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Part of Stabroek Market roof caves in

March 21, 2015 5:50 pm Category: latest news A+ / A-

By Jomo Paul


Part of the collapsed roof. [iNews' Photo]

Part of the collapsed roof. [iNews’ Photo]

It was certain horror for some vendors of the Stabroek Market, downtown Georgetown, on Saturday afternoon when they heard a loud crack and sections of the roof caved in above their heads.


Poles, rusted zinc and other forms of rusted debris characterized the scene behind the market when iNews arrived at the scene.

One vendor explained that just after 16:20hrs, she heard a loud noise but thought little of it until debris started to rain on her stall a few seconds later.

She explained that she was scared to the extent that she remained transfixed in one particular spot until some boat operators came to her rescue.

The vendor explained that it was not until she came out of the stall that she saw that a large part of the roof had collapsed right above


her head.


The vendor said she is thankful for her life but would like for the officials to remedy the situation since it will affect her business in the coming days.



Officials from the city constabulary were at the scene assessing the situation when iNews arrived.

The infrastructure of the Stabroek Market has suffered many breaches over the last months with a pump failure that led to a sudden flooding of the market last month.

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Part of the collapsed roof. [iNews' Photo]

Part of the collapsed roof. [iNews’ Photo]





Part of Stabroek Market roof caves in, By Jomo Paul, March 21, 2015 5:50 pm Category: Business, Local News, Source




Unfortunate incident, which however reflects the in-activeness of Mayor Hamilton Greene.

Originally Posted by Demerara_Guy:

Part of the collapsed roof. [iNews' Photo]

Part of the collapsed roof. [iNews’ Photo]





Part of Stabroek Market roof caves in, By Jomo Paul, March 21, 2015 5:50 pm Category: Business, Local News, Source




Unfortunate incident, which however reflects the in-activeness of Mayor Hamilton Greene.

batty boy 

Originally Posted by warrior:
Originally Posted by Demerara_Guy:

Part of the collapsed roof. [iNews' Photo]

Part of the collapsed roof. [iNews’ Photo]





Part of Stabroek Market roof caves in, By Jomo Paul, March 21, 2015 5:50 pm Category: Business, Local News, Source




Unfortunate incident, which however reflects the in-activeness of Mayor Hamilton Greene.

batty boy 

Words of wisdom Mr. Einstein.


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