AFC/APNU on this one, gaining bountiful political mileage.  Is good that you folks get a taste of your own medicine. ahahhahaha

This is extremely funny to see the opposition take the heat during a budget debate. Between Mr. hot head RUMjattan and Mr. Donkey cart economist Carl Greenidge, the opposition is in disarray.


The PPP has pulled a political stunt by turning the tables on the opposition. The mistake made by the joint opposition is that they tried to pull the first punch before the referee entered the ring. Big mistake.


stunts, slights of hand and brazen lying won't save them. Their accounts are due and they are asked to pay the piper.


The universe is not in the habit of rewarding scoundrels. Losing is ever on account of telling the truth. Losing is neglecting the truth and seeking after the ways of a cloven hoofed master.


Originally Posted by Stormborn:
Originally Posted by yuji22:
Originally Posted by BGurd_See:
Originally Posted by Stormborn:

Government is not in the business to provide employment to people. It is in the business of  servicing basic needs. To this point the government has not said what essential services will be cut. Instead they harp on the necessity of preserving jobs for who knows what.


The opposition is within reason to ask and demand explanations for every line item in the budget and responsible government would always have an explanation. Bringing people to the streets to justify budgetary spending is the kind of tactic one would expect of the PNC but then again the PPP has ruled like them and emulated them in every way above and beyond  comprehension.


This is so funny as the PPP pull a fast one on the AFC/APNU. Of course we all know that the PPP are not concerned about jobs etc. But they out spun the masters of spinning in the AFC/APNU on this one, gaining bountiful political mileage.  Is good that you folks get a taste of your own medicine. ahahhahaha

This is extremely funny to see the opposition take the heat during a budget debate. Between Mr. hot head RUMjattan and Mr. Donkey cart economist Carl Greenidge, the opposition is in disarray.


The PPP has pulled a political stunt by turning the tables on the opposition. The mistake made by the joint opposition is that they tried to pull the first punch before the referee entered the ring. Big mistake.


stunts, slights of hand and brazen lying won't save them. Their accounts are due and they are asked to pay the piper.


The universe is not in the habit of rewarding scoundrels. Losing is ever on account of telling the truth. Losing is neglecting the truth and seeking after the ways of a cloven hoofed master.


Keep spinning. Until then, the opposition is in disarray. This is extremely funny to watch.

Originally Posted by Demerara_Guy:

Khemraj Ramjattan has no mindset, approaches nor an affinity to Dr. Cheddi Jagan.


The next election would be quite surprising for Khemraj Ramjattan.

The PPP should call a snap election now. This is the beginning of the end for the AFC as we know it. They allowed big brother PNC to outfox them.

Originally Posted by Stormborn:
Originally Posted by BGurd_See:
Originally Posted by Stormborn:

Government is not in the business to provide employment to people. It is in the business of  servicing basic needs. To this point the government has not said what essential services will be cut. Instead they harp on the necessity of preserving jobs for who knows what.


The opposition is within reason to ask and demand explanations for every line item in the budget and responsible government would always have an explanation. Bringing people to the streets to justify budgetary spending is the kind of tactic one would expect of the PNC but then again the PPP has ruled like them and emulated them in every way above and beyond  comprehension.


This is so funny as the PPP pull a fast one on the AFC/APNU. Of course we all know that the PPP are not concerned about jobs etc. But they out spun the masters of spinning in the AFC/APNU on this one, gaining bountiful political mileage.  Is good that you folks get a taste of your own medicine. ahahhahaha

Unfortunately this habit of telling lies to cover up theft will not work all the time. It is the eternal problem of trying to fool all of the people all the time. Some will eventually become wise to their lies.


AFC's fixation on the issue of theft, most of which are created by the AFC to distract the public from the real issues have come full circles to haunt them.


People are fed up with most of these trumped up claims by the AFC. PNC members here pretending to be AFC members have added to the AFC's troubles.


Let us get real and allow the government to conduct it's business. The role of the opposition is prove these claims and so far we have only seen a pile of fake claims from the AFC.


AFC, you sound like a little child when you whine and not provide facts. THIS IS A NEW PRESIDENT. LET THE GOVERNMENT CONDUCT THE PEOPLE'S BUSINESS.


The AFC will fade away if they do not take heed. Who on earth will listen to Mr. Donkey cart economist Carl Grineedge who was finance minister under the most corrupt PNC dictatorship ? Not one single government ministry was audited under his watch when the PNC was in office.


RUMjattan must resign from the leadership of the AFC for this party to achieve it's real potential. You are not the government, you hold the balance of power and have a very powerful role to play in parliament.


Do not let yourself to be outfoxed by big brother PNC. Be your own party act in the interest of all Guyanese or you will quickly fade away. History has shown that most party like yours do not last.


The PNC will use you for political gain and kick you out. Take heed.

Originally Posted by Stormborn:

Unfortunately this habit of telling lies to cover up theft will not work all the time. It is the eternal problem of trying to fool all of the people all the time. Some will eventually become wise to their lies.

There you go again, making unsubstantiated claims. Where is the evidence of theft?  Ramjattan got outsmarted on this one, now he will have to eat crow as public opinion has turned against the AFc/APNU coalition in parliament. hahahah


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