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House Speaker Raphael Trotman has conceded that thus far the national Assembly has made some ridiculous decisions and passed some “foolish” bills, state radio NCN reported on Tuesday.

Trotman  according to the radio report, believes parliamentarians also need to be cognizant of the language used in the house.

“Parliament have made some ridiculous decisions, passed some foolish laws ” Trotman said.

He noted also agreed that the cuts to the 2012 national budget had far-reaching consequences on Guyanese.

“I think the nation felt the pain, the effects of the cuts, the fighting and for me recognizing that there were real people on the other end of these cuts it was quite painful ” Trotman added.

Trotman said to sit and reminisce on how the budget cuts affected Guyanese is “painful”.

The House speaker’s party- the Alliance For Change and the  APNU used their one-seat majority in the parliament earlier this year to shave some GY$20B off the national budget, plunging a number of Amerindian and other projects in doubt and placed hundreds on the breadline

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Originally Posted by Conscience:
Trotman said to sit and reminisce on how the budget cuts affected Guyanese is “painful”.


The House speaker’s party- the Alliance For Change and the  APNU used their one-seat majority in the parliament earlier this year to shave some GY$20B off the national budget, plunging a number of Amerindian and other projects in doubt and placed hundreds on the breadline

AFC + PNCR/APNU = Solidly united.


The joint opposition seems to be totally anti-working class, and are hell bent of taking Guyanese backwards, the Guyanese Populace are growing impatience of the sinister motives of the APNU/AFC


Hello old boys Conscience:


Winston Churchill once said, "The price of greatness is responsibility."

It is the responsibility of the largest political force in Parliament to deliver the good to the working class.

The PPP had all of the Jagdeo term to deliver the good to the working class, did they NOT?

Cutting the budget was very specifics.  It focused on OP and the fat cats, it focused on GINA and NCN.

What the budget cuts did not do was cut the education, public works, health, Amerindian budgets.

So what high non-sense and propaganda you spreading.  Like OH Nadalala took you to the rum shop or what?

Your rebuttal Old boy consee


The joint opposition has literally put hundreds of Guyanese on the Breadline, many of whom were the sole breadwinners for their families, is that the change the joint opposition was bragging about?


The joint opposition has literally put hundreds of Guyanese on the Breadline, many of whom were the sole breadwinners for their families, is that the change the joint opposition was bragging about?




Need any more help Old chap Consee?  HEHE


The Guyanese Populace are no fools and will make the correct judgement in the event of any snap elections, it appears the joint opposition wanted to create a constitutional crisis

Originally Posted by Conscience:

The Guyanese Populace are no fools and will make the correct judgement in the event of any snap elections, it appears the joint opposition wanted to create a constitutional crisis

The Guyanese Populace are no fools and will make the correct judgement in the event of any snap elections.


Not at all, there will be no constitutional crisis when we have "Baron OH NANDALALA",  the rum sucker to the rescue.



Victory to the rum bogies for ever and ever!


Originally Posted by Conscience:

The opposition goon is desperately trying to derail the thread, he/she has nothing constructive to contribute, as usual.....pity on that goon soul




The PPP goon is desperately trying to derail the thread, he/she has nothing constructive to contribute, as usual.....pity on that goon soul.


Stop goteeing dhall Old chap Counsee


The Guyanese Populace is greatly affected by the APNU/AFC budget cuts......


“Parliament have made some ridiculous decisions, passed some foolish laws ” Trotman said.

He noted also agreed that the cuts to the 2012 national budget had far-reaching consequences on Guyanese.

“I think the nation felt the pain, the effects of the cuts, the fighting and for me recognizing that there were real people on the other end of these cuts it was quite painful ” Trotman added.

Trotman said to sit and reminisce on how the budget cuts affected Guyanese is “painful”.

Originally Posted by Conscience:

The Guyanese Populace is greatly affected by the APNU/AFC budget cuts......


“Parliament have made some ridiculous decisions, passed some foolish laws ” Trotman said.

He noted also agreed that the cuts to the 2012 national budget had far-reaching consequences on Guyanese.

“I think the nation felt the pain, the effects of the cuts, the fighting and for me recognizing that there were real people on the other end of these cuts it was quite painful ” Trotman added.

Trotman said to sit and reminisce on how the budget cuts affected Guyanese is “painful”.

We all are entitled to our opinion, aren't we?  So should Mr. Trotman.



Or is he under a PPP gag?


Ronald Narain, the recent revelations made by the Speaker of the National Assembly was not to your political gathering's favour, based on your last post, you're accusing him to be under a PPP goons are insane


con you working at OP and you is not on the breadline,you living off the taxpayers money,people like you the AFC is calling the fat when i see ALI house i am seeing the guyana government do not have a shortage of money


The goons are in desperation mood, and is making wild accusations, one can only have pity on their souls, they know to their gut, if a snap election is called tomorrow, the Guyanese Populace was endorse the PPP/C with a majority, thus they will ensure progress continues.....


It appears the character "warrior" a known AFC goon, has ran out of constructive agreements, he's probably contacting GR for a new line, GR seems to be the along "warrior"

Originally Posted by Conscience:

It appears the character "warrior" a known AFC goon, has ran out of constructive agreements, he's probably contacting GR for a new line, GR seems to be the along "warrior"

HOw about U consulting Kwame? Run along and suck his big toe.


The motion the joint opposition past has severely hurt the working class of this country, 1.7million in expenses for parliament at each sittings and most of the sitting was ludicrous due to the recklessness of the joint opposition, the Budget cuts was felt but Guyanese in every facet of the society, and to add insulted to injury, the AFC publicly stated, the hundreds of workers they placed on the breadline,(most of whom were the sole breadwinners for their families) are mere collateral damage

Originally Posted by Conscience:

The motion the joint opposition past has severely hurt the working class of this country, 1.7million in expenses for parliament at each sittings and most of the sitting was ludicrous due to the recklessness of the joint opposition, the Budget cuts was felt but Guyanese in every facet of the society, and to add insulted to injury, the AFC publicly stated, the hundreds of workers they placed on the breadline,(most of whom were the sole breadwinners for their families) are mere collateral damage

Did you learn to lie from your mother at birth? Why don't post pictures of the breadlines? You are just another piece of worthless counceee.


“I think the nation felt the pain, the effects of the cuts, the fighting and for me recognizing that there were real people on the other end of these cuts it was quite painful ” Trotman added.

Trotman said to sit and reminisce on how the budget cuts affected Guyanese is “painful”.

The House speaker’s party- the Alliance For Change and the  APNU used their one-seat majority in the parliament earlier this year to shave some GY$20B off the national budget, plunging a number of Amerindian and other projects in doubt and placed hundreds on the breadline

Originally Posted by Conscience:

House Speaker Raphael Trotman has conceded that thus far the national Assembly has made some ridiculous decisions and passed some “foolish” bills, state radio NCN reported on Tuesday.


Trotman  according to the radio report, believes parliamentarians also need to be cognizant of the language used in the house.

“Parliament have made some ridiculous decisions, passed some foolish laws ” Trotman said.


He noted also agreed that the cuts to the 2012 national budget had far-reaching consequences on Guyanese.

“I think the nation felt the pain, the effects of the cuts, the fighting and for me recognizing that there were real people on the other end of these cuts it was quite painful ” Trotman added.


Trotman said to sit and reminisce on how the budget cuts affected Guyanese is “painful”.


The House speaker’s party- the Alliance For Change and the  APNU used their one-seat majority in the parliament earlier this year to shave some GY$20B off the national budget, plunging a number of Amerindian and other projects in doubt and placed hundreds on the breadline

 If trotman did not want the cuts, then too bad for him.


It is plainly disingenuous to tell us the Amerind projects will suffer because of these cuts. You found millions for a useless Marriott hotel to fill brassington, bobby the boob and Jagdeo's pocket. It has been 20 years since the PPP took office. Their lot should not be tied to the Pie in the sky scheme  funded by Norway.



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