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Parliamentary contributions of the Opposition… Granger, other APNU MPs ‘ineffective’ in the National Assembly – Chris Ram

- that is an unfair and misguided criticism – says Granger

By Kiana Wilburg, October 4, 2014, By Filed Under News, Source - Kaieteur News


In the eyes of Attorney-at-law Christopher Ram, the Leader of A Partnership for National Unity (APNU), David Granger, and some of his parliamentarians, can be accused of being “ineffective” and “incompetent” if one were to examine their parliamentary contributions.


David Granger, APNU Leader

David Granger,
APNU Leader


This is just one of the criticisms Ram made in his detailed two-part analysis of the APNU. Ram is of the opinion that the political opposition coalition makes too many excuses for its “poor performance.”

Ram commented on APNU’s “usual cry” of lack of resources being the cause for the coalition’s inability to perform effectively in the National Assembly.

In the face of some of Ram’s criticisms yesterday at his weekly press conference, Granger said that he finds Ram’s comments to be “unreasonable, misguided and unfair.” He insisted that he is pleased with the performances and contributions of his parliamentarians.

Ram on his website, explained that his analysis of the APNU was spurred by an APNU press conference a few months ago to mark the third anniversary of the coalition.

He made reference to comments made by Granger who had said that as the major opposition force in the National Assembly, and given its relatively “brief existence” it has made major progress despite the serious lack of facilities and resources.

Ram had also made reference to the fact that Granger had disagreed with the critics who said, since last year that APNU has not done adequate work. Granger had disagreed then, and he disagrees now.

The Chartered Accountant had said that Granger’s parliamentary interests have been “unimpressive and narrow”. Not a single Bill has he introduced a part from the 12 motions he had laid, said Ram.

“At the individual level Mr. Granger has fallen far short of what many would expect of the Leader of the Opposition.”

At a mere glance at the contributions by Granger’s shadow cabinet, Ram believes that with the exception of Carl Greenidge, other members have added little of substance to the proceedings of the National Assembly.

He said that the most productive opposition MP to the legislative agenda by far has been Greenidge, the APNU’s Shadow Finance Minister, who he reminded has introduced five Bills and more than a dozen motions, some of considerable significance.


Chartered Accountant, Chris Ram

Chartered Accountant

Chris Ram


With 26 members in the National Assembly, Ram insisted that the APNU would have been expected to do more – much, much more particularly when compared with the performance of the Alliance For Change.

Granger said, “I believe the people who question the APNU need to examine the role of the opposition, the resources available and the progress we made in making the government more accountable and on insisting on transparency…

“They also need to examine the progress we have made in attempting to make the Parliament office and the National Assembly truly autonomous and independent of the executive branch …

“We have had an uphill struggle in making this government more accountable to the people and to make the Parliament a place where real issues can be discussed.”

The Opposition leader said that counting the number of Bills tabled by an APNU MP, is not what constitutes parliamentary democracy and that Ram should examine the kind of Parliamentary democracy which took place under former House Speaker, Ralph Ramkarran.

“It is a qualitative difference and that is why we are talking about issues like the No-Confidence motion; because there has been a real change and we are holding them (government) to account…

“APNU has done a lot and the government knows it can’t fool around and it is on the ropes. It has to give explanations for things which were rampant in previous Parliaments but cannot take place now in the Tenth parliament…

“I am satisfied with what the APNU has done and I feel we have made tremendous progress over the last thirty months or more…I am very satisfied.”


Source - http://www.kaieteurnewsonline....-assembly-chris-ram/

Replies sorted oldest to newest

Originally Posted by Demerara_Guy:
Ram on his website, explained that his analysis of the APNU was spurred by an APNU press conference a few months ago to mark the third anniversary of the coalition.

He made reference to comments made by Granger who had said that as the major opposition force in the National Assembly, and given its relatively “brief existence” it has made major progress despite the serious lack of facilities and resources.



Parliamentary contributions of the Opposition… Granger, other APNU MPs ‘ineffective’ in the National Assembly – Chris Ram

- that is an unfair and misguided criticism – says Granger

By Kiana Wilburg, October 4, 2014, By Filed Under News, Source - Kaieteur News

PNC exists from around 1958, was the government from 1964 to 1992, in the  opposition since 1992, and yet statements are made that the PNC has a brief existence.

Originally Posted by Demerara_Guy:

Originally Posted by Demerara_Guy:
Ram on his website, explained that his analysis of the APNU was spurred by an APNU press conference a few months ago to mark the third anniversary of the coalition.

He made reference to comments made by Granger who had said that as the major opposition force in the National Assembly, and given its relatively “brief existence” it has made major progress despite the serious lack of facilities and resources.



Parliamentary contributions of the Opposition… Granger, other APNU MPs ‘ineffective’ in the National Assembly – Chris Ram

- that is an unfair and misguided criticism – says Granger

By Kiana Wilburg, October 4, 2014, By Filed Under News, Source - Kaieteur News

PNC exists from around 1958, was the government from 1964 to 1992, in the  opposition since 1992, and yet statements are made that the PNC has a brief existence.

They are referring to APNU not PNC, you ole goat.

Oi DG if I had a biskit chest i wooden take dat callin me ole goat. HEHEHE


RE: your comment "PNC exists from around 1958, was the government from 1964 to 1992, in the  opposition since 1992, and yet statements are made that the PNC has a brief existence."


This is now 2014, 22 years later. How is it the PNC still getting blamed for stuff man? Doan ask me, "what stuff" you know all the crap they're still being blamed for just to blind side the people and have them take whatever shit those slimy PPP/C guys are shovelling at the time.

Originally Posted by Demerara_Guy:
Originally Posted by Demerara_Guy:
Ram on his website, explained that his analysis of the APNU was spurred by an APNU press conference a few months ago to mark the third anniversary of the coalition.

He made reference to comments made by Granger who had said that as the major opposition force in the National Assembly, and given its relatively “brief existence” it has made major progress despite the serious lack of facilities and resources.



Parliamentary contributions of the Opposition… Granger, other APNU MPs ‘ineffective’ in the National Assembly – Chris Ram

- that is an unfair and misguided criticism – says Granger

By Kiana Wilburg, October 4, 2014, By Filed Under News, Source - Kaieteur News

PNC exists from around 1958, was the government from 1964 to 1992, in the  opposition since 1992, and yet statements are made that the PNC has a brief existence.

Like medication affecting your comprehension. I forgive you this time.

Originally Posted by cain:

Oi DG if I had a biskit chest i wooden take dat callin me ole goat. HEHEHE


RE: your comment "PNC exists from around 1958, was the government from 1964 to 1992, in the  opposition since 1992, and yet statements are made that the PNC has a brief existence."


This is now 2014, 22 years later. How is it the PNC still getting blamed for stuff man? Doan ask me, "what stuff" you know all the crap they're still being blamed for just to blind side the people and have them take whatever shit those slimy PPP/C guys are shovelling at the time.

Hello Cain -- simple matter.


PNC can always be blamed for its indiscretions, regardless of time.


The same is for all political organizations.

Originally Posted by Demerara_Guy:
Originally Posted by cain:

Oi DG if I had a biskit chest i wooden take dat callin me ole goat. HEHEHE


RE: your comment "PNC exists from around 1958, was the government from 1964 to 1992, in the  opposition since 1992, and yet statements are made that the PNC has a brief existence."


This is now 2014, 22 years later. How is it the PNC still getting blamed for stuff man? Doan ask me, "what stuff" you know all the crap they're still being blamed for just to blind side the people and have them take whatever shit those slimy PPP/C guys are shovelling at the time.

Hello Cain -- simple matter.


PNC can always be blamed for its indiscretions, regardless of time.


The same is for all political organizations.

So you are one of those who think the PNC should be blamed for all the ills of the country? Don't be silly now.

Originally Posted by cain:
Originally Posted by Demerara_Guy:
Originally Posted by cain:

Oi DG if I had a biskit chest i wooden take dat callin me ole goat. HEHEHE


RE: your comment "PNC exists from around 1958, was the government from 1964 to 1992, in the  opposition since 1992, and yet statements are made that the PNC has a brief existence."


This is now 2014, 22 years later. How is it the PNC still getting blamed for stuff man? Doan ask me, "what stuff" you know all the crap they're still being blamed for just to blind side the people and have them take whatever shit those slimy PPP/C guys are shovelling at the time.

Hello Cain -- simple matter.


PNC can always be blamed for its indiscretions, regardless of time.


The same is for all political organizations.

So you are one of those who think the PNC should be blamed for all the ills of the country? Don't be silly now.

You do have ways to express your warped views which are devoid of realities.


David Granger, and some of his parliamentarians, can be accused of being “ineffective” and “incompetent” if one were to examine their parliamentary contributions.  says Ram



Well this is a truth statement.  Granger is a major failure.


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