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Patterson admits to ‘mix-up’ in bridge study funding

By Gary Eleazar, ,

…he can’t just say, “oh I mixed up the bridges, and is not sanctioned” – Bishop Edghill

Public Infrastructure Minister David Patterson


Patterson had claimed it was the IDB that had funded the feasibility study to the tune of $146 million, leading to calls from the Opposition People’s Progressive Party (PPP) for that international financial institution to make a public pronouncement, since its credibility was at stake.

Minister Patterson subsequently issued a retraction, saying, “The Ministry wishes to state that the consultancy was not funded by the IDB, but rather by the Government of Guyana.”


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Patterson admits to ‘mix-up’ in bridge study funding

By Gary Eleazar, ,

…he can’t just say, “oh I mixed up the bridges, and is not sanctioned” – Bishop Edghill

Minister of Public Infrastructure, David Patterson was forced to backpedal over the weekend when he admitted that the Inter-American Development Bank (IDB) did not in fact fund the feasibility study for the new Demerara River Crossing – a consultancy mired in controversy over the selection of the Dutch consultants LievenseCSO and their findings.
Patterson had claimed it was the IDB that had funded the feasibility study to the tune of $146 million, leading to calls from the Opposition People’s Progressive Party (PPP) for that international financial institution to make a public pronouncement, since its credibility was at stake.
Minister Patterson subsequently issued a retraction, saying, “The Ministry wishes to state that the consultancy was not funded by the IDB, but rather by the Government of Guyana.”

PPP/C Member of Parliament Juan Edghill

In an attempt to offer an explanation, Patterson now claims, “The mix-up arose since the IDB was funding the feasibility study and design for the bridge across the Demerara River at Wismar at about the same time.”
He had originally claimed it was with funding from the IDB that the Ministry had advertised the consultancy for feasibility study and design for the new Demerara River Bridge.

The latest blunder on the part of the minister with responsibility for one of Guyana’s largest budgetary agencies is now seeing a growing chorus calling for his resignation or immediate firing.
PPP/C Member of Parliament Bishop Juan Edghill, in an interview with this publication on Sunday, reiterated that his call must be seen in its context.
“This has nothing to do with politics. The man is demonstrating — more and more every day – his incompetence,” Edghill posited.
According to him, “This matter must be seen in context”, and he pointed to the recent scrapping of the planned Diamond vehicular overpass and the reasons given, the spate of blackouts that have been plaguing ordinary Guyanese and the business community. “Even basic functions of this important ministry are not being carried out,” he charged.
The PPP/C Member of Parliament, in calling for President Granger to immediately fire Minister Patterson, said, “This latest public blunder by Patterson was no mistake, as he is leading people to believe now.”
Edghill explained to this publication that when sums of money are being taken from the treasury to fund a feasibility report, that process is entirely different from one in which the IDB is providing funding. There is a whole long process involved that is completely different, he said.
“So Patterson can’t just say, ‘Oh, I mixed up the bridges,’ and is not sanctioned. Clearly he doesn’t know what he is doing,” Edghill charged.

Diamond overpass
The Opposition MP also pointed out — lest some would want to point fingers and to say, “The PPP is picking on Minister Patterson because he made a few mistakes with how he handled the bridge” — that one should take a look at the latest botched project under his watch: the Diamond vehicular overpass.
According to Edghill, any first-year engineering student would have been able to tell that there was simply not enough space available to make that venture a viable one.
“Imagine, one year after you go out with this ‘pie in the sky’ plan and actually get approval for it, you realise that there is no space to build it… What is the reason for cancelling the entire project? Why not just buy out some of the privately owned lands, as is the case with (the coalition financier Stanley) Ming, in order to build the new Demerara bridge?” Edghill asked.
Edghill told Guyana Times the Diamond example is but one project, and iterated, “Not wanting to be seen as splitting hairs, but it cannot be mere coincidence that countrywide blackouts have plagued this country ever since Minister Patterson took control of that sector.
“We continue to hear a whole host of excuses from GPL, but the only thing that really changed there was the leadership. They put a ‘chicken feed’ maker to run the place. What else would you expect?” the MP asserted.

Track record
Edghill, in calling for Minister Patterson’s removal from that ministerial portfolio, observed that an overall assessment of works done by the Ministry since the coalition took office would reveal that not only has there been a halt to any significant infrastructural development, but the country is at a standstill even when it comes to repairing what is already deteriorating.
“Look at the financial reports that are coming out from official Government sources prepared by the technical people. The Ministry of Public Infrastructure barely manages to pay its staff and pay its bills. None of the real work is getting done… Look at their track record in the mid-year reports,” Edghill declared.
According to the 2017 Mid-Year Report prepared by the Ministry of Finance, Government budgeted $37.2 billion to support continuous improvement to public infrastructure. Of this amount, $4 billion were expended on roads, and $242 million on bridges at the half year.
Overall, the Finance Minister, in his report, had confessed that notwithstanding the early budget, the required shift in planning cycles at the sectoral levels failed to keep pace, and the Public Sector Investment Programme (PSIP) was less than one-third of the budgeted allocation.


This is government has been embarrassing itself incessantly since the very first week they began governing. Scandals and lies have become their trademark. Everyone, including their own die-hard supporters know that plans are in place to rig elections in 2020.  Give credit to Stabroek News for exposing them to the public. 

Billy Ram Balgobin
Last edited by Billy Ram Balgobin

Note that the pnc garbage men have avoided this thread like the plague. I suppose djangy and the crew have been instructed to not engage the critics until suitable talking points have been approved by the op. 

Drugb posted:

Note that the pnc garbage men have avoided this thread like the plague. I suppose djangy and the crew have been instructed to not engage the critics until suitable talking points have been approved by the op. 

Django swears they are going back in for another term in 2020.  In other words, he supports incompetence.

Drugb posted:

Note that the pnc garbage men have avoided this thread like the plague. I suppose djangy and the crew have been instructed to not engage the critics until suitable talking points have been approved by the op. 

No one cares to discuss crap coming from gy times.

alena06 posted:
Drugb posted:

Note that the pnc garbage men have avoided this thread like the plague. I suppose djangy and the crew have been instructed to not engage the critics until suitable talking points have been approved by the op. 

Django swears they are going back in for another term in 2020.  In other words, he supports incompetence.

Well the incompetent opposition leader have no strategy,what is expected APNU/AFC  will be there for another term.

cain posted:
Drugb posted:

Note that the pnc garbage men have avoided this thread like the plague. I suppose djangy and the crew have been instructed to not engage the critics until suitable talking points have been approved by the op. 

No one cares to discuss crap coming from gy times.

That's correct,articles from that paper have to be taken with a grain of salt.

alena06 posted:
Drugb posted:

Note that the pnc garbage men have avoided this thread like the plague. I suppose djangy and the crew have been instructed to not engage the critics until suitable talking points have been approved by the op. 

Django swears they are going back in for another term in 2020.  In other words, he supports incompetence.

Django not only supports incompetence but he will sink with the PNC thieves and crooks in 2020.

yuji22 posted:
alena06 posted:
Drugb posted:

Note that the pnc garbage men have avoided this thread like the plague. I suppose djangy and the crew have been instructed to not engage the critics until suitable talking points have been approved by the op. 

Django swears they are going back in for another term in 2020.  In other words, he supports incompetence.

Django not only supports incompetence but he will sink with the PNC thieves and crooks in 2020.

Keep on dreaming,

PPP will be sitting in the opposition benches for a while.

Django posted:
yuji22 posted:
alena06 posted:
Drugb posted:

Note that the pnc garbage men have avoided this thread like the plague. I suppose djangy and the crew have been instructed to not engage the critics until suitable talking points have been approved by the op. 

Django swears they are going back in for another term in 2020.  In other words, he supports incompetence.

Django not only supports incompetence but he will sink with the PNC thieves and crooks in 2020.

Keep on dreaming,

PPP will be sitting in the opposition benches for a while.

So you are effect saying that the saying shyte head Granger will rig in 2020. The shyte head is stalling the naming of a Head for  GECOM. Ever wondered why ?

Last edited by Former Member
Django posted:
yuji22 posted:
Django posted:
yuji22 posted:
alena06 posted:
Drugb posted:

Note that the pnc garbage men have avoided this thread like the plague. I suppose djangy and the crew have been instructed to not engage the critics until suitable talking points have been approved by the op. 

Django swears they are going back in for another term in 2020.  In other words, he supports incompetence.

Django not only supports incompetence but he will sink with the PNC thieves and crooks in 2020.

Keep on dreaming,

PPP will be sitting in the opposition benches for a while.

So you are effect saying that the saying shyte head Granger will rig in 2020.

Banna bruk up the statement,what you writing???

Yuji is NEVER afraid to call a spade a spade.

I repeat:

"So you are effect saying that the shyte head Granger will rig in 2020. The shyte head is stalling the naming of a Head for  GECOM. Ever wondered why ?"

Last edited by Former Member
yuji22 posted:
Django posted:
yuji22 posted:
alena06 posted:
Drugb posted:

Note that the pnc garbage men have avoided this thread like the plague. I suppose djangy and the crew have been instructed to not engage the critics until suitable talking points have been approved by the op. 

Django swears they are going back in for another term in 2020.  In other words, he supports incompetence.

Django not only supports incompetence but he will sink with the PNC thieves and crooks in 2020.

Keep on dreaming,

PPP will be sitting in the opposition benches for a while.

So you are effect saying that the saying shyte head Granger will rig in 2020. The shyte head is stalling the naming of a Head for  GECOM. Ever wondered why ?

Banna bruk up the statement,what you sniffing ??

yuji22 posted:


Edit um nah bhai,

using derogatory remarks to define President Granger will not help the PPP to win.

Eat your heart !!!!

Take a look who are Granger Advisers.


President meets Chevron official

Last edited by Django
cain posted:
Drugb posted:

Note that the pnc garbage men have avoided this thread like the plague. I suppose djangy and the crew have been instructed to not engage the critics until suitable talking points have been approved by the op. 

No one cares to discuss crap coming from gy times.

Of course, you only select the news that is favorable to the pnc. Interestingly you have become the same that you accused the PPP supporters years ago when they were in power.

Drugb posted:

Maybe the chief slop can carrier was given an extra dose of roasted black bigan, hence his unwavering loyalty. 

Imagining the "roasted black bigan" alleviates your short comings.

Hope you didn't forget to walk with the seat cushion,your day in cubicle may be painful.

Last edited by Django
Drugb posted:

Rass ah get a promotion, slop can boy tek meh off he ignore list.

I will respond to you when ever it's necessary.

You are still on ignore,

had to remind you how you enjoyed the roasted "black bigan" and early marnin spreading your dirty laundry on GNI.

Last edited by Django

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