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Parliamentary team on outreach to Region 10 commuitiesPDFPrintE-mail
Written by Mark Bradford   
Sunday, 16 December 2012 20:15

Last Thursday Members of Parliament (MPs) from the three political parties, the People’s Progressive Party/Civic (PPP/C), A People’s Partnership for National Unity (APNU) and the Alliance For Change (AFC) were on an outreach to Ituni and Kwakwani in Region 10 (Upper Demerara/Upper Berbice).


The team which saw  Minister of Transport and Hydraulics, Robeson Benn and Manzoor Nadir, (PPPC) Christopher Jones, Annette Ferguson,  Renis Morian, (APNU) and Trevor Williams and Speaker of the House, Raphael Trotman, (AFC) along with Ms. Onieka Alphonso – Walters, Public Relations Officer and Ms. Dellon Adams, Assistant Clerk of Committee and media representatives.
The team’s first stopped at the Ituni Primary School where the school day activity was of the festive season pupil attendance was minimal but those present had a one on one with the Speaker and the parliamentary team.
One of the students asked the Speaker about the working of Parliament as she followed the newscast and Speaker of the House promptly answered her question.


Trevor Williams of the AFC was challenged to take a few boys in a 100-metre race since his interaction was on sports.
Ms. Annette Ferguson and a few young girls interacted on the season’s preparation and the final day of school and the school party.
The team then journeyed to Kwakwani where they met teachers of the Kwakwani Nursery School before going across to meet a few of the teachers and students of the Kwakwani Primary school.
The teachers shared their concerns to the parliamentarians as they sought to bring assistance to the problems facing them.


Some of their concerns ranged from allowances, teaching conditions, equipment in computers and other departmental needs and the dismantling of an old structure in the primary school compound.
Mr. Robeson Benn a former resident of Kwakwani was at the forefront of the complaints lodged as he in the past single handedly made personal assistance of computer, books, refrigerators etc to the schools in the area.
“The initiative sprang from the need to engage with and bring on board the “ordinary Guyanese, as MPs’ engage in Parliamentary business.

PPPC MP’s Manzoor Nadir, Robeson Benn and Speaker of the National Assembly Raphael Trotman chats with Headmistress of Kwakwani Nursery School

It is through programmes like this that the National Assembly will be able to reconnect, to get in touch with daily encounters of our people, and help to shape the minds of our young people in a positive way,” said Parliament’s Public Relations Officer, Onieka Walton.”
AFC”s Trevor Williams reviewing the day’s activity sought the need


for more events of this nature and stressed for the assistance in the problems mentioned by the community teachers and others to be looked at.
During the visit the team spent a few minutes speaking to the community Sports Organiser and Coach Ms. Annie “G’ Gordon who was preparing the court with the youth of the community who attends her programme.
She took the opportunity to thank Digicel for their contribution to the Kwakwani community.

 Excerpts from the Guyana Chronicle

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