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Former Member

Only weeks after it appeared President Donald Trump was steering the United States toward a military conflict with North Korea, a North Korean diplomat has said it might be time to talk.

“We’ll have dialogue if the conditions are there,” Choi Son Hui, head of U.S. affairs for the North Korean foreign ministry, said Saturday.

Trump, who has said he will use every means at his disposal to end North Korea’s aggressive nuclear program, first mentioned meeting with North Korean leader Kim Jong Un in a May 1 interview.



“If it would be appropriate for me to meet with him, l would absolutely, I would be honored to do it,” Trump told Bloomberg News. “If it’s under the, again, under the right circumstances. But I would do that.”

“Most political people would never say that, but I’m telling you under the right circumstances I would meet with him. We have breaking news,” Trump said then.


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I told the white house via email that a war with North Korea is not going to be an Iraq type war. North Korea has been preparing to fight America since the Korean war ended. In my opinion direct talks cannot hurt. I hope they got the message.



Congratulation to president Trump for bringing North Korea to the negotiation table. A war with the North can destabilize the entire region or started WWIII. 

Salute, Mr. Trump.  


People from every street in North Korea can be converted to be a part of a military unit in minutes.  That is what America will be up against if war breaks out. What Kim wants is some guarantee that he and family will remain as rulers.


North Korea went ahead and launched another missile despite after agreeing to negotiate under the right conditions with the United States. Currently, the U.S. is accessing the type of missile launched. Trump should take care with this trouble maker. 

Cobra posted:

North Korea went ahead and launched another missile despite after agreeing to negotiate under the right conditions with the United States. Currently, the U.S. is accessing the type of missile launched. Trump should take care with this trouble maker. 

As I said in part of my email to the White House. America has to take into consideration the growing position of China in Asia and the world. Direct talks can help.

Last edited by Prashad
Cobra posted:

North Koreans don't believed in diplomacy. Dictorship is embedded in their psyche for generations. 

I don't agree.  NK have a long-held position of direct talks with the USA, also a long-held position of China.  Every other President shunned them and refuse direct talks instead calling for multi-party and setting pre-conditions.  Trump will accommodate the NK's and see what happens.  If you don't try, you will never know.

Baseman supports Trump in this initiative!  After this, next stop, Palestine!  Then peace with Canada!

Vive la Trump!!

ksazma posted:

Looks like Kim Jong Un found someone more lunatic than him and thinks he is in a great position to call the shots.

Many Conservatives used the same language to describe the Iranian leadership and the Cubans!

The NK's are playing a clever high-risk game.  They heard Trump during the campaign.  I'm certain, there were some back-channel messages via China when Trump met the Premier!  Not testing a nuke, but instead a benign short range projectile was a message to Trump.  Everyone came out with something other than pie in the face!

The NKs are not irrational!

Vive la Trump!

Last edited by Former Member

America should try to get North Korea and Kim as a friend instead of a foe. North Korea, Burma, and Vietnam can be important blocks to Chinese expansion in Asia and the world.

Last edited by Prashad
Prashad posted:

America should try to get North Korea and Kim as a friend instead of a foe. North Korea, Burma, and Vietnam can be important blocks to Chinese expansion in Asia and the world.

I doubt he can get NK and Burma in an alliance against China, Vietnam, yes.  However, his biggest "Trump" card in the deck is India.


China has been arming Pakistan to fight India while at the same time continue to claim Indian territory as their own. There are some Crabdog  koolie fight up who support China. If I had my way I would rip these bottomless traitors apart.


Last edited by Prashad

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