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Originally Posted by Billy Ram Balgobin:

I do not drink or smoke. That has never been my affliction.

 Real Buckmen drink and smoke. You are a fake.

I must commend you for your honesty in accepting the stereotype as the archetype. You cannot help yourself. It is the curse of those who need to see the worse of  others to feel there is something good in themselves being vacuous inside.

Originally Posted by Billy Ram Balgobin:

Okay, you faker.  I will wait for A.. to slip up. Your hypocrisy will splatter the board.

The thing with that is I speak from firmly tethered philosophical moral moorings.For me to slip up would mean you have assailed these foundations and destabilized how I anchored my reasoning. Alas, that task is not one you are equipped to do.


 You can continue to be sophisticated with your language. We are not intimidated nor concerned about. What we are concerned about is the content. That's what I

 look at to decide whether it makes sense or if it's load a bull.  If you want to be like William F. Buckley, jr.please try find a place in the American Media where you exercise your intellectual prowess. GNI does not offer much for the kind of person you perceived yourself to be. Go on one of those Forums on American Television and some novice will make you spin on your head. You seem to find a comfortable habitat in the GNI Fowl Pen.


Billy Ram Balgobin
Originally Posted by Billy Ram Balgobin:

 You can continue to be sophisticated with your language. We are not intimidated nor concerned about. What we are concerned about is the content. That's what I

 look at to decide whether it makes sense or if it's load a bull.  If you want to be like William F. Buckley, jr.please try find a place in the American Media where you exercise your intellectual prowess. GNI does not offer much for the kind of person you perceived yourself to be. Go on one of those Forums on American Television and some novice will make you spin on your head. You seem to find a comfortable habitat in the GNI Fowl Pen.


Please do not assume the character of the royal "we" and speak for others on the board. Further, lowering the standard of style and diction that "we" can tolerate would be an over reaching request and one not within your purview to demand.


I am sure many will object you so calling this place a fowl pen as well. I have no doubt that may be the general perceptions of you PPP hacks but I am sure most of the People here would on a basic level call it a sand box or a soap box. We do try to keep it clean despite you irascible brutes invading the place and deciding communal defecation is an acceptable mode of behavior.


Also, I have been on this board going on 13 years and most of the posters comprehend me quite well. And likening me to Buckley  wounds me deeply. He remind me of Jabba the Hutt. Further, while I disagreed with him philosophically on practically every stance he took; I readily  concede his vocabulary and intellect were far superior to what are my meager aims.


No one asks that you be afraid or intend to make you afraid. You simply do not have to present yourself as such a bumbling  racist oaf


I just came back from lunch and noticed your post. It took you more than two hours to come up with a response. You probably spent most of that time writing and polishing before posting. I don't spend more than a couple of minutes writing and posting on this forum. I don't have the time to do so. The postings on this forum are about the present day politics of Guyana. One does not need to possess a Phd. from some elite university to comprehend what's written in the Guyana press from various individuals and political parties. Most of the posters here are ordinary folks whose writing skills are average. I am not a writer by any means but I do understand clearly what's written here and can respond logically. Being a little ungrammatical does not make one illogical or ignorant to warrant complete dismissal or ridicule. Your arrogance is clear for everyone to see.  Your writings on this BB is not beyond my ability to decipher. Most of what you write is trash.

Billy Ram Balgobin
Originally Posted by Billy Ram Balgobin:

I just came back from lunch and noticed your post. It took you more than two hours to come up with a response. You probably spent most of that time writing and polishing before posting. I don't spend more than a couple of minutes writing and posting on this forum. I don't have the time to do so. The postings on this forum are about the present day politics of Guyana. One does not need to possess a Phd. from some elite university to comprehend what's written in the Guyana press from various individuals and political parties. Most of the posters here are ordinary folks whose writing skills are average. I am not a writer by any means but I do understand clearly what's written here and can respond logically. Being a little ungrammatical does not make one illogical or ignorant to warrant complete dismissal or ridicule. Your arrogance is clear for everyone to see.  Your writings on this BB is not beyond my ability to decipher. Most of what you write is trash.

 I went to my gypsy guitar lesson. We are studying Django Reinhardt. I write extemporaneously and you are the least on the people ( perhaps barely nudging Nehru aside) who would give anyone any difficulty.


Quit yapping about style etc and address the content of posts. Then maybe you can illustrate that profundity and common sense wisdom you speak of. If it is so abundant everywhere else how come it missed you?


How many intelligent Guyanese would buy the following bullshit you being peddling on this forum:


1) The PPP is robbing Amerindians of their lands in Guyana like the Israelis doing to the Palestinians.


2) Guyana is dictatorship with no free press


3) The PPP gov't bled the national treasury at the expense of the poor who gets nothing from the gov't.


4) The PPP is a racist administration that discriminates against Afros and Amerindians.


I can list more and more crap you are pushing on this forum.  I leave it to the audience to make a judgment of who you are.

Billy Ram Balgobin

Billy Ram Balgobin:


2) Guyana is dictatorship with no free press


3) The PPP gov't bled the national treasury at the expense of the poor who gets nothing from the gov't.




There is much evidence to show that Guyana has many features of a dictatorship as it has some features of a democracy. The PPP has stolen the most. Ask yourself how can Jagdeo make a USD2 mill house on a presidential salary. This is just the start. You obviously have not been following the Auditor General report, the Fip Motilall fiasco, the Skeldon factory, the molasses issue, the next Marriott scam, etc. 

Originally Posted by Billy Ram Balgobin:

How many intelligent Guyanese would buy the following bullshit you being peddling on this forum:


1) The PPP is robbing Amerindians of their lands in Guyana like the Israelis doing to the Palestinians.


2) Guyana is dictatorship with no free press


3) The PPP gov't bled the national treasury at the expense of the poor who gets nothing from the gov't.


4) The PPP is a racist administration that discriminates against Afros and Amerindians.


I can list more and more crap you are pushing on this forum.  I leave it to the audience to make a judgment of who you are.

Per one they are. This government which always had its hand out refused  some 200k for demarcation of Amerind lands way back in the 90's. They re-wrote the act of '76. to suit their purpose redefining what is or can be Amerind lands. That was already circumscribed by Annex c of the independence agreement.Note we constantly allocate lands to foreign mining companies; the PPP croneys Beharry and Dookie et al have allocations covering our entire coastal waterway and and Amerinds are still get titles to their land. Even Lumumba wrangled his piece of flesh. This PPP is the one who refused to give the Wai Wais contiguous claims. They created bantustans no less than the Israeli is doing with the west bank.


Guyana was a dictatorship of one party with the PPP sideling the constitutional imperative for consultation with the opposition until recently. Even now they whine about that obligation. During the past 2 decades they  hid every major deal  ever conceived from the people and parliament. They ran the nation resources as their if it was their grandfathers legacy.


As for the press, GINA is not an independent national resource but it is co opted for party propaganda and manned by its sycophants. There should be no government controlled news paper. That is an anathema in a democracy.


As for bleeding the treasure....all of the above. Note how they ran their campaign at the nations expense again as if it is their grandaddy's legacy.


The PPP is a race based party as its base is over 90 percent of one party. It uses that base as its instrument to remain in office. Fortunately, their excesses has left many in that community disaffected hence their status as a minority government. Only recently we saw details in the courts where not one of our foreign representatives are Africans. They tend to hand out critical administrative positions to their kith and kin. Note Jaya devi is now on the Elections commission!


Guyana in general is a society bifurcated by race and whether you care to admit it or not we define ourselves in terms of these competing groups in general and as such, inevitably racism is the natural fall out. Jody Powell once said Guyana is one of the most divided racist societies he ever visited. Every one of our scholars are locked into this paradigm and our political parties are naturally constituted of groups belonging to one side or the other and each taking adversarial stances. That we are race neutral in is the political farce the PPP and the PNC in general try to pass off on us. 


Chew on that for starters/.

Last edited by Former Member

It's all propaganda.

Nothing is wrong with a government controlled press so long others can do the same. Please note the Stabroek News and KN.

No evidence to prove funds from gov't was used in election campaign

Amerindians are better off with titles to hundreds of thousands of acres of land. Neither the PNC nor the old colonial administration made such huge concessions to our first people.

The PPP captured votes from all groups but mostly from East Indians.

Most of the Amerindians voted PPP.

A little racial imbalance in the foreign service is not firm evidence of racism when we take into consideration 85% of the government employees are Blacks. The Ramotar admin. responded splendidly to the opposition charge and appointed more Afro-Guyanese in the foreign service.  Can you charge apartheid in the US because 95% of Corporate America top management is white??

America can be viewed as completely racist against Blacks if you believe what's coming from the mouths of some radical blacks.  Many Europeans believe 50 million Americans cannot get health care services because of lack of insurance. This we all know is untrue. 



Billy Ram Balgobin
Originally Posted by Billy Ram Balgobin:

It's all propaganda.

Nothing is wrong with a government controlled press so long others can do the same. Please note the Stabroek News and KN.

No evidence to prove funds from gov't was used in election campaign

Amerindians are better off with titles to hundreds of thousands of acres of land. Neither the PNC nor the old colonial administration made such huge concessions to our first people.

The PPP captured votes from all groups but mostly from East Indians.

Most of the Amerindians voted PPP.

A little racial imbalance in the foreign service is not firm evidence of racism when we take into consideration 85% of the government employees are Blacks. The Ramotar admin. responded splendidly to the opposition charge and appointed more Afro-Guyanese in the foreign service.  Can you charge apartheid in the US because 95% of Corporate America top management is white??

America can be viewed as completely racist against Blacks if you believe what's coming from the mouths of some radical blacks.  Many Europeans believe 50 million Americans cannot get health care services because of lack of insurance. This we all know is untrue. 



 Everything is wrong when an incumbent government uses the nations money in a government controlled press to sell its propaganda. It is also wrong for them to have a dedicated news service. They should use the independent media as any other democratic state does.


No evidence exists because you have blinders. Every day they  had a banner on the online news and every lead story media was through a shill touting their greatness and benefaction.


Amerind will be better off when they have all that is their due and not per the PPP dictate but per the pre independence agreement and with consultations of the tribes and the NGOS representing their interest. Even here the PPP created their own Amerind Org!


The colonial Administration From the dutch to the British governed via treaties and agreements. Amerinds were never a conquered people in our area. Claims extended to 44000 square miles and that was settled to be around 2500 square miles per the pre independence agreement. Only 6 thousand or so has been allocated and the PPP alone re defined the playing field. That would not be possible if first peoples were in numbers sufficient to capture the state. As the Israelis have done, the new comers because of their numbers reduced Amerinds to their Palestinians and to that end they wait for their lands.


If you have your own kind in every position of importance/authority and if the face of the government is mostly not like yours and you are almost one half the population then you are an fool to pretend discrimination does not exist. Black people know well they are being screwed  and it is their sentiment than matters not yours that they should be contented and docile.


America is still racist in its social practices. There is no denying that. The case in the media with respect to profiling resulting in the subsequent death of a young boy speaks to that. Fortunately here, we have recourse in the law and in the political system where good people acknowledge flaws and work to correct them.


In Guyana, the PPP still thinks it has a right to run everything as it pleases. Given that course of action only PPPites and inevitably that mean mostly Indians will sit in high offices and control the economy. Note Ramotar implanted his daughter at the WB when well or more qualified and more long serving Afro Guyanese were available. His sons now sit on state controlled corps and the same can be said of many the sons of many of the ministers. But your racist response would be that they deserve it!





Last edited by Former Member

Oh you crackhead,


The government uses state resources to buy ads in the Stabroek News and Kaeieture News. The priviate media gets most of its revenues from the very gov't the cuss down everyday. This is in itself proves how inclusive and tolerant the government is.


You sound like a secessionist which puts you in opposition of the all the parliamentary parties. If you think the Guyana gov't is illegally seizing Amerindian lands then please take your case to the UN. Not a single resolution has been introduced and passed against the gov't that putsthem in same light of the Israeli State.  You are barefaced liar hell-bent on tarnishing the image of the gov't. You are taking it to the extreme. You have no credibility given the outrageous lies and slander you concocting each day on this forum.


You have not once mentioned that the limited success of the AFC at the polls has everything to do with the fight for leadership within the PPP and nothing else. The AFC is like a car on the move with a stolen engine. Very soon it will be caught and impounded.


Go play your guitar with Sanjaya.  I will send over Dharun Ravi with his web camera to film you and post it on GNI. You can jump off a bridge over the Potomac River after I do so.




Billy Ram Balgobin

 Oh yes, I am on crack for telling you what you need to know. No one ever said the willfully ignorant can ever be made to change their views with facts.


What has the government purchase of ads has to do with them having a state controlled media where they sell their propagandist message ceaselessly?  Further, spending money in the largest dailies is advantageous to them. By the way it is not their cash so if there is a need to inform the public then spending public funds is not problematic. It becomes so when you cravenly use it to sell the myth you are the greatest party on the planet and Saint Aquinas got nothing on Saint Jagdeo or Saint Ramaour.


Why would calling for what is due native peoples secessionist? It is simply what it is, asking for their dues. That you rob them is the reality and that you care to mask that larceny is now pandered on ideas of giving it to them a secessionist urge.


That outsiders dictate what is their land is no less than the Europeans who now make up Israel deciding what is Palestinian lands. At least the Jews has a prior claim that God give it to them and a 2000 year old document in hand attesting to that. As noted earlier. My credibility is not in the hands of ignoramuses like you. It is in the text of history and the reality presently existing. Amerinds are to Indians and Blacks what Palestinians are to Israelis. We come last when it is our land you are squatting on.


The AFC has had tremendous success. They moved from 2 seats to 10 and from irrelevance to controlling the balance of power. That again is reality and  clearly it is one the PPP find  much to their annoyance. They can no longer rip the nation off at will. Previously to now they lifted robbing us to the status of their private industrial project!


Sanjaya at least is a unique soul while you are a talentless twit. And If and when I feel like sharing with GN&I what I do in my private life I will do so on my on terms. Meanwhile, take care.



A link For you  PPPites






Speaker of the National Assembly, Raphael Trotman says that at a Committee of Selection meeting on March 7, there was an agreement that the Parliamentary Management Committee (PMC) would not be among those committees that would be changed to reflect an Opposition majority.

In a comment to Stabroek News yesterday, Trotman pointed out that because of the nature of the PMC and the circumstances leading to its coming into being, this committee was not targeted for change in its composition.  The PMC had arisen from the St Lucia Statement of 1998and was aimed at healing the divisions of the PPP/C and PNC and enabling the latter to return to Parliament.

Raphael Trotman

Dr. Rupert Roopnaraine of the APNU has tabled a motion seeking to change the composition of the PMC so that it reflects the reality of an Opposition majority in the Parliament. Tomorrow this Motion goes straight to the Standing Orders Committee for consideration.

Taken from Stabroeknews

Trotman said that considering the agreement in the March 7 meeting, he was surprised to see the Motion from Dr. Roopnaraine to reconfigure the PMC from five members from each side of the House to five for Opposition and four for Government.



Excerpts from Stabroeknews

Originally Posted by Conscience:

It appears Trotman no longer has influence within the ranks of the A.F.C....this gives weight to the increasing popular saying....Ramjattan and Nagamootoo highjack the political Trotman cast aside....time  may soon tell...


If you can ditch the garb as Prem's lapdog you will see that Mr Trotman is doing a fine and neutral job as Speaker. Meanwhile others have to carry the torch for the AFC. 


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