Medical leave has been extended for the Chairman of the Guyana Elections Commission (GECOM), Justice (Rtd) James Patterson, 85.

A statement today from GECOM said that Patterson’s leave has been extended following a visit to his doctor yesterday. Following the postponement of meetings from early December because he was unwell, GECOM had said that the meetings would resume from today.

“While the Chairman  has been recovering well, he was advised by his doctor to have some additional rest to ensure that he fully recovers to effectively resume duty”, GECOM said.

The extension of leave will raise increasing questions about whether Patterson will be able to perform his duties. This is particularly in the light that early general elections have to be held following the passage of a motion of no confidence against the government.

Justice (Rtd) James Patterson

There are also outstanding matters pertaining to the Local Government Elections of November 12 last year.

Patterson’s selection by President David Granger after he had rejected 18 names submitted by Opposition Leader Bharrat Jagdeo had led to questions being raised about whether he would be able to endure the rigours and divisiveness of a general elections campaign at his advanced age.
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