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Parliament has become the footstool of the President and his cabinet

January 19, 2015 | By | Filed Under Letters 

Dear Editor,          The present political volatility over the No Confidence Motion which led to the proroguing of Parliament by the do-nothing President could produce General Elections this year and the minority PPP regime could be replaced. If an election is held this year, the PPP will be in a fight for its life to regain power. Based on recent estimates, both the combined AFC/APNU would gain a landslide and form the next government. This is why the minority PPP regime will do everything in its power, legal or illegal, to continue the proroguing of Parliament and prevent the No Confidence Motion from passing. Despite some silly and unintellectual comments from the insincere General Secretary that the PPP will regain its majority in the next election, he and the PPP cabal know that the stakes are very high and sooner rather than later, they will have to face an angry and frustrated electorate. We are confident that the power-hungry, greed-driven and corrupt PPP cabal will receive a sound trashing at the polls because the DO-NOTHING President and his regime have not done anything to create employment, reduce corruption and crime and lessen the fears of the people, especially businessmen and visiting Guyanese. They have not developed the economy, end cronyism and nepotism, and have not introduced any policy that would improve the lives of the poor and the working class. The Jagdeo/Ramotar cabal is unworthy of governing the country. The fact that they believe that they are omnipotent, the cabal has descended into ugly arrogance and vulgar and abusive behaviour to those who oppose and criticize them, especially Diplomats and the Publisher and staff of Kaieteur News. The proroguing of Parliament has rendered the people helpless and the opposition powerless with no power or resources to investigate any miscreant in public life as to how the corrupt PPP cabal is spending the taxpayers’ money. Parliament has become the mere tool and footstool of the president and the cabinet. For the last three years, the majority Opposition has produced enough hot air to start a global heat wave, and yet the PPP Government has never been under any obligation to make changes to the national budget, legislation or their corrupt practices. However, the willful shut down of Parliament by the PPP cabal has cost the taxpayers millions of dollars in salaries, fees and allowances paid to MPs for doing absolutely nothing. This is not only a waste of the taxpayers’ money but it is also highway robbery and the President must be blamed for his reckless behavior, which proved that he does not care about the poor and the working class and how they are recklessly squandering their money. Let the truth be told, the President and the PPP cabal are callous, arrogant, vulgar, corrupt and inept and are unfit to govern. They are using the country’s resources and money as if they had inherited them from their parents. They also believe that it is their God-given right to rule Guyana as was clearly stated in the tape recording by the CHAT-TREE Attorney General. The PPP cabal’s blatant disrespect for Parliament, the constitution, the opposition and the people are visible for everyone to see. The proroguing of Parliament has denied the majority opposition the right to summon to a hearing any Government Minister or Chairman of a State enterprise under whose watch there has been credible evidence of waste, corruption or mismanagement; and then recommend to the DPP that consideration be given to laying criminal charges. But the DPP has not and will not file any charges against any senior member of the PPP regime—considered the “untouchables.” The PPP-DPP has provided the most ridiculous reasons for not filing charges against the Attorney General for his abusive, vulgar, pimpish and threatening behaviour to the staff of Kaieteur News in light of the fact that the AG admitted that it was his voice on the tape. This is a shameless DPP because the tape recording between a reporter of Kaieteur News and the AG clearly shows that the AG issued violent threats against the Publisher of Kaieteur News, Glenn Lall and his staff.  We want the people to know that this is the same DPP who filed charges against Glenn Lall for allegedly issuing threats against the head of the GRA, Kurshid Sattaur without any tape recording or sound evidence other than what the GRA boss said. Had the office of the DPP been an effective institution based on the fact that justice should be blind, many public officials, including Ministers of the government would have been charged and jailed over the last twelve years for squandering or stealing public funds. And billions of dollars could have been saved for the development of the country, improve education and the health care system, increased salaries and pensions for workers and senior citizens, reduce VAT and thus improve the lives of the poor and the working class. But the PPP cabal is not interested in doing any of the above; their only interests are to fatten their bank accounts and to make the poor, poorer and they and their relatives and friends richer. And despite the daily reports by Kaieteur News of humongous waste, gross mismanagement and massive corruption, the DPP has not charged any minister or public official.

Asquith Rose and Harish Singh

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Quote "We are confident that the power-hungry, greed-driven and corrupt PPP cabal will receive a sound trashing at the polls because the DO-NOTHING President and his regime have not done anything to create employment, reduce corruption and crime and lessen the fears of the people, especially businessmen and visiting Guyanese."unquote

Originally Posted by asj:

The Corrupt PPP/C is running scared, their end is near, it would appears that Donald Duck would keep on saying Election soon, election soon and yet no elections.

It would appear that election would be held soon and PPP will win a mjority.

Originally Posted by skeldon_man:
Originally Posted by asj:

The Corrupt PPP/C is running scared, their end is near, it would appears that Donald Duck would keep on saying Election soon, election soon and yet no elections.

It would appear that election would be held soon and PPP will win a mjority.

PPP is running scared the cowards are afraid to face the people of Guyana.


The same people they claim will vote overwhelmingly fuh dem. Lets see de crowds call de electian now or keep hiding like the antimen you are ramotar and Jagdeo......

Originally Posted by HM_Redux:
Originally Posted by skeldon_man:
Originally Posted by asj:

The Corrupt PPP/C is running scared, their end is near, it would appears that Donald Duck would keep on saying Election soon, election soon and yet no elections.

It would appear that election would be held soon and PPP will win a mjority.

PPP is running scared the cowards are afraid to face the people of Guyana.


The same people they claim will vote overwhelmingly fuh dem. Lets see de crowds call de electian now or keep hiding like the antimen you are ramotar and Jagdeo......

Bai harsie, wah you ah worry? You guh suffa heart attack over worrying about de PPP. Wen de elekshan done, PPP guh still get wan majarity. Wah you go do den? You guh knack jhaanj in de street?

Originally Posted by skeldon_man:
Originally Posted by HM_Redux:
Originally Posted by skeldon_man:
Originally Posted by asj:

The Corrupt PPP/C is running scared, their end is near, it would appears that Donald Duck would keep on saying Election soon, election soon and yet no elections.

It would appear that election would be held soon and PPP will win a mjority.

PPP is running scared the cowards are afraid to face the people of Guyana.


The same people they claim will vote overwhelmingly fuh dem. Lets see de crowds call de electian now or keep hiding like the antimen you are ramotar and Jagdeo......

Bai harsie, wah you ah worry? You guh suffa heart attack over worrying about de PPP. Wen de elekshan done, PPP guh still get wan majarity. Wah you go do den? You guh knack jhaanj in de street?

Me guh suffah heart attack ovah de PPP? You must be losing your mind.


I have no doubt the PPP will continue to be rejected by the masses in even greater numbers than 2011.


Is you and yuh thiefman gang and that cabal of illiterates who doan have a high school education that is gonna have a heart attack. you will graduate from back rubbin to head rubbin hehhehehee

Originally Posted by HM_Redux:
Originally Posted by skeldon_man:
Originally Posted by HM_Redux:
Originally Posted by skeldon_man:
Originally Posted by asj:

The Corrupt PPP/C is running scared, their end is near, it would appears that Donald Duck would keep on saying Election soon, election soon and yet no elections.

It would appear that election would be held soon and PPP will win a mjority.

PPP is running scared the cowards are afraid to face the people of Guyana.


The same people they claim will vote overwhelmingly fuh dem. Lets see de crowds call de electian now or keep hiding like the antimen you are ramotar and Jagdeo......

Bai harsie, wah you ah worry? You guh suffa heart attack over worrying about de PPP. Wen de elekshan done, PPP guh still get wan majarity. Wah you go do den? You guh knack jhaanj in de street?

Me guh suffah heart attack ovah de PPP? You must be losing your mind.


I have no doubt the PPP will continue to be rejected by the masses in even greater numbers than 2011.


Is you and yuh thiefman gang and that cabal of illiterates who doan have a high school education that is gonna have a heart attack. you will graduate from back rubbin to head rubbin hehhehehee

Could not avoid the homosexual reference heh? Must be something that occcupies your mind 24/7. Why you want to repress your inner feelings?


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