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Guyana joins most of South America in having a partly free press. So says the US-based non-governmental human rights organization, FREEDOM HOUSE.

In its latest Freedom of the Press 2014 report, Freedom House ranks Guyana #34 out of 100. In that ranking #1 has the freest press and #100 the least free.

Only three South American countries have free press: Suriname [28/100], French Guiana [22/100] and Uruguay [26/100]. Two countries in the region stand out as Not Free: Venezuela [78/100] and Ecuador [62/100].

According to Freedom House, "The Freedom of the Press report measures the level of media independence in 197 countries and territories. Each country receives a numerical score from 0 (the most free) to 100 (the least free) on the basis of combined scores from three subcategories: the legal environment (A), the political environment (B), and the economic environment (C). For each category, a lower number of points is allotted for a more free situation, while a higher number of points is allotted for a less free environment."

Sweden, Norway and the Netherlands share the #1 spot as having the freest press in the world. North Korea has scored the lowest ranking at 97/100.

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According to UNESCO, "World Press Freedom Day was proclaimed by the UN General Assembly in December 1993, following the recommendation of UNESCO's General Conference. Since then, 3 May, the anniversary of the Declaration of Windhoek, is celebrated worldwide as World Press Freedom Day. It is an opportunity to:


  • celebrate the fundamental principles of press freedom;
  • assess the state of press freedom throughout the world;
  • defend the media from attacks on their independence;
  • pay tribute to journalists who have lost their lives in the line of duty."


STABROEK NEWS, May 3 --- Last evening a number of media workers–journalists and editors–were given awards by Ambassador of the United States Brent Hardt for their sterling contributions to the profession in the various fields. The awards were handed out at a cocktail reception to celebrate World Press Freedom day. In this Arian Browne photo are (from right): Vanessa Narine (Guyana Chronicle), Mark Murray (Capitol News), Oluatoyin Alleyne (Stabroek News), Royston Drakes (Capitol News), Latoya Giles (Kaieteur News), Ambassador Hardt, Zena Henry (Kaieteur News), Gordon Moseley (Newssource), Nazima Raghubir (Insight Magazine), Gaulbert Sutherland (Stabroek News), Enrico Woolford (Capitol News), Denis Chabrol (Demerara Waves) and Stabroek News Editor-in-Chief Anand Persaud.

Stabroek News senior reporter Oluatoyin Alleyne receiving a token of recognition for her reporting on trafficking in persons from US Ambassador Brent Hardt on Friday at a reception he hosted in commemoration of World Press Freedom Day.

Stabroek News senior reporter Oluatoyin Alleyne receiving a token of recognition for her reporting on trafficking in persons from US Ambassador Brent Hardt on Friday at a reception he hosted in commemoration of World Press Freedom Day.

Stabroek News senior reporter Gaulbert Sutherland receiving a token of appreciation for his environmental reporting work from US Ambassador Brent Hardt (left) on Friday.

Stabroek News senior reporter Gaulbert Sutherland receiving a token of appreciation for his environmental reporting work from US Ambassador Brent Hardt [left) on Friday.



Originally Posted by yuji22:


I see a foreign meddling in Guyana's affairs.


History has a habit of repeating it self. We had 28 years of dictatorship and rigged election the first time around.(Which was stopped when USA step in)

Look at this Donkey.

Nothing wrong when US govt step in to help the PPP and force PNC to hold free & Fair elections.

But the minute the same USA step in and remind PPP .....Not Holding the Local Govt Elections in 20 same or worse than rigging the elections.....Dem Same PPP Boys turn around and trying fuh hide dem Batty Poke.

Originally Posted by JB:

Guyana is not a democracy and do not have freedom. 

According your YOUR definition.  Does the US has democracy when you can win the popular vote but lose the election?  Every system has its flaws however, as long as they stick to the principle and rules within which they are intended to operate.  Guyana is a democracy albeit with some inherent flaws. 


Guyana feels a lot more free than in the US, especially for a black/brown man.  The police/law enforcement are the long arm against social advancement of the black/brown.  They use the laws to harass and criminalize the youth depriving them of financial aid for higher education and taking away their voting rights.  This drives them further into confinement, isolation and deprivation and eventually more crime.


Before talking about Guyana, Mr Hardt should address the disenfranchisement being practiced right here in the USA.  Guyana perceived lack of certain freedoms are driven by domestic terrorism.  Guyana "Al Qaeda" are hiding out in Buxton/Agricola/Linden.  The GoG has to be very watchful.

Originally Posted by baseman:
Originally Posted by JB:

Guyana is not a democracy and do not have freedom. 

According your YOUR definition.  Does the US has democracy when you can win the popular vote but lose the election?  Every system has its flaws however, as long as they stick to the principle and rules within which they are intended to operate.  Guyana is a democracy albeit with some inherent flaws. 


Guyana feels a lot more free than in the US, especially for a black/brown man.  The police/law enforcement are the long arm against social advancement of the black/brown.  They use the laws to harass and criminalize the youth depriving them of financial aid for higher education and taking away their voting rights.  This drives them further into confinement, isolation and deprivation and eventually more crime.


Before talking about Guyana, Mr Hardt should address the disenfranchisement being practiced right here in the USA.  Guyana perceived lack of certain freedoms are driven by domestic terrorism.  Guyana "Al Qaeda" are hiding out in Buxton/Agricola/Linden.  The GoG has to be very watchful.

your PPP anti-American rant notwithstanding . . .


the Guyana "Al Qaeda" terrorists are headquartered in Freedom House and succoured by the Guyana Gov't  - a quid pro quo to protect their ethnocracy and provide necessary 'space' to rob the Guyanese people


the FBI and DEA know this . . .that's why the 'watch list' is so long


we ah watch alyuh


Freedom of the press is a joke in Guyana.

Kaieteur News is sued for publishing a satirical article. They bribe the judges and sue the newspapers to shut them up.
A Government minister bans NCN from playing calypsoes critical of the government.
The Government withdraws the publishing of ads in the two newspapers with the largest circulation (Stabroek and Kaieteur News) because do not publish PPP propaganda and gives them to Jagdeo boyfriend Bobby's Guyana Times which is used primarily for wrapping fish at the market.
Columnist Freddie Kissoon and his wife are fired from their government jobs for criticizing the government. He is constantly harassed by PPP lackeys throwing shit on him and beating him. They even cooked up a fake lawsuit for libel.
NCN and The Chronicle funded by taxpayers, are used as propaganda arms of the PPP.
Journalist Ronald Wadell is murdered by the PPP Phantom Squad for having an anti PPP agenda.
Radio licences handed out to PPP cronies in direct contradiction of the laws.
NCN producer suspended for airing budget debates of opposition parties.
NCN the only TV station that is licensed to broadcast in Linden.



Originally Posted by Jalil:
Originally Posted by yuji22:


I see a foreign meddling in Guyana's affairs.


History has a habit of repeating it self. We had 28 years of dictatorship and rigged election the first time around.(Which was stopped when USA step in)

Look at this Donkey.

Nothing wrong when US govt step in to help the PPP and force PNC to hold free & Fair elections.

But the minute the same USA step in and remind PPP .....Not Holding the Local Govt Elections in 20 same or worse than rigging the elections.....Dem Same PPP Boys turn around and trying fuh hide dem Batty Poke.

Bai yuh see wah happen wen yuh bitch slap Yugi early sunday man disappear...probably gane jump in silane trench...

Originally Posted by baseman:
Originally Posted by JB:
Guyana is not a democracy and do not have freedom.
According your YOUR definition. Does the US has democracy when you can win the popular vote but lose the election? Every system has its flaws however, as long as they stick to the principle and rules within which they are intended to operate. Guyana is a democracy albeit with some inherent flaws. Guyana feels a lot more free than in the US, especially for a black/brown man. The police/law enforcement are the long arm against social advancement of the black/brown. They use the laws to harass and criminalize the youth depriving them of financial aid for higher education and taking away their voting rights. This drives them further into confinement, isolation and deprivation and eventually more crime. Before talking about Guyana, Mr Hardt should address the disenfranchisement being practiced right here in the USA. Guyana perceived lack of certain freedoms are driven by domestic terrorism. Guyana "Al Qaeda" are hiding out in Buxton/Agricola/Linden. The GoG has to be very watchful.
I see the standard law enforcement practices of the regime- setting fire on one private parts, the ruptureing of intestines and shooting the mouth to name a are ok...why? because the US profile you as black?.... the fact that the US consider you black causing you hate yuhself bai..
Last edited by sachin_05
Originally Posted by sachin_05:
Originally Posted by Jalil:
Originally Posted by yuji22:


I see a foreign meddling in Guyana's affairs.


History has a habit of repeating it self. We had 28 years of dictatorship and rigged election the first time around.(Which was stopped when USA step in)

Look at this Donkey.

Nothing wrong when US govt step in to help the PPP and force PNC to hold free & Fair elections.

But the minute the same USA step in and remind PPP .....Not Holding the Local Govt Elections in 20 same or worse than rigging the elections.....Dem Same PPP Boys turn around and trying fuh hide dem Batty Poke.

Bai yuh see wah happen wen yuh bitch slap Yugi early sunday man disappear...probably gane jump in silane trench...

Sachin yuh have to understand....yugee....he is a Batty-poke.

When Kwame was a" PNC House of Israel Thug".....he was Bad...


But move Kwame over to Office of the President and put him in the Central Committee ahead of Anil because he is now a "PPP Black Hindu"

Last edited by Former Member
Originally Posted by baseman:
Originally Posted by JB:

Guyana is not a democracy and do not have freedom. 

According your YOUR definition.  Does the US has democracy when you can win the popular vote but lose the election?  Every system has its flaws however, as long as they stick to the principle and rules within which they are intended to operate.  Guyana is a democracy albeit with some inherent flaws. 


Guyana feels a lot more free than in the US, especially for a black/brown man.  The police/law enforcement are the long arm against social advancement of the black/brown.  They use the laws to harass and criminalize the youth depriving them of financial aid for higher education and taking away their voting rights.  This drives them further into confinement, isolation and deprivation and eventually more crime.


Before talking about Guyana, Mr Hardt should address the disenfranchisement being practiced right here in the USA.  Guyana perceived lack of certain freedoms are driven by domestic terrorism.  Guyana "Al Qaeda" are hiding out in Buxton/Agricola/Linden.  The GoG has to be very watchful.


You mean Mr Roger Khan is Guyana Al Qaeda? 


The PPP is progressively whittling away at press freedom

Dear Editor,

All Guyanese who value the tenets of democratic governance, welcome US Ambassador Brent Hardt’s remarks on the occasion of World Press Freedom Day, on May 2. All right-thinking citizens would agree with academic experts and international organisations throughout the world, that democracy simply does not exist in the absence of a free press.

Editor, the truth is self-evident: the electorate cannot make informed decisions unless they have the facts. The citizens can only exercise control over the government if they are aware of the decisions being made by those in authority. And the way that the citizens obtain such information, is through a free press.

Therefore, Guyanese need a free press in order to have real, informed electoral freedom and social stability. As Abraham Lincoln said: “Let the people be aware of the facts, and the country will be calm.”

Editor, there is a direct correlation between press freedom and human rights; in countries where the press is oppressed, the people are also oppressed and abused. We all know of the total lack of press freedom in North Korea, and we also know of the massive human rights abuses, including random executions. From China, where even the internet is censored, we receive reports of political torture, imprisonment and executions. In Cuba and Pakistan where the media are tightly controlled, there are numerous reports of gross human rights abuses. In Guyana, the situation has not yet deteriorated to those levels. But given current trends, this may be only a matter of time. So will we allow it to happen, or will we take back our country?

Freedom to exchange ideas is not only a democratic norm; it is not only protected by the Constitution of Guyana, but it is also recognised by international treaties and conventions. According Article 19 of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights (UDHR): “Everyone has the right to freedom of opinion and expression; this right includes freedom to hold opinions without interference and to seek, receive and impart information and ideas through any media and regardless of frontiers.” Article 10 of the European Convention on Human Rights (ECHR) and, The International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights (ICCPR) all have similar provisions.

Of course we would expect that anti-democratic, autocratic, and dictatorial forces, would oppose Ambassador Hardt’s contentions. The forces which condone corruption, secrecy and lack of transparency would never want press freedom. So they will make excuses and try to confuse the issue.

Such wicked forces will claim that the independent media need to be more responsible and should not criticise politicians. But this is a spurious, invalid excuse for attacking the press.

The fact is: it is recognised by respected bodies, that political organisations, institutions and individuals must be subject to greater scrutiny and criticism. In fact, this recognition was upheld by the European Court of Human Rights (ECoHR) as early as 1986, in the case of Lingens vs Austria. The court ruled that criticizing politicians is the job and duty of the media. Therefore, the press cannot be penalised for doing their job.

The oppressors will also make the old excuse, that there was no freedom of the press before 1992. But this excuse also has no merit. If the ruling regime claims to be democratic, then how can they compare themselves to the pre-1992 regime, which they say was a dictatorship? It is the comparison of apples with oranges.

Editor, Ambassador Hardt is correct: it is beyond question that this PPP/C regime is progressively eroding freedom of expression, and whittling away freedom of the press. It is equally clear that this administration will do anything and everything to stymie democratic reforms.

So what can we do? Well, we can take away their power. After all, that is our right.

We must demand elections and take back our freedom and our country.

Yours faithfully,

Mark DaCosta

Originally Posted by yuji22:

Ask Moses how them PNC broke his bones and this shameless man is crying about freedom of press.



Originally Posted by Mitwah:
Originally Posted by yuji22:

As we celebrate Indian Arrival day, we will never forget traitors like Moses.

Moses is like Arjuna. He must fight the evil forces that have taken over Guyana under the PPP/C regime.


Moses is no Arjuna. He is a traitor and a stray dog.


As we celebrate Indian Arrival day, we will never forgive traitors like Moses.




One should not be judged based on race.  Guyana in not an Indian society but multicultural and diverse.  The PNC is not all bad, they do have a lot to offer and Indians should feel free to embrace them if their policies and politics coincide.  However, the PNC is such a racist organization hell bent on re-establishing Afro paramountcy.  This usually cause any Indian to react negatively and view any Indian joining as a traitor.

Originally Posted by baseman:

One should not be judged based on race. (Correct)

Guyana in not an Indian society but multicultural and diverse.  (Correct)

The PNC is not all bad, (Correct)

they (the PNC) do have a lot to offer and (Correct)

Indians should feel free to embrace them (the PNC) if their policies and politics coincide. (Correct)



However, the PNC is such a racist organization hell bent on re-establishing Afro paramountcy. (Bull-$hit...Most of the Racist yuh talking about are no longer in the PNC.....They wuking fuh PPP TODAY)

Baseman all de Black PNC Racist House of Isreal Thugs, Goons, Killers & Kick-down-door Bandits are with the PPP today.....working for Ramotar & Jagdeo....Ask your nephew Anil... why he was not promoted in the PPP to top leadership position .....he will tell you the was Because of the Black Racist Hindus in Freedom House and Office of the President.


This usually cause any Indian to react negatively and view any Indian joining as a traitor (Now...Baseman Talking - 100% Pure $kunt)......ONLY KWAME, LAMUMBA, RAMOTAR OR JAGDEO WOULD BELIEVE THIS $HIT BASEMAN TALKING. HIS OWN NEPHEW WOLD NOT BELIEVE HE IS SO $TUPID.


Last edited by Former Member

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