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The controversy over the reconfiguration of the parliamentary committees has taken another twist with the set up of several of the bodies and appointment of chairmen in the absence of the governing PPP/C’s representatives on Friday.

Leader of the Opposition David Granger has been appointed chair of the Constitutional Reform Committee, Dr. George Norton to the Appointments Committee and Carl Greenidge to the Public Accounts Committee.

But even as that meeting was underway at the Public Buildings the ruling party was hosting a press conference at the Office of the President to address the matter. Prime Minister Samuel Hinds disclosed that they had written Speaker of the House Raphael Trotman requesting that the meeting be postponed in light of the government’s move to court to challenge the new configuration of the committees which it says is unconstitutional.

“Our position is that until the matter in the High Court is determined we should not proceed with any arrangements to set up these committees,” Hinds told reporters at the briefing which was shared by Finance Minister Dr. Ashni Singh and Governance Advisor Gail Teixeira.


Excerpts from Demwaves

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Perhaps more  like the petulant brat who has  grown so accustomed to  calling  the shot,  that he is yet  to come to  term  with the fact  that ball & bat are  no longer  his exclusive toys. He  pouts and walk   and  the game continues.

Standing Order 94 states that every select committee shall be so constituted so as to ensure as far as possible, that the balance of Parties is reflected.


In the November 28 general and regional elections, the People’s Progressive Party/Civic (PPP/C) won 49.23 percent of the votes, A Partnership for National Unity (APNU) - 40 percent, and Alliance for Change (AFC)-10.76 percent.

Hence the current percentage of representation for committees are ..


50% == PPP/C

40% == APNU/PNC

10% == AFC


With odd number of the representatives, the PPP/C will have one vote more that the combined total for the APNU/PNC and the AFC.


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