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Parliament to sit on April 26; no request for elections funds


The 65-seat National Assembly will be meeting on April 26, almost four months after the last sitting.

However, according to the agenda released by Parliament Building on Wednesday, there is no request to finance General and Regional Elections.

The Guyana Elections Commission (GECOM) Chairman, James Patterson, almost two months ago, formally told President David Granger that the Commission would need GYD$3.5 billion to fund the conduct of general elections by November 2019 after house-to-house registration.

The National Assembly last met on January 3.

A United Kingdom-based Guyanese woman has since challenged the constitutionality of house-to-house registration, saying she fears the process will erase her from the voters’ list.

The Caribbean Court of Justice will on May 10 hear arguments on whether the Guyana Court of Appeal’s decision that the December 21, 2018 no-confidence motion was not validly passed by 33 votes because an absolute majority of 34 is required.

Why not wait until 10th May????

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