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Originally Posted by Chief:
Originally Posted by cain:


Killing people in the name of religion, nice,real nice.


It's time to bomb those sick bastards into oblivion.

Why you want to bomb Israel?

Anyone going out of their way to harm others, especially in the name of religion are sickos, they should be removed. I said nothing about Israel.




I hope that I do not rub some people in the wrong manner but it appears that some in the muslim community cannot tolerate free speech and freedom of expression when it comes to someone expressing their opinion in a free country.


This is very sick and islamic leaders should not pretend to be friends with the USA but yet do not speak out against the killing of American citizens in the guise of defending Islam.


This is sick indeed. A vast majority of muslims who are peaceful and moderates must speak out against a small group of extremists elements who kill in the name of Islam.


Who vex, vex.

Originally Posted by asj:
Pakistan condemns insulting anti-Islam film


Pakistan's Foreign Minister Hina Rabbani Khar
Wed Sep 12, 2012 6:34PM GMT
Pakistan’s foreign ministry has strongly condemned a controversial anti-Islam film, made in the United States, which insults Prophet Muhammad (PBUH).

“The government of Pakistan strongly condemns the airing of a defamatory video clip in the US, maligning the revered and pious personality of Prophet Mohammad,” the statement said.

The statement added that the clip would promote “hatred, discord, and enmity within societies and between peoples of various faiths.”

The ministry also condemned the violence sparked by the video, which resulted in the death of the US envoy to Libya.

The act has drawn condemnation from the Vatican in Rome, Egypt, Libya, Pakistan, Afghanistan, Sudan, and Iran.

Earlier, US ambassador to Libya, Chris Stevens, along with three other consulate staff members was killed in Benghazi after a group of angry demonstrators reportedly attacked the consulate building over the insulting film.

Protests have erupted in several countries, including Libya and Egypt, in response to the sacrilegious movie.

When I first saw this girl I had no idea she was a minister.  She look so simple.  But looks can be misleading.  She sharp as nails.

Originally Posted by cain:
Originally Posted by Chief:
Originally Posted by cain:


Killing people in the name of religion, nice,real nice.


It's time to bomb those sick bastards into oblivion.

Why you want to bomb Israel?

Anyone going out of their way to harm others, especially in the name of religion are sickos, they should be removed. I said nothing about Israel.


There are two religions that if you offend you will not live to tell the story, Islam and Judaism (Holocaust cult).


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