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Parliament’s dissolution seems closer


The dissolution of Parliament now appears sooner  as the Guyana Elections Commission (GECOM) says it does not need any more money from government to conduct general elections next March.

The Ministry of the Presidency has said that Parliament did not dissolve on December 2, 2019- three months before general elections- because Finance Minister, Winston Jordan may have to return to Parliament to ask for more funds for GECOM to conduct the elections.

But, two government and opposition commissioners confirmed separately to reporters that GECOM has sufficient cash to finance the holding of general elections.

“As far as I am aware, yes, GECOM has eight billion dollars at its disposal,” said Sase Gunraj who is a People’s Progressive Party (PPP)-nominated election commissioner. Pro-governing coalition election commissioner, Vincent Alexander left some room for a possible return to the House for more cash, but he was almost certain that GECOM has sufficient money to conduct the March 2, 2020 general elections.

“We do not have a problem with funding, as far as I know…I don’t think any concern about finance has been brought to us recently,” he said,  in response to questions by News-Talk Radio 103.1 FM / Demerara Waves Online News, based on an assessment more than one month ago. “We did have enough funds for the hosting of elections and, if per chance, we don’t have enough funds, I think we still have some time to approach the Parliament,” Alexander added.

General and regional administrative council elections are slated for March 2, 2020. Nominations Day is January 10, 2020.

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Well, PNC finally ran out of excuses not to hold elections. This proves that Patterson and Granger were intentional stalling elections.

Jail dem rass in 2020 ! 

Last edited by Former Member
ksazma posted:

That chemo must have done more harm than expected because only a fool would think he can get a vote in a parliament where the members aren’t even present to vote.

Talk about being a DUMb, ILLITERATe Jackass!!!


PNC liars, charge them with ‘obstruction of running a smooth election by withholding info’ or something of the sorts. Violating the constitution, abuse of power in selection of a non-diversified parliament, and failure to provide a transition process for Sugar Workers, non payment of pensions etc.


They sense they may lose the elections!

Me hear PNC plan to mek last minute moves in the PPP areas and give out nuff nuff rum and whiskey!  Election Day, everyone drunk and forgot to vote!

Last edited by Former Member
ksazma posted:
Gilbakka posted:

Let's count how many days to wait for Granger to dissolve parliament.

Not gonna happen. He isn’t decent like Ramotar.

PIGS and GADAHAS are born indecent! Gilly Bhai nah dream that wan gadaha can be decent!!

Baseman posted:

They sense they may lose the elections!

Me hear PNC plan to mek last minute moves in the PPP areas and give out nuff nuff rum and whiskey!  Election Day, everyone drunk and forgot to vote!

Who is your source this time? Pusser-pusser?

Nehru posted:
ksazma posted:

That chemo must have done more harm than expected because only a fool would think he can get a vote in a parliament where the members aren’t even present to vote.

Talk about being a DUMb, ILLITERATe Jackass!!!

Nehru bhai, who is the DUMB, ILLITERATE Jackass

Demerara_Guy posted:
Nehru posted:
ksazma posted:

That chemo must have done more harm than expected because only a fool would think he can get a vote in a parliament where the members aren’t even present to vote.

Talk about being a DUMb, ILLITERATe Jackass!!!

Nehru bhai, who is the DUMB, ILLITERATE Jackass

The one and only Gadaha!!


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