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Former Member

Fazal Khan, former general manager of Guyana Airways passed away in Guyana yesterday morning after a period of illness....


He was an active member of the PPP but fell out with the leadership of the party when Jagdeo was selected to succeed Mrs. Jagan on her resignation as president....


Fazal was one of the many silent heroes of the struggle for fair and free elections. He will be missed by his many friends and comrades who knew him.

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Originally Posted by Churchill:

Fazal Khan, former general manager of Guyana Airways passed away in Guyana yesterday morning after a period of illness....


He was an active member of the PPP but fell out with the leadership of the party when Jagdeo was selected to succeed Mrs. Jagan on her resignation as president....


Fazal was one of the many silent heroes of the struggle for fair and free elections. He will be missed by his many friends and comrades who knew him.

Laad Ah Mercy! How many People Jagdeo has chased away from the Party?? It is a miracle that the Party is still on it's feet. The Jagdeo/Moses fued has been going on since about 8 years now. Jagdeo really pissed a lot of long standing Members off. Some of these People were in the Party before he was born. I guess when POWER gets into your head, you become a different person. Anyway, my condolences to the Family.

Originally Posted by BGurd_See:
Originally Posted by Cobra:

My condolences to the family. I used to get free flight with Guyana Airways 2000 under Shri Chand, the late Minister of Commerce.

No wonder th airline failed. Friends and family getting free flights.  How is Sri Chand related to Khan?

Every airline gives out free flights to it's employees & friends and it doesn't cost the airlines anything. It called a non-revenue passenger with restrictions. You have to be on a standby and if there is a vacant seat then you go. A non-revenue passenger is totally different from stealing corporate revenues that leads to bankruptcy.  

Originally Posted by Nehru:
Originally Posted by Churchill:

Fazal Khan, former general manager of Guyana Airways passed away in Guyana yesterday morning after a period of illness....


He was an active member of the PPP but fell out with the leadership of the party when Jagdeo was selected to succeed Mrs. Jagan on her resignation as president....


Fazal was one of the many silent heroes of the struggle for fair and free elections. He will be missed by his many friends and comrades who knew him.

Laad Ah Mercy! How many People Jagdeo has chased away from the Party?? It is a miracle that the Party is still on it's feet. The Jagdeo/Moses fued has been going on since about 8 years now. Jagdeo really pissed a lot of long standing Members off. Some of these People were in the Party before he was born. I guess when POWER gets into your head, you become a different person. Anyway, my condolences to the Family.

Nehru, I know of many grass root supporters here in Toronto who also feel the ingratitude of the Jagdeo and Ramotar clique.


Anyway my deepest sympathy and condolences to the Fazal family.


My condolences to the family.  I think he was Gail Texeira's ex-husband.  He did indeed fall out of favor with the Party when he opposed Janet Jagan's elevation of Jagdeo above senior party faithful.  Ironically, Janet herself fell out of favor with Jagdeo when she opposed the denial of ads to the Stabroek News. 


For the second time in less than a week I've lost another former PPP comrade and friend, first Bholan Boodhoo, now Fazel Khan.

As I mentioned to Churchill off the board, Fazel and I were close friends from 1983 thru 1991.

Besides doing PPP work voluntarily, he and I collaborated in the now defunct Guyana-Cuba Friendship Society and the Guyanese-Soviet Friendship Society.

I recall the film shows we showed at Friendship House on South Road, he and I operating the two Russian-made projectors.

Fazil also did an outstanding job conducting the customary Corn House, a fundraiser where players used bingo cards and corn. He took every opportunity to raise funds, selling Corn House tickets even while we relaxed with a beer at Hotel Tower bar.

After the PPP won the 1992 elections I thought the Party would have named Fazel a Member of Parliament. Sadly, that was not to be; people far below Fazel's calibre became PPP parliamentarians.

I offer my condolence to Fazel's five children.

In case you're wondering, our now deceased friend once told me his name was spelled F-A-Z-E-L.

Originally Posted by Jalil:

Captain Fazel Khan


During the PNC Dictatorship Days

Burnham Banned the PPP Newspaper

Mirror from being Circulated 

& Being Distributed in Guyana.


Captain Fazel Khan made sure

the PPP's Message was read

and circulated throughout Guyana's Interior.


From God we come...

and him shall we return.

That's true, Jalil. Faz and I used to sell the Mirror newspaper in Georgetown too.

We belonged to separate PPP groups but he had a habit of walking with copies of the Mirror and I would help him sell them -- Regent Street, Bourda Market, Kitty, Campbellville, etc.

I heard Faz used to sell the paper even in Bourda Cricket Ground, while a match was in progress. Talk about dedication to the PPP....


Gailbaka, Fazal would fill his Pilot Bag with Mirror

Plus a few more Copies Under His Shirt,

and fly that plane all over Guyana

Distributing the Mirror.....


Quote Gailbaka...

I heard Faz used to sell the paper

even in Bourda Cricket Ground,

while a match was in progress.

Talk about dedication to the PPP....


Could you Imagine Jagdeo & Ramotar

Sold the Headquarters of the Mirror

 to their Friend Ed Ahmad?


Fazal Khan, old stalwart wonderful guy, friendly, and very principled.


RIP: Fazal Khan

Son of the soil and a Patriot:


Traveling on BIWI Flight early in the morning

This was a very long time ago, we began a discussion

He was the Ancient Mariner, jolly old fella, and his tale he did tell.

We talked Politics, Events in Guyana, then he began to tell me about

GAC and its problems, and why it was shut down, he told me about

the former manager of Guyana Airways, we talked a lot, and I was

quite astonished that he was some one in the know.

What I was told, jogged my memories tonight.

Someday my good friend M.S.Khan (Former Airport Manager)

might be able to fill me in. Now the story makes sense.


Fazal Khan was a brilliant manager at Guyana Airways

Cheddi Jagan was proud of the way that he,

Fazal who was able to turned GAC around.


Jagan Boasted that Overseas operations

was subsidizing the Domestic Operations

and offering local flights at a reduced cost.


Both Jagan or Fazal did not know

that some one in the congregation known as the Vulture

was feasting and spreading it's wings

 on the operations of the National Airline


  The Very Big Problem at Timheri Airport began to surface

when it became clear to GAC Management and Officials

that Drug belonging to Jagdeo Friend Roger

was finding it's way easily pass all the security in place

and getting easily on the National Carrier

and being smuggled overseas

A next Jagdeo Close Friend...Manniram Prashad

was in charge of the Airport Operations.


US Govt started hitting GAC with some Hefty Fines

Jagdeo Boys keep doing their thing

and it got to a point where the Airlines

Just could not keep up with these fines.


Jagdeo boys were controlling the Airport

the Security, Customs or Immigration in place

were now working under De Jagdeo Boys

could not control or Stop the Smuggling

no one see, saw, heard or knew anything the Drugs was getting on the Plane.


Janet Jagan was President at the Time

and she Decided to Shut the Airline down

but the Drug Shipments continued

because by now Jagdeo's Friend Roger 

was in total control of the airport operations.




When Jagdeo became President,

Jagdeo realize Fazel knew he (Jagdeo)

was a close friend of Roger Khan...

So to keep him away from the Airport

Jagdeo Give Fazel a flunky Office Job at OP...


Jagdeo was trying to buy Fazel silence,

But Fazel left the Job & Left the Party too...

He refused to be Part of the Heist of Guyana... 


Former GAC boss Fazal Khan dies

November 14, 2013 | By | Filed Under News 


Fazal Khan, former husband of Gail Teixeira and ex General Manager of the now defunct Guyana Airways Corporation, died on Tuesday. He was 67.

Captain Fazal Khan

Captain Fazal Khan

Relatives stated that Mr. Khan passed away at the Caribbean Heart Institute on Tuesday morning after a brief illness. Captain Khan, an old QC boy from Cunningham “K” House, was in the first batch of Guyanese who attended Embry Riddle Aeronautical School in Daytona Beach, Florida.


Khan returned to Guyana in 1968 and started working with GAC. Many of his colleagues regard him as an exceptional pilot.


In 1969, he married Claudia Madramootoo and fathered three children; two boys and a girl. He later divorced her in 1985. Captain Khan later engaged in a common law union with Government Chief Whip Gail Teixeira and fathered two girls.


Mr. Khan functioned as the Head of the Guyana- Cuba Friendship Society and was also involved in the Guyana Peace Council for a number of years. He was active in the Pilot Union for a number of years. He himself was a pilot.


A longstanding member of the People’s Progressive Party (PPP), Mr. Khan was the only member of the PPP who voted against Bharrat Jagdeo becoming the Presidential candidate of the party in the run up of the 1997 elections.

After years of flying, in 1995 he left the cockpit because of his health. He then became the General Manager for GAC up until 1998. He later worked as the Safety Manager with Air Services Limited up until January 2013 when his failing health no longer permitted him to continue.


His colleagues regarded “Faz” as someone who was always politically oriented. As a Captain, he was highly respected and loved by many people, especially in the interior where he would assist many there who trusted him. A man of integrity and firm principles, Fazal Khan was a very special person to Guyana; loved and highly regarded by many.

Originally Posted by Mitwah:
Originally Posted by BGurd_See:

So now we find it he is the man that run gac into the ground. karma ketching them one by one. 

Is your ass jealous of the kind of shit that comes out of your mouth? Jesus loves you, everyone else thinks you're an A$$hole!

Mits...I am glad Big Seed rip open the pouch to let everyone on GNI see what he is worst than dem dutty crab-louse.

I feel sorry for his friends Rev, Nehru, Ewe-gee who always defend him ...but now they decide to leave de godee alone.


But Gailbaka would tell you Fazel would smoke his cigarette in peace and leave him punish in eee corner.


But I would soak down ee hydro with Diesel...

and ask Fazel to flick the lighted Cigerette Butt....

and I know Captain would land right on target everytime......

.and flush out da crab-louse........

if any aya doubt me.... ask his friend Gailbaka.


At his Janaza Ceremony today, there were so many distinguished speakers, but what really interest me today was that three members of Parliament, from the three different Parties, poured out glowing tributes to this son of the soil, that in itself tells you what kind of person Fazel Khan was.


Fazal Khan, old stalwart wonderful guy, friendly, and very principled.


RIP:Captain Fazal Khan

Son of the soil and a Patriot:


Originally Posted by Gilbakka:
Originally Posted by Jalil:

Captain Fazel Khan


During the PNC Dictatorship Days

Burnham Banned the PPP Newspaper

Mirror from being Circulated 

& Being Distributed in Guyana.


Captain Fazel Khan made sure

the PPP's Message was read

and circulated throughout Guyana's Interior.


From God we come...

and him shall we return.

That's true, Jalil. Faz and I used to sell the Mirror newspaper in Georgetown too.

We belonged to separate PPP groups but he had a habit of walking with copies of the Mirror and I would help him sell them -- Regent Street, Bourda Market, Kitty, Campbellville, etc.

I heard Faz used to sell the paper even in Bourda Cricket Ground, while a match was in progress. Talk about dedication to the PPP....

Originally Posted by Cobra:

Captain Khan later engaged in a common law union with Government Chief Whip Gail Teixeira and fathered two girls.


Anybody knows if Gail went and see the man?

Gail Teixeira was there with their two daughters, along with his other wife and their children, it is remarkable that during Captain Khan, illness both wives during the last month or so appears as a tightly knitted family and consoled the sickly Captain, until he succumbed to the illness. Gail Teixeira was one of the speakers, she spoke for herself and did not bring any politics in her speech. Nagamotoo was there, showering some glowing tributes then we had a  PNC parliamentarian, (cannot remember his name now) but at the end of it all, it was a solemn but wonderful ceremony.

Ah!! met the Captain brother, and this guy is a carbon copy of the Captain.


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